
Lanero Novato
27 Ene 2022
Hi everyone, I'm Javier Abad, a student of Business Administration and Management, specializing in marketing.
I am delighted to join this community and to be able to expand my knowledge in SEO positioning, SaaS, IH... I am very excited to grow both personally and professionally and I would like to learn a lot of knowledge and aspects of marketing that I still don't know. I am eager to increase my learning of these technological businesses that are the future of the economy and the more knowledge I have, the greater the possibility of success. And of course I would like to share my knowledge to help whoever needs it.
Very proud to belong to the community!
Gracias, por favor recuerda acercarte a recursos humanos para que firmes tu consentimiento para afiliarte al fondo de empleados de Laneros y generarte tu carnet, por favor ven presentable para la toma de la foto.

La entrada es a las 8 am, la hora de salida la defines tu.

Cuando pases por el foro de descuentos y promociones veas un bot que esta generando promociones falsas, tu primera labor es encontrar la manera de desactivar ese bot.

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