Our Vocabulary for foreing people


Lanero Regular
14 Jul 2006
hey!!I have been trying to put this for years!!!colombian slang for gringos,,,let's see who wanna add more info to my list!!!


  • PAILA : ( Adj. ) Sick, difficult , taboo word – ************ed up / synonyms : Jodido, fregado
1. Yo estoy paila
I am ************ed up
2. Este examen esta mas paila
This test is very difficult
3. Mi hermano esta muy paila, el no tiene plata
My bro is ************ed up, he is broke
  • MAMADO: ( Adj.) Tired , fed up synonym: mamada , taboo word—blow job
1 Carolina esta mamada de Trabajar.
She is very tired of working.
2. Juan esta mamado de su novia
John is fed up about his girlfriend
  • CHOMPO: ( n .) Jacket
¿A donde consiguió ese chompo ?
Where did you get that jacket ?

  • BAJAR: (V): Steal, rob . Give one’s possessions when some one steals you.
taboo word—female fellatio:
Ex : Bajeme al pozo / go down and suck my pussy

Bajese de la plata/ ese chompo.
Give me the money/ the jacket
  • PLATA: (n. ) Bucks, money synonyms: billullo, lucas
No tengo plata/ billullo / lucas
Ain´t got money
Have no bucks
  • JALAR: ( V.) Steal a car ( robbers speaking )
Vamos a jalar un Mercedes Benz esta noche.
Let’s steal a Mercedes Benz tonight.
  • BUENA(O): (Adj.) it is used to say that a girl or boy is in good form , pretty hand some and attractive.
Synonym : rica(o)

Patricia esta Buena
She is extremely attractive
  • JODIDO(A): (Adj.) A person who is difficult to be with
Ex :
Pedro es jodido
He is very difficult to be with because he is stubborn
  • ABEJA: (Adj. ) wise, clever, supposed to be very intelligent, a person who thinks is very wise at something
Synonym: avión

Alex es una abeja para los negocios.
Alex is very good at business
  • PILO(A) : (Adj.) A very intelligent person studying something at school , university or at work.
Ramiro es bastante pilo para las matematicas.
He is very good at maths.
  • PARCERO: (n) a very close friend, specially in Colombian gang’s bands .
Ayer murio mi parcero de toda la vida
My best partner died yesterday

  • ENTONCES QUE? – TOS´QUE? (Exp) What´s up?
Tos´que ,parcero?
What´s up, dude?
  • MORRACO: (n.) Corpse , body, dead person. Synonym: Muñeco
Hay un morraco en la esquina
There is a body lain on the corner
  • ESTAR EN LA OLLA: ( Exp.) Have no bucks, to be broke
La familia de mi esposa esta en la olla

My wife´s family is broke
  • COMER (V.) : Taboo word: To have sexual intercourse

Pilar se comio a Juan anoche en la fiesta
Pilar ************ed with Juan in the party last night
Aqui va una repopular:

VAINA: a thing, a problem (actually anything

¿Qué es esa vaina?
What is that thing? What is it?

!que vaina¡ mi parce está paila.
what a problem, my bro is ************ed up
Excellent idea bro...

I'll post them as I remember them:

"Ese man es severo bobazo".................."That guy is such a prick".
"Bueno, pero en bombas papá"..............." O.K. hurry up bro".
"Todo va al peluche".........................."Everything's going perfectly".
"Nanay cucas" / "Ni puel p ut as"............"No way".

Does anybody know how how to say this in English???

"Quedó como un c u l o?"

"Quedó como un c&%$·$".
CASCAR : Verb= to hit,,to beat soemthing or somebody
uy a ese man lo cascaron re duro

uy, that guy was bit ( hit ) so hard

no le casque al pealo
don't hit that child
balaca= Noun: hair band

la balaca de esa sardina esta bacana
that girl's hair band is cool

esas balacas estan caras
Those hairbands are expensive
can anybody gimme more translations or meanings of this word?

Tales= this word can be anything depending on the contest
tales word CONTEXT 1
A friend just arrive to the party and another friend ask him:
A: hey trajo el tales?
hey did you bring the booze?
B: sisas parce, aqui lo traigo encaletado en el maleto
yeah dude,I have it hidden in my backpack
so depending on the previous conversation with the group, the relationship these people have and some other factors in this case tales can be either booze or pot, this word is usually said with gestures or facial expresions.
Zorra= slut

esa Fanni si es mas zorra
Fanni is a slut

Zorro= smartass,intelligent,clever
el gabriel es mas zorro,compro un ipaq por 200 mil pesos y despues lo vendio en LANEROS.COM por 350 mil.

Gabriel is a smartass, he bought an ipaq for 200 thousand pesos and then he sold it on LANEROS.COM for 350 thousand pesos
any ideas on translating this??

tupale a la pintura ( stop fooling around and finish painting)
tupale a la comida( come on!!!eat your food )
tupale ...papa ( move!!quickly!!hurry up!!...dude)
Chueco = Illegal

Ese man le gusta lo chueco: That guy likes illegal stuff.
Como que fue un negocio chueco: There is something fishy going on
yecido dijo:
can anybody gimme more translations or meanings of this word?

Tales= this word can be anything depending on the contest

A: "Saqué a la pato al cine" (I took Patty to the movies)
B: "Y si...tales???" (And...did you f uc k her?)

"La hembrita está bien y tales" (The girl is good and stuff).
yecido dijo:
any ideas on translating this??

tupale a la pintura ( stop fooling around and finish painting)
tupale a la comida( come on!!!eat your food )
tupale ...papa ( move!!quickly!!hurry up!!...dude)

Tupir: Going on with or startin' doing something.
gomelo=cock of the wall,,somebody who thinks he is better than others, with more money,more status..actually he is like that, but the situation is that he is always saying,,and making feel other people unhappy

GUARILAQUES: Noun : drinks , it comes from the word GUARO = AGUARDIENTE colombian typical ALCOHOLIC DRINK : FIREWATER
Anoche fui a tomarme unos guarilaques con mis amigos
lastnite I went for some drinks with my friends
Another way to say "Se putió la taberna" is "se armó la chupamelculo" both means "everything got messed up".
"Abrase": it means "get out of hear".
get out of hear ??? <---- did you mean here ????

must be...

oigan para los que no saben una recomendacion de una pagina para traducir las palabras:D 100% con Compound Forms, y varios idiomas se las recomiendo.

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