How to improve listening comprehension?


Lanero Reconocido
2 Sep 2004
From my point of view one of the most difficult aspects about learning english is listening because of blending.

What kind of things do you do for improving your listening comprehension?

I think watching TV in english and trying to understand it without reading the subtitles is a good way to improve the listening comprehension.
I do it every day and I've got good results.
Watching tv, watchin' the subtitles an makin' relations between the words, for example, you translating with a dictionary the phrase "Used To Be" it mean usado para ser but, makin' relations you can understand that means Solia ser.
The best way is using the Closed Caption watching TV. You can read and listen at the same time. It works for me ;)
andrespeed dijo:
The best way is using the Closed Caption watching TV. You can read and listen at the same time. It works for me ;)

Totally agree with that, it has worked for me too.
It can also be done by watching english subtitled DVD movies, so it has the same effect, you can listen to the pronunciation while you're reading the subtitles.

Listening to music helps a lot too, if you're winamp users, I recommend you to install "LEOSLYRICS plugin" so once a song is played it automatically starts searching in a data base the lyrics of the current song, it usually takes a couple of seconds if you have a good connection.

I think listening to music is not the best way to improve listening comprehension because they speak/sing too fast and they use a lot of slang so you can easily get lost.

I think it's better to watch the news or some TV Shows in English because it's easier to understand and you'll listen to the right pronunciation of every word. That can help you to understand what people are saying in a normal conversation.

Listening to music and reading the lyrics at the same time is also good but as an alternative method.
i totally agree with you OESOTO,,i think that the only truly way to improve your listening is watching tv, i prefer sitcoms like frasier, siendfeld and friends,. but i gotta say that friends is very easy to understand, so its better to try with something harder like frasier.....
and some talkshows like maury povich and jerry springer
Thanks a lot, I'm going to start to watch TV and listen music more often.

I really want to have some channels that show programs in Englis with closed caption, but The Company that give me this service doesn't have this kind of channels, however it doesn't a problem, I can rent movies.


I totally disagree with listening with subtitles (No hard feelings guys, it's just my PoV)

If you really need to practice your Listening Skills, you'd better NOT use any captions or subtitles, not EVEN in English. If there is any subtitle, unconsciously, you'll stop paying attention to what you're listening, and focus your attention in what you're reading. It's as simple as this. Watch any DVD with spanish audio, and spanish captions at the same time. You'll see that you'll find yourself reading more, than paying attention to listen.
So, if you REALLY want to improve your Listening, I completely agree with \SN/ HHCastan, watch CNN international, it has different accents, no subtitles, interesting topics.
You can also watch one of your favourite movies on DVD, with no subtitles, and just enjoy it. You'll notice that you'll get better and better at it.

There's a very good magazine "SpeakUP" sold at Newtands, it comes with nice articles and with an AudioCD to practice pronunciation as well. The price, I remember not, but you can look for them and use'em.

And at last but not least, try to think in English, I mean, try not to translate into Spanish. I know it sounds difficult, but it's the only way.

Tks for reading

ChainGun dijo:
And at last but not least, try to think in English, I mean, try not to translate into Spanish. I know it sounds difficult, but it's the only way.

Right. This is very important. People are used to think in Spanish and then translate every word to English and finally express the idea.

The problem is that they aren't thinking of the English grammar and that's when big grammar mistakes are noticeable. It's not easy to get used to this way of thinking, but it helps a lot to improve listening, writing and speaking skills.
All U say is right, but we can't wait that the people don't think in spanish... That's my problem, altough, I try to be fast, the awful truth is that the process take valuable time...for that, I'll study with the films with english subtitles
English is necessary and important for the actual life. i enjoy learning because is for a prosper future in my life of engineer. english rules!!!
yap, i agree with chaingun about trying to think in english.... about 4 years ago every peeps i know told me to think in english not in spanish then transalte it , i was like " wtf how i do that?" but now i find it easy, now i dont need to think in spanish then transalate it. but that " process" takes time so be patient, keep practicing.
some advices... try singing songs in english, talk to urself in english ( that really helps, its not for crazy people lol ), watch films in english... about listening to music in english i dont think that'd helps ur listenning comprehesion cuz its like spanish. when ur listening to music in spanish there will be some words or some senteces that u wont understand and thats y u go to the lyrics. i hope ive helped u
I've studied English for the last 3 years, from my point of view the most difficult part is listening comprehension, therefore I decided to write this post 7 months ago, once I put in practice your advice (to watch movies, to listen music, etc) immediately I began to improve my listening skills, nowadays I can say that my listening comprehension is not bad.

so, this is my advice, to be exposed to the language how much you can, everything is good, at the beginning you don't understand, but it doesn't matter, Just hear, hearing comes first understanding comes next.


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