Diferencia entre Clan y Comunidad.

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A partir de la fecha con el fin de evitar malos entendidos, la creación de Clanes y Comunidades se tendrán que acoger a las siguientes definiciones:

Clan: Grupo de personas unidas cuyo principal interes son los juegos en red. Usualmente organizan equipos y se enfrentan a otros Clanes en eventos conocidos como LANparties, siendo las mas conocidas a nivel nacional LANco y LANcafe.

Adicionalmente, todos los miembros de un Clan son facilmente identificables por que su nick se precede por un "Clan Tag" que lo acredita como miembro activo de dicha agrupación.

Definición de Clan por WIKIPEDIA:
In computer and video gaming, a clan or guild is a group of players who regularly play together in a particular (or various different) multiplayer games. The word "clan " comes from the gaelic word "clann" meaning group of children. These games range from groups of a few friends to 1000-person organizations, with a broad range of structures, goals and members. Numerous clans exist for nearly every online game available today, notably in first-person shooters, massively multiplayer games, role-playing games, and strategy games.

Player organizations probably emerged in the earliest networked multiplayer computer games that brought together disparate groups of players, such as players in a MUD from two rival universities. The first turn-based or RPG clans were the player guilds in the first graphical MMORPG, Neverwinter Nights, which ran on AOL from 1991 through 1997. The first real-time game clans as we recognize them today were formed in 1996, around games such as Quake, Descent, and the Netmech multiplayer expansion pack for the PC game MechWarrior 2: 31st Century Combat.

Starting with small groups, referring to themselves as guilds or clans, these organizations typically involved gamers playing one particular game. Around 2000, it seems that several of the larger groups formed themselves into multi-game organizations, allowing gamers to play with the same people in many different games. Some MMORPG guilds claim hundreds of members (or more), and some guilds have even obtained registered trademarks for their names

Comunidad: Grupo de personas unidas por un interés común: Comunidad LANeros Paisas, Comunidad «CCU» (Comunidad Chilena Unida), LANeros Argentinos, etc.
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