Grabar demos en UT

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Lanero Reconocido
16 Mar 2002
Hay alguna forma para grabar partidas en UT, si la hay, cómo es? Existe un equivalente al "record" de Quake3?
Demo Recording / Playing

Here's how to record and play demos in UT:

DEMOREC [filename_without_extension]
records current game into file

stops recording current game

DEMOPLAY [filename_without_extension]
re-plays recorded demo named (filename in 1st person view of the player

DEMOPLAY [filename_without_extension]?3rdperson
re-plays recorded demo named [filename] in 3rd person view of all players or freecam view

Submitted by Vjeran Andrasic - EllisD aka Clay(HR) & Basta - WebMaster of Croatian UT Scene site (
Thank you!

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