What to say to a beautiful girl?

juandavidlom dijo:
have you ever seen a very beautifull women and you think like what can i say ?
and you are so shy and you pass to level that you are red

what can you do in that cases?

I read this somewhere: ""if you happen to be really shy and you cannot help blushing when you're standing before a beautiful girl, just grab one of your ears and squeeze it gently; the blush effect will go away""

I really don't know whether or not that works, but it sounds quite funny :p:p
just say " hey how`re you doing?"
and women are not ment to be get, dont try to guess what they are thinking or you will lose your mind.
just talk to her the worst things she could say is that she wont go out with you

and dude also think that girls can be as nervous as you
i want to hang out with a girl of my university but the girl not even say hello to me
that girl is the most beatifull thing that i see in the whole world
what can i do?
juandavidlom dijo:
i want to hang out with a girl of my university but the girl not even say hello to me
that girl is the most beatifull thing that i see in the whole world
what can i do?
kill yourself, or you can look for someone to introduce her to you, or even better forget her and go on with your life
Pal, I have a lot of experience on this, and I can say you:
- Be confident with yourself.
That's all that a woman that meets a guy for first time like. Well, I'm talking about the 90% of the women. There is strange ones too.
Look at her eyes and tell sometime like: what time is it? or This is a nice place, right? or Is hot here. Simple things, women don't like guys that say them "piropos" the first time(but if you are good looking they like it, jeje) with some luck she gets more nervous than you. And be imaginative.
For a beatiful girl is simply; the 3 seconds rule*... you see one and you go instantly and talk to her without think; if you was reyectect... What happend? Think: "She dont know the great man that she lost".

*Too much seduction e-book... but it works!
what the f...
what do you say to a beautiful girl??? the same stuff you would say to an ugly one...
only when you stop treating hot girls as untouchable you will be able to lay your hands on them

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