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Well the song its like one of those tongue twisters i dont like it but its kinda funny trying to read the lyrics the first time. Disregarding that I'll stick with the "three swedish switched witches watch three swatch watches switches, wich switched witch watch wich swatch watch switch?"

if it's very hard for you, try with this http://www.lalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalala.com/ a little easier. (Important warning: don't click on other links on the page)

If you can recognize "lalala", you are able to this lesson.

flaco2005, sarcastic thank you very much, as I can't say you, click http://www.millionthankyous.com/

ROFL @ lalalalalalala, that ringtone KICKS ASS! I closed the tab with the page and its still sounding lalalalalala. lalalalalala oh and your right about the links :confused:

i prefer learn with this guy


he's almost a yankee! lol xDDDD i luv his pronunciation