Engaño votaciones SonyEricsson WorldQuest05


Lanero Regular
11 Oct 2004
Les copio una situacion que esta sucediondo con el actual concurso de SE en Internet. Me parece bastante engañoso. Hagan la prueba y se daranb cuenta que estan tomando los votos de las personas y quienes lo hacen no estan quedando incluidos en los sorteos.

Hi There!
I'm contacting you because there is a big problem with the voting system at WorldQuest05 online event. Besides, you are not being honest with people trying to vote and win prizes.

1. Today I received an e-mail inviting me to vote online for my 6 favorite participants. When I click on the e-mail that I received, it opens at:

It says:
Conoce a los 30 nominados de Sony Ericsson WorldQuest.05. Tu voto en línea ayudará a determinar los 6 concursantes definitivos que partirán a un viaje alrededor del mundo en abril. Vota por tus favoritos, consigue la oportunidad de ganar un teléfono móvil Sony Ericsson y reúne tus primeros puntos extra para hacer tu propio viaje alrededor del mundo para 2 personas.

As you can see in the URL above, no e-mail trace is being saved as a parameter. My e-mail which is xxxxx@hotmail.com is not included, so my vote is faked. You are not saving information about users, you are just taking advantage of the number of votes for participants, the answers and the next year's slogan for the same event.

After voting and sending the answers, people is being redirected to:

This URL doesn't have the user's e-mail account included either, so that is not a real participant. Where are credits being added? None database I guess. But you got what you needed: People's votes to choose the final participants for the event.

When people vote, there is a confirmation message that reads as follows:
por votar por tus nominados
Tus primeras 500 millas extra se agregarán automáticamente. Tu cuenta de WQ te ayudará a mantenerte al día del juego WorldQuest.05 en línea y de tu puntuación personal.
Revisa tu cuenta de WQ

In my case, when I tried to check my account... SURPRISE, it doesn't exist!
You erased it, and when I try to recover my password I get an error message that says that this user doesn't have a WQ register.

Don't you think this is disgusting and a lie for people?

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