Proverbs in English


Lanero Reconocido
17 Jul 2005
There is a list of proverbs that I found on the net and the meaning in spanish.

A bad workman always blames his tools. Para el mal oficial, no hay herramienta buena.

All cats are grey in the dark. De noche todos los gatos son pardos.

All good things come to an end. Todas las cosas buenas tienen un final.

Better the devil you know than the devil you don't know.
Más vale lo malo conocido que lo bueno por conocer.

Dead dogs don't bite.
Muerto el perro, se acabó la rabia.

Don't make a mountain out of a molehill.
No hagas una montaña de un grano de arena.

Easy come, easy go. Lo que fácil viene, fácil se va.

Empty vessels make most noise. Mucho ruido y pocas nueces.

Experience is the best teacher. La experiencia es madre de la ciencia.

False friends are worse than bitter enemies.
Los falsos amigos son peores que los implacables enemigos.

Grin and bear it. Sonríe y sopórtalo. Half a loaf is better than no bread. A falta de pan, buenas son tortas.

He that cannot obey cannot command.
Hace falta saber obedecer para saber mandar.

Health is not valued till sickness comes.
La salud no es conocida hasta que es perdida.

Ill weeds grow apace.
Hierba mala nunca muere.

Knowledge is no burden.
El saber no ocupa lugar.

Man proposes, God disposes.
El hombre propone y Dios dispone.

Necessity is the mother of invention. La necesidad es la madre del ingenio.

Necessity knows no law.
La necesidad carece de ley

No man is content with his lot.
Nadie está contento con su suerte.

Nothing seek, nothing find. Quien busca halla.

Old habits die hard.
Las viejas costumbres tardan en desaparecer.

You reap what you sow.
Lo que siembres recogerás.

If you know more, please let me know. I see a good way to practice English with these proverbs.The meaning in spanish is not literally, but explains how you can understand the proverb in your language.

From the tv show Friends:

Rachel´s mom: "Once a cheater, always a cheater".:p
El que una vez engaña, engaña siempre.
Literally it would be "engañador" cheater..=)
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Nice topic!

Here i go:

This is something that we usually listen on english classes:

"The more you practice, the more you learn" Mientras mas practiques, mas aprendes.

If life gives you lemons, then get tequila anda salt, and make a party of it .

i think this one is better then the regular:

if life gives you lemons, then make lemonade of it

A man have to do, what he has to do.

There are two certain things in life: dead and taxes. (usually used by americans)

thats all by now.

Practice makes perfect. I haven't heard the more you practise the more you learn before.

Oh and there are two things in life that are certain; death and taxes.

I have some more :p

Roma wasn't built in a day. Roma no se hizo en un día

It takes two to tango. Se necesitan dos para el tango

Curiosity killed the cat. La curiosidad mató al gato (well, maybe was the neighbor xD just kidding)

Too many cook spoil the broth. Muchas manos en un plato ponen el caldo morado (that's the meaning in Venezuela :p if you have another one let us know ^^)

that's it :p now i gtg, take care and see ya around :)
Five rules to be happy.
1. Free your heart from hatred.
2. Free your mind from worries.
3. Live simply.
4. Give more.
5. Expect less.

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