NOKIA dejara de bautizar sus moviles con numeros....



Nokia, the world's top handset maker, said on Thursday it will give new phone models a name rather than a number, following the success of rivals with model names like RAZR and "chocolate."

"What you will see coming from us in the future is not just a numbering system, you are going to start to see names that carry a meaning and are important to consumers," Keith Pardy, head of marketing at Nokia, said during a webcast from an Citigroup's investor meeting in New York.

He did not specify if all new models would get names, or if some would still be introduced with a four digit number.

Earlier this week Nokia unveiled new phone models 7390, 7373 and 7360. Rival Motorola has enjoyed booming sales with its ultra-thin RAZR phone, and has subsequently decided to give more new models four letter names like SLVR (pronounce as "sliver") and PEBL ("pebble").

LG Electronics has seen strong demand for its "chocolate" model, a thin slider phone with dark cover.

Nokia has acknowledged consumer interest in thinner phone models, but so far has not come out with an ultra-thin design, to match RAZR or Samsung Electronics' new models.

Pardy admitted the firm has been late with thin phones.

"We have been slow on the uptake. We are not happy that we are late with that, but we are working on it. But at the same time you have to be looking at what's next," he said

Sera esperar para conocer los nombres de los nuevos moviles, y ver si le funciona esa estrategia a NOKIA. :rolleyes:
Generalmente todas las empresa pasan por esta etapa... es como madurar las marcas pienso yo. AMD, Intel, Microsoft lo han hecho y les funcionó, esperemos que a Nokia tambien.
pues madurez o no nokia deveria sacar modelitos ma vacanos ke los de motorola,
yo pienso ke no es tanto cambiarle la referencia del numero por un nombre, sino, diceños mas llamativos. no se ke piensen ustedes.

de todas formas es mas facil gravarse un nombre ke una referencia.
Me parece buena idea que nokia le de nombre a sus telefonos, aunque llamarlos por un numero (referencia) nunca me ha molestado.
Mientras no descuide la calidad de los telefonos por darle prioridad al diseño como han hecho otros fabricantes.

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