Nokia N-gage 2.0!! JUEGOS COMPLETOS!!


Donde ha estado buscando? Más atras en la página anterior está el modo..y funciona perfecto en el FiFa 2008. Link!!!


Sr. XAVYER le recuerdo que los pedidos son vía MP. Gracias.
ya intente lo que me dice el tutorial de la pagina anterior y no me funciono (no inician los juegos) que bueno que respalde los archivos, tal parece que este tuto no va para el e65, sera que me tendre que quedar para siempre jugando en portrait?? a alguien le a funcionado en un E65 el modo lanscape??
Ke juegos bacanos hay actualmente??

Me podrian colaborar con Crash Bandicoot, Asphalt 3 y System Rush Evolution??

Pues hay un juego, para mi nuevo, que se llama Dirk_Dagger.
Es cortico pero entretenido

Si lo necesitas, por MP

Pues para mi hasta el momento el de brothers in arms es de los mejores, tiene una historia muy convinsete, y los graficos son superiores al que ya andaba circulando (aquel que pesaba alrededor de 2 megas)...,

por otro lado yo habia estado esperando ansiosamente el lanzamiento del nuevo WORMS para N_GAGE, pero tal parece que no sera en 3D como aquel que vimos en el eric. W600, para mi gusto ningun otro worms supera a este. ke mala noticia, espero y que aun asi con graficos 2D sea algo rescatable.
Reset Generation v1.00

Reset Generation v1.00

Bienvenido de nuevo al patio de recreo de tu infancia. Este trepidante e inevitablemente adictivo juego rompecabezas multijugador está diseñado para ser un sueño hecho realidad para los aficionados a los juegos: es un videojuego sobre videojuegos! Reset Generation es el homenaje que se rinde a los videojuegos desde el mundo de los videojuegos. Hay versiones para N-Gage y PC. Puedes elegir entre diez héroes animados a la perfección, cada uno con su propio poder especial. Prueba el modo jugador único si quieres disfrutar de partidas interminables o lánzate a la aventura en línea si te atrae la diversión frenética entre cuatro jugadores.

Hace poco tiempo se dio a conocer una muy buena noticia para todos los fanáticos de Nokia, y seguidores de los juegos para móviles. La empresa finlandesa anuncio que ya se encuentra disponible Reset Generation, que es una nueva generación de juegos para la plataforma N-Gage.

En esta nueva generación de juegos, los usuarios primero van a tener que elegir un héroe, dentro de una lista de 10 disponible que fueron diseñados por personajes famosos, luego recién van a poder comenzar a jugar y tratar de ganar el juego, superando 18 misiones ustedes solos, o con 4 jugadores en forma online.

También es posible que usemos la función mulitjugador para jugar con el teléfono y el ordenador. Este juego esta disponible de manera gratuita, en forma de widget y puede ser descargado cómo contenido para los distintos terminales compatibles con la plataforma N-Gage.

Por otro lado, la versión para el móvil se vende a través de los canales propios de Nokia y está a un costo aproximado de entre 10 y 12 euros.

Un review en inglés:

To say Reset Generation is eagerly awaited is a whopping understatement. It's one of the games on which Nokia is staking the reputation of its relaunched N-Gage mobile games platform, which explains its reportedly huge development budget. Meanwhile, it's also the only N-Gage 2.0 game to have really made waves outside the mobile games industry (i.e sites like this one). Even Edge magazine wrote a big feature about it – high praise indeed, given the publication has tended to leave mobile well alone.

It's a high-profile game, then, but also a hyped one. Much of the journalistic frothing about Reset Generation has been based on the energetic and passionate views of producer Scott Foe, who's a publisher's dream when it comes to publicity. To paraphrase some of that media coverage, Reset Generation is an amazing and groundbreaking game because, well, Foe says it is. And he knows a thing or two about connected mobile gaming, having helmed the excellent Pocket Kingdom for N-Gage first time round.

But what if he's biased? What if Reset Generation is too hardcore, too complicated, or simply has too many ideas fizzing around to be a good game? What if it's a let-down, in other words? These things happen.

Well, not this time.

Having spent nearly a week playing Reset Generation offline and online, we can say that it's every bit as groundbreaking and, yes, important as the advance publicity made out. It's also highly addictive and very, very, very fun.

It is quite hardcore, but only in the sense that you need to invest time in it, learning the ins and outs of the gameplay, characters and power-ups. And it is quite complicated, with three distinct phases of play and a lot of variables affecting your strategy.

But you want to know what the game's like, so we'll break those phases down. Each Reset Generation match takes place on a grid, with two to four players, each with their own base containing their 'princess'. The aim of the game is to eliminate your rivals by capturing their princesses and getting them back to your base, before they do it to you.

The first phase involves dropping a randomly-shaped Tetris-style block onto open squares (those not showing the colour of a player), with the aim of turning them your colour. Each player's blocks are dropped simultaneously, and any squares covered by more than one neutralise each other, leaving the square open. The aim is to create 'combos' – lines of five or more squares of your colour – which then have stars appear, meaning you can move further and fight better on them, while filling up your combo meter. More of which in a bit.

The second phase is movement, where you get to move your character around the map, attacking rivals by landing on top of them, or collecting the power-ups that drop onto the screen every turn. These are many and varied, including paintbrushes that let you paint a row of blocks your colour, grenades to chuck at your rivals, wands to turn them into frogs, springs to let you jump a few squares, teleports to whizz around the map, and the BFGP – Biggest Frickin' Gun Possible – which blasts anything in its path.

(Yes, that is a nod to Doom, if you're wondering.)

Particularly cool are the monster boxes, which enable you to spawn a monster somewhere on the map. A blockapede turns open squares your colour, a pig munches up your rivals' squares, and a wolf attacks them.

This second phase is where Reset Generation matches are won or lost – and indeed are often turned on their head by crafty use of a power-up. At the end of this phase, if your combo meter is powered up, you get to use your character's special power.

Which is probably a good time to talk about the characters – they're all cartoon-like types based (to varying degrees of looseness) on famous game characters of the past. So twin gun-toting Babe Gunner's inspiration is clear, while Hedgehog is like Sonic's seedy streetfighting cousin, Dr Lovebomber is like Bomberman inhabited by the spirit of Dr Evil, and Level 50 Elf will raise a smile to anyone who's ever played World of Warcraft.

Each has its own special power, capable of transporting them around the screen, or destroying rivals/objects, or mind controlling enemies, or nicking power-ups, or... well, you get the point. There's huge variety in strategy depending on who you pick, while the characters themselves are ace even if you don't know all the reference points. They also very funny – Reset Generation is genuinely belly-laugh-worthy throughout, with properly amusing dialogue and animations.

Anyway, that's the second phase. And then in the third phase, you fire two cannonballs onto the screen from your base, with the aim of either destroying power-ups close to your enemies, destroying their (non-combo) squares, or even protecting a power-up by firing two cannonballs at it – they bounce off leaving it unscathed.

That, in a long 500-word nutshell, is how Reset Generation works. Thankfully, some well-designed tutorial levels explain all this. The basic mechanics are picked up quickly, but figuring out the strategic implications will take a lot longer. We're still learning while writing this.

So, onto game structure. There's a single-player Story mode which introduces you to each playable character in two levels, and an Arcade mode to fire up quick matches for you against one to three mobile-controlled characters. But essentially, this is practice for the real game, which happens online. Yes, like Pocket Kingdom before it, Reset Generation is designed to be played online – not just from a mobile, but from PCs and web browsers, too (and maybe even Xbox Live Arcade in the future, judging by some comments from Nokia last week).

Here it's obviously the N-Gage version we've been playing, and the online mode is seamless. It's handled through N-Gage Arena, with your usual login and friend list. You can either launch into a game against two to four other players – whoever else is looking for a match at the time – or you can create your own room to play mates.

As you'd expect, there's some detailed stats to track your performance online, as well as a global rankings system, which lists the top ten players in the world, but also people near you, and friends near you. The latter is a great inclusion.

There are also masses of Point Pickups to earn – Nokia's version of Xbox Live achievements.

But it's the multiplayer gameplay that really brings to the fore the craft that's gone into Reset Generation, which we'd say is up there with Mario Kart in terms of finely-weighted multiplayer dynamics. It doesn't work the same way – players who are being hammered don't automatically get sprinkled with the best power-ups. But neither is the game too biased towards expert players, which was one of our fears before we played it.

It's true that an experienced player can run rings around a novice, but the finely-tuned game mechanics mean that it's still possible for the latter to turn the tables at any point. You always feel that you could have won if only the power-ups had gone your way – which, of course, only adds to the 'just one more go' addiction factor.

There's just so much to it. We genuinely can't see ourselves getting bored of Reset Generation's online mode, not to mention smugging out over the replays that'll apparently be hosted on the game's official website.

And there's more. We haven't mentioned the music yet – the much-vaunted retro soundtrack from LA band 8 Bit Weapon fits perfectly, as do the sound effects. We also love the way monster boxes sometimes misfire and summon chickens, who wander around the map making clucky nuisances of themselves.

Put simply, Reset Generation delivers on all those promises and all of the hype. The main thing is that it's an innovative, challenging and above all hoot-to-play game. But it's also an important title in terms of pushing the boundaries of mobile gaming, and trying to do something genuinely new. It might not use GPS, boast eye-goggling 3D graphics, or rely on your phone's camera to turn your living room into an augmented reality dungeon. But Reset Generation is, nevertheless, an astounding game that lets the mobile phone stand toe-to-toe with the best that other platforms can offer. It is, in other words, utterly, utterly essential.





Video Descriptivo

Se ve bueno ese juego... vamos a ver si alguien me lo envia por MP... :p:p:p

Por cierto, he estado mirando y la verdad me parece ke hay pocos juegos de N-Gage aun, no??
por otro lado yo habia estado esperando ansiosamente el lanzamiento del nuevo WORMS para N_GAGE, pero tal parece que no sera en 3D como aquel que vimos en el eric. W600, para mi gusto ningun otro worms supera a este. ke mala noticia, espero y que aun asi con graficos 2D sea algo rescatable.
nambe prefiero mil veces el worms 2d que el 3d...porque el que salio para el w600 estaba muy simple los monos muy simples y en cambio el que va a sacar el ngage va a ser como el original que salio para PC

incluso me gusta mas el worms 2D para pc que el de 3D que salio para pc


bueno pues me parece que esto es una mentira puesto que tengo el rm 421. n95 8gb y le baje el n-gage 2.0 que sirve para el n95 8g rm-320 y le corrio perfecto. lo unico fue que borro el que traía por defecto.

amigos laneros tengo un problema con el brothers in arms. primero no me lo dejaba instalar en el n-gage hasta que le borre el antiguo BIA.sis, pero cuando estubo instalado el del n-gage le volvi a instalar el BIA.sis pero cada vez que lo voy a abrir, abre es el BIA del n-gage. alguien sabe como hacer para que funcionen los dos?

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bueno pues me parece que esto es una mentira puesto que tengo el rm 421. n95 8gb y le baje el n-gage 2.0 que sirve para el n95 8g rm-320 y le corrio perfecto. lo unico fue que borro el que traía por defecto.


Hombre pero de cuando me trae a colación ese comentario:s...ya es como decir que me voy al año pasado para desmentir los comentarios que se hacían en ese entonces sobre lo que hoy se conoce. Ese dato fue tomado de la página oficial de la N-Gage pero en ese momento recién estaba saliendo el N95-4 a la venta y por lógico no era compatible aún con una versión oficial de n-gage.


Star Wars - The Force Unleashed
Ya esta disponible la demo!!!





In this epic new title from THQ, players will assist the iconic villain Darth Vader in his quest to rid the universe of the Jedi. Prepare to do battle, and face decisions that could change the course of the destinies of those around you.



  • Con Rom Patcher, ponemos caps off
  • Entra al x-plore, ir a C o E:\resource\apps\ (segun donde hayas instalado la consola n-gage) y ahi buscas donde figuran los archivos "ngiplay0x20003b78.r01", r02, r03, etc
  • El numero r04 es el que corresponde al español
  • Hay que renombralo y ponerle la extencion xxxxxxxxx.r01
  • IMPORTANTISIMO!!!!!!!!! hacer back up de los archivos xxxxxxx.r01 y xxxxxxx.r04
  • Luego lo subis nuevamente al telefono reemplazando el r01 que habia antes (que sería el ingles), pero antes, repito, por las dudas, hace un backup de todo.
  • Reiniciamos el movil, activamos el caps en ON despues simplemente inicia N-gage y vas a ver que el idioma ya cambió. a !!Español!!
  • Probado y testeado en N95-4.

EDIT: PD: Caray sólo por juegos como éstos me compraría un Iphone o un ipod touch Link!!! pensé por un momento que los juegos N-gage 2.0 de symbian eran mejores y que incluso el asphalt 4 de symbian ngage 2.0 era mejor que cualquier juego existente para apple iphone...pero al ver el video me doy cuenta cuan equivocado estaba...que potencia gráfica y que procesador!!! si me pongo a pensar está a la misma altura que una PSP!!!.=)
THQ Wireless Star Wars The Force Unleashed v1.00.N-GAGE SymbianOS9.1 Crcked-BiNPDA

Star Wars The Force Unleashed v1.00
La saga de la Guerra de las Galaxias continúa en Star Wars: El Poder de la Fuerza, donde el jugador podrá convertirse en el "aprendiz secreto" de Darth Vader y descubrir a fondo esta apasionante galaxia. La historia se desarrolla durante el inexplorado periodo que transcurre entre Episodio III: La Venganza de los Sith, y Episodio IV: Una Nueva Esperanza. En el juego, el joven aprendiz tendrá que ayudar al carismático villano Darth Vader en su misión de eliminar a los Jedi del universo, y a afrontar decisiones que podrían cambiar el destino.

Listo, full y solo por MP
Imagenes de la mano de Pintitas.... Gracias Brother!!!!







Un abrazo a todos..los quiero.=)​
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