Califica La última pelicula que viste

Los pingüinos de Madagascar 6/10 tiene sus momentos pero no es tan buena como para ser una franquicia sola.

En el bosque 4/10. Odio los musicales y esta tiene una historia que se pierde de vez en cuando y la verdad un final muyt forzado
Esa hijuemadre música me trajo tantos recuerdos...

Había una serie de suspenso llamada El Caminante que el intro era similar visualmente a la escena final de todos los caps de Hulk. Esa musiquita es muy bacana también

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Reacciones: CyReZ
Run All Nigh ( una noche para sobrevivir)

malita mas bn 6.5/10 el mas viejo de la pelicula y les da sopa y seco a todos
Bueno acá les dejo este dato...

Age Of Ultron’s Blu-ray release will include an extended cut of the film

Always looking for ways to make a little extra cash, Marvel Studios has found a way to turn Avengers: Age Of Ultron into two movies—sort of. When the movie, which opens in U.S. theaters on Friday, comes out on Blu-ray later this year, special features will include an extended edition as well as an alternate ending. The information comes from a release issued to Amazon UK customers and acquired by The Telegraph.

Although the words “alternate ending” suggest a different conclusion altogether, it’s quite possible that this Blu-ray addition will just be the extra post-post-credits scene that Joss Whedon swears isn’t in the theatrical version. As for the extension, the theatrical edition is already Hulk-sized at nearly two and a half hours, but Whedon’s first cut of the sequel clocked in at nearly three and a half hours, so there’s plenty of extra footage to choose from. It’s unlikely that a full hour will be added to the Blu-ray version, though, so fans will just have to accept that some of that footage will remain locked up wherever that original Ant-Man script is kept.

While viewers in the U.S. still have a couple days to wait before they can start to make it rain in megaplexes across the country, Age Of Ultron has already opened in 44 international markets, bringing in $200 million on its worldwide opening weekend. It’s expected to make just a little less than that in its first few days in America, and it looks like fans will have to prepare themselves to watch the movie at least twice to get the full experience. Just start handing your paychecks over to Marvel Studios now.
Expectativas superadas...

Pero no soy una persona objetiva para lo que se refiere a Marvel.

Luego de que la repita el sábado y el domingo le pongo número.

Ah, no hay escena al final de los créditos para que no se queden esperando mares y mares de texto.
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Reacciones: Darketernal
Ayyyyyy maldita envidia yo me la veo el viernes y luego el sábado ... Acaben rápido para poner los respectivos reviews de cada uno puesssss!!

Sent from my iPhone 6+
Expectativas superadas...

Pero no soy una persona objetiva para lo que se refiere a Marvel.

Luego de que la repita el sábado y el domingo le pongo número.

Ah, no hay escena al final de los créditos para que no se queden esperando mares y mares de texto.
Si hay escena, muy corta, pero la hay.
Pd: avengers 9/10
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Reacciones: GVD-Wyatt