Microsoft adds 14 cool new themes to Windows 7 gallery for launch day

Windows 7 adds several cool, new desktop personalization features. Whether it's tweaking your Aero Glass color or subscribing to an RSS feed for new wallpaper images, customization is easier than it ever has been on Windows.

A while back I mentioned the arrival of an official Ferrari prototype theme (which will no doubt be appearing on some shiny new Acer laptops very soon). It's now been added to the Microsoft Personalization gallery along with 13 other themes.

Gamers may want to take a look at the Gears of War tandem, and our friends at Autoblog now have two more options: Infiniti and Porsche. There are also three Zune-based themes (a nice companion for your new Zune HD) and packs from Pepsi and Coca Colca.

My favorite is probably the Bing theme, which taps the collection of amazing images you've been seeing on their search page (assuming you've tried Bing, of course).

Installing new themes is easy. Just visit the gallery, download the theme(s) you want, and double-click the .themepack file to install it. Windows 7 will automatically activate your new theme!

Want to make your own theme? Microsoft will show you how to do that, too!
Aprende, te conviene

Nada que forren laneros de noticias y foros en ingles pa ver si tanto spammer se abre. El tema de pepsi se ve interesate...
Mi punto es que, deberian ponerse las noticias en Español, y no en Inglés, o por lo menos, tomarse las molestias de traducir el texto.


Ya se ha discutido el asunto demasiadas veces. Las reglas permiten que las noticias sean en inglés o en español.
Instalé el de Ferrari. Se bien bonito y las imágenes son espectaculares, pero se me puso medio lento el PC y estando acostumbrado a que vaya rápido preferí quitarlo.
Solo para windows 7, además un nivel mas arriba de la página se pueden descargar wallpapers (y wall diapositivas para cada inicio del ordenador) y una personalización para Vista.
"Want to make your own theme? Microsoft will show you how to do that, too!"

o_O y lo que no te dicen es que el tema que hagas es propiedad intelectual de microsoft y ellos lo pueden vender al precio que se les de la gana