Futbol Europeo

Ya entendí lo que pasó con Lahm y Xabi, ayer se cumplió el aniversario de este suceso y lo estaban conmemorando:

En fútbol total en DTV también tiraron esa noticia como algo fijo, si es así veremos a Florentino acabar hasta con el nido del perro en el próximo mercado.
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Reacciones: Shotgunj
La fuente es una emisora de Madrid, Cadena Ser, más exactamente el periodista José Ramón de la Morena fue el que dio la primicia y dijo que el primero va a ser el Atlético y luego el Real y va a ser por dos periodos. Hasta el momento solo eso, un comentario de ese periodista, veremos.

El man dijo que la Fifa ya notificó a la federación española, y que por eso el afán del Real de contratar.
Última edición:
Sobre la supuesta sanción al ATM y RM...



In view of last night's reports, alluding to supposed legal sources, about a future sanction against Real Madrid for possible infractions in the signing of foreign minors, the club would like to state the following:

1. That said information is completely false, as demonstrated by the fact that the Spanish Football Federation has spoken to different media outlets to refute the claims that Real Madrid is implicated in any kind of irregular activity when it comes to signing minors.

2.- Real Madrid reiterates that the club has always scrupulously adhered to the FIFA regulations, as was explained in detail in the official announcement dated 26 January 2015.

3.-Real Madrid is once again saddened by these reports, some of which are intended to cause harm, the only aim of which are to implicate the club in supposed infractions that have not been committed.

4.- At the same time, it is surprising that certain media outlets insist on connecting the latest signings with a hypothetical sanction, as there is no relationship between the signing of players and their subsequent inscription, which is what FIFA prohibits.

5.- Real Madrid reiterates once again its absolute committment to the defence, protection and the correct and healthy development of minors, which take precedence over sporting interests and, as a consquence, confirms its total support of these FIFA regulations and the club's adherence to them.
