Nuevo Servidor Latinoamerica Lineage 2 Ladyal

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Lanero Regular
24 May 2021
Ladyal Quarentine Version - Servidor desde 0 comenzando este dia Lunes 24/05/2021.

Abre sus puertas y los invita a todos a participar de uno de los mejores servidores de Lineage 2 High Five.

Con gran experiencia en administración y adaptación a la comunidad les ofrecemos un excelente servidor al cual lo eligen miles de jugadores periódicos, donde no te vas a aburrir ni te van a faltar las ganas de ingresar y ser el mejor.

Unite, te esperamos. Web: // Discord:

Ladyal Quarentine Version - Server from 0 starting this day Monday 05/24/2021.

It opens its doors and invites everyone to participate in one of the best servers of Lineage 2 High Five.

With great experience in administration and adaptation to the community, we offer you an excellent server which is chosen by thousands of regular players, where you will not get bored or lack the desire to enter and be the best.

Join, we are waiting for you. Web: // Discord:
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