BlackBerry <----> MagicJack

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BlackBerry <----> MagicJack / Habla "casi" gratis e ilimitadamente en EU y entre magicJacks usando tu Blackberry

Pues magicJack para los que no conocen es un modem o un Voip Que se conecta al computador y te permite hablar y recibir llamadas a Estados Unidos, Canada y puerto Rico ilimitadamente, la unica desventaja es que requiere de un computador y de conexion a internet.

pero el servicio es muy bueno, yo tengo una cuenta que me costo $60 USD por 5 años de llamadas ilimitadas, sobre todo allá que las tarjetas prepago son tan caras y te cobran por recibir llamadas como si tu las hubieras hecho.

te dan una linea virtual a donde te pueden llamar y recibir llamadas y voice mail, las llamadas entre magicjacks son ilimitadas y gratuitas (en cualquier parte del mundo)

ellos tambien tienen planes para moviles ilimitados, pero como no es mi necesidad no lo he consultado, pero ahi me llega la propaganda.



Bueno ahora ligandolo con blackberry

por ahi encontre una forma de ligar tu cuenta magickjack a tu blackberry,
el blackberry funciona como el VOIP fisico
y la cuenta se puede enlazar a tu aparato
algo asi como skype para moviles, pero mejor

aqui les dejo la información

How to Use VOIP with your IPhone, Windows Mobile or Blackberry Device

Read more: How to Use VOIP with your IPhone, Windows Mobile or Blackberry Device |

How to Use VOIP with your IPhone, Windows Mobile or Blackberry Device

How to Use VOIP with your IPhone, Windows Mobile or Blackberry Device

Do you want to use your VOIP connection such as a MagicJack with your Data Connection Plan on your Cell Phone? Using these instructions below you should be able to get up and running in only a few minutes.


Things You'll Need:

  • VOIP device (these instructions will advise with a MagicJack)
  • Cell Phone with a Data Connection (i.e. IPhone, Windows Mobile, Blackberry)
  • Fring (free download at
  1. Step 1
    On your phone, go to and download the Fring Application. This application integrates several applications such as AIM, Skype, MSN and SIP into one program. SIP (Session Initiation Protocol) is what you will be using to connect to your VOIP session.
  2. Step 2
    Now you need to find out what your MagicJack username and password are. They are hidden on the MagicJack, but fortunately there are applications that can find this information. On the computer in which you have the MagicJack plugged into, download Stroths MagicJack Utitlies Suite at or
  3. Step 3
    After downloading, Stroths MagicJack Utilities, extract the application and run SIPInfo.exe. Please note that you may need to change the config.ini. Please follow the on screen instructions. You may also need to run the SIPInfo.exe application more than once in order to get the information.
  4. Step 4
    Once the information is extracted, click on SIPInfo.txt to view it. Now go to your cell phone and start the FRING application. Once there click on SIP and then SUBSCRIBE. Then choose OTHER SIP.
  5. Step 5
    For username enter the username from your SIPInfo and then add

    For example,
  6. Step 6
    Now for the password, enter the ProxyPassword from SIPInfo. Finally, enter the ProxyName in the third box on your phone and at the end add :5070 (this is the port the phone needs).

    For example:
  7. Step 7
    Now click SUBSCRIBE and your MagicJack should be registered. From here on, when you select a contact in FRING and select CALL, it should give you the option to use Cell or SIP (MagicJack) calls. You should be now all set.

Tips & Warnings

  • Follow the instructions carefully.
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