Calculan el Dígito Diez - Billonesimo del Número PI!!!

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Shigeru Kondo's desktop PC (Shigeru Kondo)

It took more than a year but a Japanese math enthusiast has used a a home PC to calculate the ten trillionth digit of pi, breaking a record set a couple of years ago by a supercomputer.

Unless my high school math memory is off, Pi describes the ratio of a circle's circumference to its diameter. Mathematicians generally rounded off to just two places, which brings the number to 3.14. Shigeru Kondo was assisted in the feat by Northwestern University grad school student Alexander Yee, who wrote the software. On his blog, Kondo noted that the team's pursuit of its goal often got sidetracked due to several hardware failures.

"Over the course of the computation, there were multiple hard drive failures. Each of which required us to roll the computation back to a previous checkpoint. The result was approximately 180 days of lost time," he wrote.


The 10-trillion pi output screen

All told, the pair devoted 371 days of computation to the task.

During the course of the project, the temperature of the computer room climbed to nearly 104 Fahrenheit, or 40 Celsius. "We could dry the laundry immediately, but we had to pay 30,000 yen ($390) a month for electricity," Kyodo News quoted Kondo's wife, Yukiko, as saying.

Perhaps the most remarkable aspect of the news is that it took a supercomputer - the T2K-Tsukuba System - to set the previous record in 2009 of 2.5 trillion digits.

In case you were wondering what kind of configuration was required to achieve this prodigious feat, the spec sheet was a surprisingly modest one, chockablock with common off-the-shelf parts.

The list included:

- Processor: 2 x Intel Xeon X5680 @ 3.33 GHz - (12 physical cores, 24 hyperthreaded)
- Memory: 96 GB DDR3 @ 1066 MHz - (12 x 8 GB - 6 channels)
- Motherboard: Asus Z8PE-D12
- Hard Drives: 1 TB SATA II (Boot drive), 5 x 2 TB SATA II (Store Pi Output), 24 x 2 TB
- SATA II (Computation) - various models
- RAID Controller: 3 x LSI MegaRaid SAS 9260-8i
- Operating System: Windows Server 2008 R2 Enterprise x64

Cortesía: CBS News
y yo que apenas utilizo 3.1416, cinco cifras significativas del PI, es mas y pensaba que solo se relacionaba con geometrias circulares. este numero es magico.
Windows Server 2008 R2 Enterprise x64?

No hubiese sido mas facil optimizar un BSD o Linux para que solo tuviera los modulos necesarios para lograrlo...

The list included:

- Processor: 2 x Intel Xeon X5680 @ 3.33 GHz - (12 physical cores, 24 hyperthreaded)
- Memory: 96 GB DDR3 @ 1066 MHz - (12 x 8 GB - 6 channels)
- Motherboard: Asus Z8PE-D12
- Hard Drives: 1 TB SATA II (Boot drive), 5 x 2 TB SATA II (Store Pi Output), 24 x 2 TB
- SATA II (Computation) - various models
- RAID Controller: 3 x LSI MegaRaid SAS 9260-8i
- Operating System: Windows Server 2008 R2 Enterprise x64

Really? WTF!!!! poderoso sistema :p
Ese dato lo pidieron en el gobierno Colombiano para el aumento del salario minimo...


De modesto el equipo pocon. 96GB en ram no las compra usted alli a la vuelta.

De las cosas chistosas, con todo lo que les costo el equipo y no ponerle un RAID-1 al disco o algun sistema de proteccion contra fallos y no Backup durante 180 dias. FAIL.
¿Como 371 días?:confused:

Ahí dice 1.943.881 segundos.

Si el día tiene 86.400 segundos (3.600*24)

Serían 1.943.881 / 86.400 = 22 dias

¿Y los 349 días restantes? ¿Acaso es lo que tarda en bootear el SO? :p

Por otro lado gastaron tanta plata y no le compraron un gabinete. :S

Parece que hubiesen sacado la foto dentro de la heladera. :p

Alguien que me explique como se puede usar un procesador un 1851% :rolleyes:
"has used a a home PC":

"- Processor: 2 x Intel Xeon X5680 @ 3.33 GHz - (12 physical cores, 24 hyperthreaded)
- Memory: 96 GB DDR3 @ 1066 MHz - (12 x 8 GB - 6 channels)
- Motherboard: Asus Z8PE-D12
- Hard Drives: 1 TB SATA II (Boot drive), 5 x 2 TB SATA II (Store Pi Output), 24 x 2 TB
- SATA II (Computation) - various models
- RAID Controller: 3 x LSI MegaRaid SAS 9260-8i
- Operating System: Windows Server 2008 R2 Enterprise x64"

yo quero un home pc asi:p
The list included:

- Processor: 2 x Intel Xeon X5680 @ 3.33 GHz - (12 physical cores, 24 hyperthreaded)
- Memory: 96 GB DDR3 @ 1066 MHz - (12 x 8 GB - 6 channels)
- Motherboard: Asus Z8PE-D12
- Hard Drives: 1 TB SATA II (Boot drive), 5 x 2 TB SATA II (Store Pi Output), 24 x 2 TB
- SATA II (Computation) - various models
- RAID Controller: 3 x LSI MegaRaid SAS 9260-8i
- Operating System: Windows Server 2008 R2 Enterprise x64

Jajajajaja que groceria XD

La unica manera que tengo de tener una asi es robandola XP

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