Windows Live Messenger 9

buenas por aca pasando a informar que ya se me arreglo el msn... en cuanto a las notificaciones de correo...

esta mañana me conecte cuando vi una notificacion... "mariana te ha enviado un correo electronico..." wooow... que bien... me hacia mucha falta este servicio...

me avisan si es a todos o solo a mi...
Pues no me ha llegado ningun mail.
Pero almenos ya se me actualiza el numero, tenia 5 correos, miré uno ye efectivamente se actualizió a 4 :p.
A mi ya me sirve bien desde hoy... me notifica de nuevos correos y al mirar el correo si los va descontando del Messenger.
Buenas señores!
He tenido un problema apenas monte el Messenger 9 el dia de ayer, y me sale el siguiente mensaje de error. Que puede ser?? Agradeceria la ayuda. Adjunto imagen

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Messenger Plus! Live 4.82.368 (30/06/2009)

Yo tengo la notificacion de actualizaciones desactivada, hace poco me di cuenta de esta nueva version:

  • Messenger Plus! is now entirely compatible with Windows 7 (RC minimum) :
    • The Messenger Lock feature has been fixed. A new icon is added to the tray in Windows 7 if an unlock keyboard shortcut is not specified.
    • The default Messenger Lock icon in Windows 7 has been changed to blend in better in the new UI (hourglass: shell32.dll,323).
    • Note: the jump list of Messenger will work properly when using the Multiple-Accounts (polygamy) option but you'll get the options for only one of your Messenger clients.
    • Tabbed chats display a proper preview (peek) picture with a list of currently opened chats. Chats waiting for input are colorized in the thumbnail and Alt+Tab or Win+Tab combinations also display the proper picture.
    • A couple of other minor fixes here and there to make the Windows 7 experience complete.
  • The settings of your scripts and skins can now be exported from the preferences panel and re-imported back.
    • Only the settings of the scripts/skins are exported and not the scripts/skins themselves.
    • As far as scripts are concerned, only the scripts that put their settings where they're supposed to (see MsgPlus.ScriptRegPath) will be concerned by this new feature.
  • This release is contest-ready!
    • In this version, you will see a new golden icon in your Messenger toolbar. Those who participated in the contest 2 years ago will probably remember what this is.
    • A "Play and Win" menu has been added in the contact list.
    • The 2009 Contest is not open yet, it will be in about a week from now. Remember to give it a try in July!
  • The bug present in beta versions of IE8 has been fixed in IE8 Final. The workaround for displaying long chat logs in the Log Viewer has been removed.
  • Navigation arrows are now added in Windows 7 for tabbed chats, below the Aero Peek thumbnail in the task bar. Use them to switch from one chat to the next.
  • Fixed: the background of the title bars of Messenger Plus! windows does not display correctly with bright colors.
  • When a directory is selected in the Log Viewer, the log currently displayed is removed from the screen.
  • Fixed: default Messenger sounds for event notifications and new external emails aren't played by Messenger Plus! in Messenger 2009.
  • Scripts. Fixed: scripts may be automatically started and marked as "running" the first time Messenger is restarted after a script has been updated, even if the script is disabled.
  • Skins. Fixed: new border areas specified in <Dimensions> do not work in Messenger 2009 Final.
  • Skins: Fixed: the <FrameCount> element in <MetaData> is not used if specified without any other meta data.
  • A couple of stability fixes. Runaway, from the river to the street.
Download: LINK
Lo malo de esta actualización es que les tocó volver a las andanzas del dichoso "patrocinador" ya que parece que perdieron el soporte de
Buenas señores!
He tenido un problema apenas monte el Messenger 9 el dia de ayer, y me sale el siguiente mensaje de error. Que puede ser?? Agradeceria la ayuda. Adjunto imagen

ando igual, ya reinstale la version buena (no la beta) pase msn cleaner, la hora y fecha estan bien y nada, no encuentro el problema

aguien ha hallado algo?
reportando que yo con mi messenger al 100% ningun fallo y ningun error !!!

Bueno señores para contarles que el concurso que podemos ver en el nuevo msn plus con el logo en dorado comenzo desde el 12 de este mes !!!!

es muy facil de participar...
reportando que yo con mi messenger al 100% ningun fallo y ningun error !!!

Bueno señores para contarles que el concurso que podemos ver en el nuevo msn plus con el logo en dorado comenzo desde el 12 de este mes !!!!

es muy facil de participar...
Ya estoy participando en ese concurso, facil jugar....... dificil encontrar el bendito píxel:p.