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The First Reviews & Reactions For LOGAN Say It's "The Wolverine Film You've Been Waiting For"

Yes, the Wolverine movie without 'Wolverine' in the title is definitely the best one yet: grown-up, ballsy, character-driven and grounded. It feels right that it should be the last one, but it also feels a bit of a shame. Rating: 4 stars out of 5

Total Film
Brutal, bloody, and beautiful, Logan is the gritty, R-rated Wolverine movie we’ve all been waiting for.

Logan is in many ways an emotional, heavy picture, but it’s also an uplifting one that reminds us that it’s O.K. to fight for something more, something better. It’s an amazing swan song for the Wolverine character, and for Jackman, and perhaps the best X-Men movie yet. Rating: 9.7

It’s Jackman who holds “Logan” together and gives the film its glimmer of soul. He has been playing this role, more or less nonstop, for 18 years, but he seems startlingly not bored by it. Better still, he’s a more refined actor now than when he started, and in “Logan,” he gets to play something rare in comic-book cinema: a powerhouse of animal rage who is slowly, agonizingly slipping away. By the end of the movie, he gets his muttonchops back and reminds you, once more, of what’s great about this character — his hellbent quality, embodied in those flesh-ripping kills that are his way of making good on a mutant destiny he never asked for. No “X-Men” movie will ever be great (the material is too derivative), but Jackman, though he’s the Superman of the bunch, has gone deeper into the alienation than any other mutant in the series. The end of “Logan” is genuinely touching, as Jackman lets you feel the character’s strength and pain, and — finally — his release.

The Hollywood Reporter
Even as the film’s energy drains in the later going, much like Logan’s healing powers, and long after the fight scenes have lapsed into overkill, Jackman makes his superhero the real deal. The actor, who reportedly conceived the basic thrust of the story, takes the ever-conflicted Logan/Wolverine to full-blooded depths, and the result is a far more cohesive and gripping film than his previous collaboration with Mangold, 2013’s The Wolverine.

This feels like the Wolverine film Hugh Jackman has always wanted to make. Brutal, raw and emotionally satisfying. Logan is up there with the best comic book movies ever made. Rating: 4 stars out of 5

The Wrap
Whether or not the “Wolverine” movies have a future — Jackman swears this is his last go-round — “Logan” is an exceedingly entertaining one. Given that 2016 gave us the rollicking and raunchy “Deadpool” and the bafflingly boring “X-Men: Apocalypse,” it seems like a no-brainer for the mutant movies to get wild and crazy if they want to survive. This outing feels like a step in the right direction.

Entertainment Weekly
Logan is essentially a road movie, but it’s a dark one (and a very long one). More than ever, Jackman’s Logan seems like he’s at an existential dead-end, and he’s never exactly been a barrel of laughs to begin with. Mangold shoots the film in a grungy, south-of-the-border Peckinpah palette. There isn’t a lot of hope in the movie. The stakes aren’t grandiose, no one’s saving the world. They’re saving this one special—and very, very violent child (although there will turn out to be others like her). Since Laura’s mutant physical gifts are so identical to Logan’s, there’s a melancholy to their relationship. She’s the daughter he never slowed down enough to allow himself to have. The loner has to learn to put someone else first. It’s both as manipulative and hokey as that sounds, but occasionally it works well enough that you might find yourself getting choked up against your better judgment. Rating: B-

It’s tough to imagine X-MEN fans not being ecstatic for how Mangold, after an uneven THE WOLVERINE, has managed to make the spin-off we’ve hoped for since the announcement of X-MEN ORIGINS: WOLVERINE, which is now, thankfully, a distant memory. It’s not unlike his own 3:10 TO YUMA in how character and action are mixed, and how the Western genre is explored, even if we have cars instead of horses. Even Marco Beltrami’s score plays homage to the genre, although he also incorporates some freaky piano riffs to give it an unusual feel that works well with the film. It’s the superhero movie we’ve been waiting for, in that finally it’s something totally different. Make no mistake, this is even more radical than DEADPOOL and hopefully a film that will pave the way for riskier superhero films moving forward. Rating: 8 out of 10

Logan is a unique film. It’s not a game-changer for the X-Men franchise or the superhero genre as a whole. It could really only be done with Jackman signing off and with Mangold being given the authority to really cut loose and present a clear, uncompromised vision. The result is a movie that does have a few faults (like most X-Men movies, it’s a little too long), but overall Logan provides a fond farewell to Jackman and the character he defined for a generation. Rating: A-

The Guardian
But the heart of the movie is the unexpectedly poignant relationship between Xavier and Logan: I’d be tempted to call them the Steptoe and Son of the mutant world, although in fact Logan goes into Basil Fawlty mode at one stage with his own pickup truck, attempting to trash it – perhaps to teach it a lesson. Logan is a forthright, muscular movie which preserves the X-Men’s strange, exotic idealism. Rating: 4 stars out of 5

Den of Geek
Here's a bonus, too: Logan is that rarest of things: a three act comic book movie where the final third doesn’t let the side down (quite the opposite, in fact). For those still struggling with the last act of The Wolverine in particular, that’ll come as a particular relief. Also, The Wolverine committed to its geography and cultural choices for but two thirds of its running time before retreating to a standard CG punch-up. This one is far more confident and successful, and despite a wobble or two, ultimately hasn't wavered or lost its nerve by the time the credits roll. Rating: 4 stars out of 5

The superpower of Logan, however, is that in the end, big stuff happens. Because of the implications it has for Fox's Marvel franchise at large, this is an X-Men movie as much as anything. There's still some time to play with before we get to 2029, but with an endpoint so sharply drawn, it's clear that we're about to hit a regeneration phase.

Logan’s momentum definitely flags towards the end, but there are some nice touches in the finale as well (including a final shot that is absolutely perfect). There have been some R-rated superhero movies over the years, but Logan might be the first that doesn’t simply use an adult rating to drown the viewer in “adult content”; it’s a mature consideration of the ideas underpinning its comic-book motifs. It’s also easily the best Wolverine movie of the three, and an impressive sendoff for Jackman’s version of the character. Don’t be surprised if fans begin quoting the end of Shane too, crying “Come back Hugh!” as he rides off into the sunset. It’s hard to blame them. For 17 years, he was the best there was at what he did. Rating: 7 out of 10

If James Mangold’s spare, violent “Logan” resolves into such a fitting farewell for the character — or at least Hugh Jackman’s inimitably self-possessed portrayal of him — it’s because the film is human, too. Rating: B

There’s so much to like about Logan, especially if you’ve felt Wolverine has been watered-down in previous solo movies. Even so, this is by no means your typical “superhero movie” with flashy costumes and lots of noticeable CG visual FX, which might throw some fans of the “genre” off. Instead, Hugh Jackman’s last Wolverine story ends on a grim, gritty and ultra-violent note that wins points both for being cinematic and for being so different. Rating: B+

The Playlist
In an era where one superhero movie merely exists to serve the next chapter, where there’s never really any doubt about what will happen to anyone on screen because we know they still have contractual obligations, it’s long been obvious that real stakes are the secret ingredient to creating something special in the genre. Unburdened by any obligations to a connected universe, Mangold and Jackman finally create a Wolverine movie that follows its narrative threads right to its organic ends. The X-Men series has always been about pushing forward the message that it’s okay to be different, and to embrace the very things that make you stand apart. It’s taken forever, but the filmmakers are finally taking that advice themselves, and it has resulted in “Logan,” a Wolverine movie that bravely beats with a bloody heart. Rating: B

Logan is the movie that finally satisfies the wish fulfillment of those superhero movie conversations that that speculate on what a hard R-rated superhero movie would look like with a major established character. (If you’ve ever been to Comic Con, these types of conversations happen quite a bit.) Only the people having that conversation kind of know it would never happen because who is going to pay for a superhero movie with a top-of-the-line character and have it rated-R? That’s essentially telling any fan under the age of 17, “Look, kid, if you want to see a superhero movie, you should see The LEGO Batman Movie instead.” (Those kids will probably buy that ticket to LEGO Batman and just walk into Logan anyway, then be treated to a movie in which people get decapitated, have claws pierce their skulls, and have their heads blown off. Yes, this is really rated R!)

What sets Logan apart and makes it so impressively moving in the end is the way it suggests that everyone — from its hero down to characters with only a handful of lines — is fumbling through existence like the rest of us. The ultimate goal by film’s end isn’t to beat the bad guys or even to connect with a long-lost child; it’s to find ultimate meaning in life, to figure out how to define oneself as both a person and a good person. It’s, unexpectedly, resonant, bittersweet, and maybe even profound. Rating: 4.5 out of 5

Logan is, without a doubt, among the greatest comic book movies ever made. It is incredibly faithful to the character, delivering moments hardcore fans have always longed for, but it's also sophisticated and tangible in a way that allows you to connect with it -- and invest in it -- even more. There are no tight leather superhero costumes or big world-ending stakes in play, and instead there's a story about how love conquers all. It's simple, it's sweet and don't be surprised if you find yourself tearing up in between its savage brutality and bitchin' knife brawls.

Logan is Jackman’s Dark Knight as it is less of a superhero movie and more of a character study of a damaged man who has been through the wringer and just wants to find peace with himself and his place in this world. Logan pulsates with gritty mutant action as much as it wraps itself in moving sentiment. It’s the final destination of Logan’s journey and Jackman put a thousand and ten percent into it. It is very evident that it was difficult and painful for him to say goodbye to this character — as it will be for his loyal X-fan following.

I’d hesitate to call Logan the best superhero movie ever, since it represents only a small fraction of what the genre can do, but there’s an argument to be made and I wouldn’t go out of my way to fight it. The film reflects the bellicose and world-weary psychology of the warriors whose battles inspire us, long after their prime, and it forces us to think about just how human our heroes are. It looks like a small production but really, it feels like the biggest X-Men movie. It has more to say than any other installment. It leads to meaningful conclusions. It is brutal and bold and it shouldn’t be missed.

USA Today
Jackman has never been short on machismo, muscles or charisma in this role, and he brings all those to bear, plus a lot of heart, giving the surly icon a sendoff fans won’t soon forget.

Bleeding Cool
Logan is the top tier X-Men movie we’ve been sorely lacking since the fantastically underrated X-Men: First Class. The characters are in the hands of people who understand and respect them, and between Logan and Legion it’s great to see the X-Men get the high quality content they deserve. Rating 9.5 out of 10

Without giving too much away, I'll say that by the end of Logan, I couldn't believe how much Mangold and Jackman were able to accomplish with this final, fantastic movie. I was floored by the film's impact on the legacy of this timeless character. I was deeply moved by Jackman's soulful, intense and, yes, Oscar-worthy performance, which draws from every appearance as the Wolverine but also puts a period on the end of the sentence that the actor started writing in the first X-Men movie. And I left Logan fully satiated by the totality of Wolverine's on-screen journey. When it comes to Hugh Jackman's unprecedented run as Wolverine, they saved the best for last.

And make no mistake, Logan is a movie you will want to talk about it. Logan is a movie that manages to entertain you and challenge you, that feels a true story regardless of being in the world of X-Men. It’s just as much an arthouse drama, or a prestige picture, as it is a big-budget, action-fantasy movie starring Wolverine. And how many other superhero movies can you say that about?

Vanity Fair
Unlike most other X-Men films, Logan does not employ any big special effects beyond an explosion or two. It’s a low-to-the-ground, intimate kind of action movie, allowing for many gnarly close-ups of metal going through throats and skulls and other stuff. And unlike most superhero movies of late, Logan doesn’t engineer its plot for franchise road-mapping. There may be a larger mythology forming around the film’s edges, but Logan stays lean and loose—a freedom that allows Mangold to take the characters to startling extremes. The movie earns its grim tone by not shying away from its implications. In clarifying just who Logan is and what he can do—and has done for 17 years, just off screen—he becomes demystified, demythologized. Jackman has said that this is his last time sporting the mutton-chops, and Logan does indeed feel like a goodbye. We’re shown Wolverine in his rawest, truest form—and there is nowhere to go from there. Mangold gives our grumpy old friend quite a send-off, a blood-drenched stab-a-thon that frequently hits bone.

Digital Spy
In Logan, James Mangold recognises the power of myth and comics and the importance of hope, but he's keen to eschew any of the gloss, colour, shine and pop of the average comic-book film – whether we like it or not.

But Logan is brave for that. It strives to be genuinely different, and Logan has motivations that go beyond being a simple genre movie into a more profound exploration of grief and loss. When Clint Eastwood made Unforgiven, he filled it with everything he wanted to say about the Western, about violence, and the complexities and damage that violence does to the human soul. I’m not claiming that Logan reaches the lofty heights of that movie, but the ideals of the filmmakers here are just as pure and honest. Logan keeps growing in my mind the more I think about it (during the course of this review I’ve adjusted my number count probably four or five times now). It’s an experience I look forward to having again, and I am thankful that James Mangold, Hugh Jackman, and the producers of this franchise have given us something different and full of rich emotion and spirit. Logan is, truly, first class. Rating: 8.5 out of 10

Comic Book Resources
Remarkably, little Laura (Dafne Keen) plays into this perfectly. Rather than pitching Laura into a cozy archetype like girly-girl, precocious quipster, or tomboy, Mangold lets her linger in something strange and mysterious. Nearly mute, this petite warrior communicates mostly through grunts, howls and dark, penetrating glares. She’s a feral child, whose wildness reflects Logan’s past and occasional breaks from humanity. Newcomer Keen brings a mesmerizing intensity that marvelously matches her storied co-stars’. All this gravitas makes “Logan” enthralling, while the gore of its fight scenes makes its stakes gut-wrenchingly clear.

I laughed. I cried. And I was grateful to have gone on the entire cinematic journey with Hugh Jackman’s character all these years. Logan is an incredible film. It’s my favorite X-Men film. And it might even be my favorite superhero film of all time. Rating: 9.5 out of 10

Screen Rant
As irreverent and comically R-Rated as Deadpool was, Logan is equally but effectively morose and grounded, with its own mature take on the X-Men movie franchise and the Wolverine character specifically. The movie thus succeeds as a moving sendoff to the Hugh Jackman-led era of the X-Men cinematic universe, as well as yet another demonstration of how different in tone and style a superhero comic book movie adaptation can actually be. Longtime X-Men fans are in turn advised to prepare themselves emotionally for a somber Wolverine movie – but also one that can be described as a cross between The Wrestler and Dredd, in the best way possible.

We Got This Covered
Logan isn’t just a final goodbye (again, if this really IS Jackman’s last rodeo), it’s a steely bullet to the head of a reluctant hero we’ve loved for years. All the pain, remorse and despair inside Logan has long boiled over, and Jackman’s performance goes out on raw, sharpened terms. A relentless, jaw-dropping last hurrah like a raised middle claw to the universe. It’s not just one of the best superhero movies ever – it’s a damn-fine cinematic representation of the human condition in all its agonizing forms. Bravo, Mr. Mangold. You’ve just redefined how we’ll look at superhero movies forever. And if this really is goodbye, Mr. Jackman – what a hell of a way to go out on top.

Plus, here are the initial Twitter reactions:

My thoughts on Logan: This is the Wolverine film you’ve been waiting for. Bloody, violent, deep, dark, and moving #Logan

— Paul Shirey (@arcticninjapaul) February 17, 2017
No big deal, @mang0ld just hauled off and made the most badass, blood-soaked superhero movie yet. Oh and it's a western, too. GO SEE #LOGAN.

— Kristopher Tapley (@kristapley) February 17, 2017
Holy hell, Logan is BADASS. Violent as [frick]. Perhaps the best X-Men movie yet? The action in Logan is better than the action in John Wick 2.

— Alex Billington (@firstshowing) February 17, 2017
Logan - Violent, gritty, Wolverine Western proving Logan has a heart underneath all that adamantium. Action is top notch, X-Men at its best.

— Alex Billington (@firstshowing) February 17, 2017
Big stuff in LOGAN, the most consequential X-Men movie since X-MEN itself. And that R-rating is hard as skullbone: https://t.co/HC2w8PVaEr

— Josh L. Dickey (@JLDlite) February 17, 2017
Absolutely LOVED @mang0ld's ‘Logan’. A huge home run for all involved. *Huge* props to @20thcenturyfox for letting them make this film.

— Steven Weintraub (@colliderfrosty) February 17, 2017
LOGAN: A real pleasure to watch Jackman and Stewart find real meat and new details in characters they’ve played for years.

— Russ Fischer (@russfischer) February 17, 2017
#Logan = amazing. Best Wolverine so far. Completely different from previous X-Men films in a good way. X23 is bad ass. Very violent though.

— Beatrice Verhoeven (@bverhoev) February 17, 2017
Jesus Christ, you guys. #Logan is incredible. *snikt snikt* right into the middle of my stupid heart.

— Joanna Robinson (@jowrotethis) February 17, 2017
#LOGAN is one of the best superhero movies ever made pic.twitter.com/x80aNF46wi

— Chris Sylvia (@sylvioso) February 17, 2017
Logan blows...every other X-Men movie out of the water

— Spencer J. Gilbert (@SpencerJGilbert) February 17, 2017
#Logan [frick]ing rules.

— Ross A. Lincoln (@Rossalincoln) February 17, 2017
Sneaky fave part of “Logan”: Boyd Holbrook playing Tom Hardy as Val Kilmer in “Tombstone.” The rest of the movie is good too!

— Christopher Rosen (@chrisjrosen) February 17, 2017
Dafne Keen is nothing short of amazing as X-23. Embodies the character to perfection. Ferocious, world weary, & innocently dangerous. #Logan

— Paul Shirey (@arcticninjapaul) February 17, 2017
#Logan is the most refined, introspective, violent, & sharply tuned of all the X-Men films. It’s unlike any comic book film made to date

— Paul Shirey (@arcticninjapaul) February 17, 2017
#Logan is a wonderful film. That it's the perfect capper to Hugh Jackman's run as Wolverine is even sweeter. Dare I say best X-Men film yet?

— Jim Vejvoda (@JimVejvoda) February 17, 2017
LOGAN is the kind of movie where when I say "yeah, I liked it" people look at me like I said, "It's terrible."

It's okay to be just good!

— Peter S. Hall (@PeterSHall) February 17, 2017
I absolutely loved # Logan. It's just great. @WolverineMovie

— Eric Walkuski (@ericwalkuski) February 17, 2017
#Logan sometimes goes astray & the villains aren’t as memorable as they should be, but it redeems itself every time it falls short. #Logan

— Paul Shirey (@arcticninjapaul) February 17, 2017
I saw #Logan last night and can confirm it's great, brutal, and will rip your heart out. They got it SO right. Avoid spoilers!!

— Allison Keene (@keeneTV) February 17, 2017
LOGAN should have been called Children Of X-Men

— Todd Gilchrist (@mtgilchrist) February 17, 2017
The scenes between Logan & Laura are some of the best of the film. Kid sidekick problems are null and void. It’s a great combo #Logan

— Paul Shirey (@arcticninjapaul) February 17, 2017
best part of LOGAN is @RealHughJackman holds nothing back. He finally got to play the version of Wolverine I've waited my entire life to see

— Steven Weintraub (@colliderfrosty) February 17, 2017
#Logan is an example of how the superhero genre can be shaped to fit different tastes, rather than adhering to a standardized template.

— Paul Shirey (@arcticninjapaul) February 17, 2017
#Logan surely earns every inch of its R-rating, but it's not just the film's capacity for ultra-violence that leaves such an impression.

— Eric Walkuski (@ericwalkuski) February 17, 2017
#Logan surely earns every inch of its R-rating, but it's not just the film's capacity for ultra-violence that leaves such an impression.

— Eric Walkuski (@ericwalkuski) February 17, 2017
Many will walk out of the theater with a heavy mind after #Logan and need some time to digest, which is more than the usual CBM sugar rush

— Paul Shirey (@arcticninjapaul) February 17, 2017
LOGAN, like a kid who realizes he can curse now, indulges in its own R-rating a bit too much. Everyone else will see that as a bonus.

— Peter S. Hall (@PeterSHall) February 17, 2017
I like the CBM sugar rush, but it’s nice to balance it out & cleanse the palate from time to time. #Logan is the perfect substitute for that

— Paul Shirey (@arcticninjapaul) February 17, 2017
The LOGAN embargo is up and guess what LOGAN is PHENOMENAL.

— Phil Hornshaw (@philhornshaw) February 17, 2017
To give you a measure of how violent #Logan is, it’s like the John Wick of headshots for superhero movies only with claws instead of bullets

— Paul Shirey (@arcticninjapaul) February 17, 2017
Saw #Logan last night. Hands down the BEST WOLVERINE MOVIE EVER & one of the best superhero films period.

— Umberto Gonzalez (@elmayimbe) February 17, 2017
That’s what I got for #Logan

So, yeah, go see it. A few times. I know I will.

— Paul Shirey (@arcticninjapaul) February 17, 2017
I have no review but I really, really liked ‘Logan.’ And I was a huge X-Men fan who hates almost all the X-Men movies.

— Christopher Campbell (@thefilmcynic) February 17, 2017
I really dug Logan. The R-rated violence doesn't forgo the film having a strong heart @ its core. Another great @RealHughJackman performance

— Jeff Goldsmith (@yogoldsmith) February 17, 2017
most of LOGAN is half-baked & very dull. but when it works, it works better than any almost any superhero movie ever has. the ending is… A+

— david ehrlich (@davidehrlich) February 17, 2017
Favorite X-Men movie? But fair warning it DID make me mumble "oh my goooddddd" at Wolverine unleashed like one minute in. It didn't let up.

— Joanna Robinson (@jowrotethis) February 17, 2017
I loooooved the new @WolverineMovie. The final shot of 'Logan' make any X-Men fan tear up.

— Tim Stack (@EWTimStack) February 17, 2017
And now with the embargo lifted, I can say #Logan is freaking excellent!!! It’s a really cool, brutal and emotional film.

— Eric Goldman (@TheEricGoldman) February 17, 2017
#LOGAN is the most meaningful, resonant and satisfying X-MEN film to date. Period. Best. Wolverine. EVER.

— robertliefeld (@robertliefeld) February 17, 2017
Logan is good. I'm not sure I've seen a trilogy fall upwards in quality so steeply like that.

— Da7e Gonzales (@Da7e) February 17, 2017
It is also the best Wolverine of the three. If the second half was stronger, it'd probably be the best X-Men movie overall.

— Matt Singer (@mattsinger) February 17, 2017
You see guys, back in the day they used to make these great things called movies, and Logan is one of those.

— Spencer Perry (@TheSpencerPerry) February 17, 2017
another great thing about LOGAN is between this and DEADPOOL Fox is making superhero movies Marvel will never make. They can own the R space

— Steven Weintraub (@colliderfrosty) February 17, 2017
The Wolverine Trilogy, quality wise, is just the Blade Trilogy in reverse.

— Da7e Gonzales (@Da7e) February 17, 2017
#LOGAN is the darkest, ballsiest, and most nihilistic comic book film I've ever seen. It's also one of the best.

— Alex Welch (@AlexRWelch) February 17, 2017
#Logan is great. Who else could play a role for 17 years and go out better than ever? (Both Jackman and Stewart)

— Aaron Couch (@AaronCouch) February 17, 2017
X2 > Logan > Days of Future Past > Last Stand > X-Men > Wolverine > First Class > Apocalypse > Origins

— Kristopher Tapley (@kristapley) February 17, 2017
People are excited that LOGAN is unlike other superhero movies but it's *exactly* like a whole bunch of other movies ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

— Kyle Buchanan (@kylebuchanan) February 17, 2017
Hugh Jackman and Patrick Stewart are incredible. I can't imagine a better way for his Wolverine story to end. #LOGAN

— Alex Welch (@AlexRWelch) February 17, 2017
A lot of what you see today are noisy commercials for toys, but Logan? Man, Logan is what the old fellas would call a dynamite picture.

— Spencer Perry (@TheSpencerPerry) February 17, 2017
If #Logan doesn't receive awards buzz, I'd be surprised. Sure, there are "superheroes" in the movie, but it's not a superhero movie at all.

— Gregor Rossino (@GregorRossino) February 17, 2017
Saw #Logan last night. Highly recommended. Jackman and Stewart are at their absolute best.

If this really is the last time, they nailed it.

— Gregor Rossino (@GregorRossino) February 17, 2017
Get ready for X-23 to become a household name. I suspect we’ll see her again very soon based on how much she’ll explode after this #Logan

— Paul Shirey (@arcticninjapaul) February 17, 2017
LOGAN is incredible! It’s the best comic book movie since The Dark Knight & the best X-Men movie period. I loved it. Hugh Jackman's amazing!

— Jeff Sneider (@TheInSneider) February 17, 2017
I wasn't a huge DEADPOOL fan, but I think those who were will have to admit that LOGAN is 20x better than that movie. It has SOUL. Just WOW!

— Jeff Sneider (@TheInSneider) February 17, 2017
.@SirPatStew has never been better as Professor X. Boyd Holbrook is an absolute star in the making. And Dafne Keen RULES as X-23. Like, HARD

— Jeff Sneider (@TheInSneider) February 17, 2017
I thought LOGAN would be like a Western, but it's closer to Horror. One of the most violent films I've ever seen. Not for the kids AT ALL.

— Jeff Sneider (@TheInSneider) February 17, 2017
My ONLY complaint is that it feels about 10-15 minutes too long at 135 mins, but that's minor. Mangold delivers the goods. Beautiful ending.

— Jeff Sneider (@TheInSneider) February 17, 2017
I wouldn't be surprised if WB/DC made SUICIDE SQUAD 2 a hard-R after the success of DEADPOOL & inevitable success of LOGAN. What. A. Movie!

— Jeff Sneider (@TheInSneider) February 17, 2017
#Logan will be what you want and not what you expect all at once.

— Paul Shirey (@arcticninjapaul) February 17, 2017
Let the secret post-credits scene speculation begin: Fox just updated LOGAN runtime to 3 minutes longer than version screened this week

— Mike Sampson (@mjsamps) February 17, 2017
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