Win7 Noticias Sobre Vista Y Otros

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Lanero Novato
24 Oct 2007
Windows Vienna MinWin and Windows Vienna / 7 November 30, 2007 Almost two months ago Eric Traut gave a presentation on operating systems in which MinWin was brought to light for the first time. Although used for running a basic HTTP server, MinWin is a stripped down version of the Windows kernel that will be used as the foundation for Windows Vienna. MinWin is composed of approximately 100 files totalizing 25MB on disk and 40MB set up, in comparison with Vista which is made up of over 5000 files and approximatley 2500MB on disk. Since MinWin is simply an effort from Microsoft to bring the kernel down to the smallest possible size in order to achieve the best efficiency for the upcoming versions of Windows, it will not be a kernel that is going to be distributed all by itself but merely a starting point for the next generation of operating systems built by Microsoft that break the legacy with the Vista operating system and its ancestors. Update on Windows Vienna / 7 October 15, 2007 Julie Larson-Green, responsible for the user interface of Office 2007, and also the person behind the ribbon-like interface has been transferred to the Windows 7 team. The current release date of the Windows 7 operating system is expected to be in late 2009, early 2010, returning to the 3-year pause between desktop operating system versions that was common at Microsoft for all Windows versions prior to Windows Vista. The most common dilema about Windows 7 right now is whether or not to use backward compatibility. Strong rumours have suggested that the OS will be developed from scratch on top of the Windows NT kernel, given its maturity in both security and stability terms. The backward compatibility, however, is something that Microsoft developers would frown upon, since it prevents truly revolutional ideas to be implemented. Windows Vista, because of its backward compatibile, carries a large amount of code libraries with it, thus the large size of the operating system. However, many businesses that haven't upgraded their software in a decade or more would not purchase Windows 7 if it was not compatible with their applications. As a result, the current options that Microsoft has are to either make Windows 7 backward compatible, or to maintain a legacy version of Windows in parallel, for the business customers, one which will be kept alive by Microsoft though patches and updates. Bill Gates on Windows Vista August 22, 2007 In a recent interview for MSNBC, Bill Gates said Vista will be "more user-centric" to an extent at which "even if you drop by a kiosk or somebody else's PC, we can bring down your home page, your files, your fonts, your favorites and those things." The Tablet PC will also continue to be pushed on the market as a version of Windows 7 accommodating Tablet PCs will be released, one where the digital ink and speech will play a much bigger role. Windows Vienna is now Windows 7 July 20, 2007 Microsoft revealed a new name for the upcoming operating system: "Windows 7" - as it is built upon the 7.0 version of the NT Kernel. The name, however, is similar to what "Longhorn" was for the Vista operating system - a codename that will be changed soon before the release of the final version. Windows Vienna - two and a half years from now February 14, 2007 Now that Vista is on the shelves, Microsoft is focusing on its next major operating system release, Windows Vienna. Even though Windows Vienna is going to be a major release with a totally revised GUI, Microsoft made a bold statement: by the end of 2009 Vienna will hit the shelves. However, Microsoft needs to keep the buzz on Windows Vista for now and so they are not releasing any Windows Vienna official information to the public yet, expect for the fact that they are working on it. Windows Vienna - opening a new generation of operating systems September 7, 2006 In the past 20 years, the Microsoft Windows operating system has accumulated old code libraries that brought it to the size it has today, 2.5 GB and about 50 million lines of code (Windows Vista). These old code libraries consume resources and are often the targets of security exploits. The best way to avoid such problems, is to start from scratch, which is close to what Microsoft plans to do with Windows Vienna. Windows Vienna will represent the start of a different generation of operating systems, bringing in new concepts and support for new types of hardware, along with a better security and a modular approach, which will allow future versions of Windows to be built more easily on Windows Vienna's engine. It is also likely that the future success of Microsoft's products will be strongly decided by the success of the new generation operating system. Windows Fiji, then Windows Vienna May 1st, 2006 Windows codename Fiji, or Vista R2 is now scheduled to deliver before Windows Vienna. Windows Fiji is planned to be released in 2008, while Windows Vienna had its estimated release date in 2010. Due to the recent Windows Vista delay the domino effect could cause these other two versions of Windows to also be delayed, however the schedule disruption will not be significant. Why the name change? January 22, 2006 Many were wondering why Microsoft decided to change the codename of the future version of Windows from Blackcomb to Vienna. Bruce Morgan from Microsoft, expresses his personal opinion: "Blackcomb was the code name for some other project driven by other people, started many years ago. The people who chose that name and started that have moved around quite a bit since then, and different people have the leadership roles now. The vision for the product is quite a bit different, I'd imagine, than in the late 90s. So many things are different now that it's been many years since Blackcomb was the "next version of Windows after Whistler." Codename change is official January 19, 2006 "The codename for Blackcomb has changed to 'Vienna'. This does not reflect a big change for us; we have used city code names in the past," a Microsoft spokesperson said in a statement. "These code names are derived from cities/locations in the world known for great 'vistas'. The kinds of places we all want to see, experience and that capture the imagination. Vienna fits with this concept." Windows Vienna is the successor of Windows Vista January 18, 2006 writes about how Windows Blackcomb changed its name to Windows Vienna. Windows Vienna (formerly Blackcomb) is the successor of the Windows Vista operating system. The new codename was not officially confirmed by Microsoft, however Robert Scoble confirmed the rumour in a Channel9 topic.
y cual es el link de donde hizo el copy paste??

Para usted cuales son los puntos importantes a resaltar de esa información y que sean de interés para los que leemos este tema?
Segun entiendo el men queire saber detalles, noticias y demas informacion sobre Windows Vista y demás segun entiendo por el titulo lastima que la info no este con parrafito pa facilitar la lectura.
No entiendo que quizo hacer con el haber creado este tema, solo copio y pego. no hizo un anailisis sobre lo que pego, solo cosas en ingles y ya.. :S.. se nota q solo lo hizo para subir su nivel de mensajes... este tema no aporta nada...

Cerremos esto mas bien. Otro tema mas que parece no sirvió de nada :\
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