Please help me with my Curriculum Vitae in English


Lanero Líder
5 Feb 2004
hi my friends
I'm interesting in apply for a carrer in Europe and Canada, but i need make my CV in english. My English grammar is near to 30% :S, and for this papper (CV) is very important a excellent redaction.
Alguien me puede ayudar a relizar mi CV en ingles??
thanks a lot
a VC is something like "life paper", about everything u have done in ur life and stuff. And u can also write jobs and recomendations for a new one...
Hi man, I know what are you talking about, as someone said before you need a resume. In order to create your resume, you can use google. There are a lot of webpages where you can find formats, and so you just have to fill in the format, at the moment I can not remember any of those webpages, but I am sure that is you type resumes in google you will find something. Bye I hope my words could help you .
hey kp_maqp right now i am living in canada, and i am taking an english course, if you want i will be glad to help you, my teacher might know about how to make Résumés. She will help with that...
Where are you going to apply?.
see ya!!

ĴũΔήØЖ dijo:
hey kp_maqp right now i am living in canada, and i am taking an english course, if you want i will be glad to help you, my teacher might know about how to make Résumés. She will help with that...
Where are you going to apply?.
see ya!!


thanks for all.
this weekend i will do a new resumen updated in spanish, then on monday or Th, i'll send you.
I hope apply for a a vacancy in Romania and another in canada, in tow Shipyards.

Porroins thanks you for help and u links, in this momen i'm ina Internet Cafe, next week when return to job, i'll take a glance.
Ok kp_maqp, i'll wait for your résumé, on monday i have class at 4 pm, so i will show my teacher your résumé and ask her for the format that they use here, also i have some colombian friends who speak english better than me so they can help too ;).
see ya!
Enjoy your holiday guys

Hay unos traductores oficiales en paginas amarillas, creo que es eso lo que necesitas, por que creo que exigen formalizarlos ante la embajada
uffff.. until now is possible finish the update in spanish version :s
It is in attachment.
Please look at it, and help me

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