Popularity of English Section


Lanero Reconocido
24 Jun 2006
only i want to know .....why the post of the english forum are less popular than the others ? wath do you think? the reason
I think people don't post here because they think that other people can make fun of them if they make any gramatical mistake.

We have lots of threads written in Spanish that cover a lot of topics. Talking about the same topic in English and Spanish at the same time would be kind of redundant. That's why I think this section has less activity than the others.
Because it is a Colombian forum and for logic they all speak Spanish and not many persons get out of a jam themselves with the English, at the time language a lot of protagonism is not given him to forums written in English... XD
|ARG|Guille dijo:
Because it is a Colombian forum and for logic they all speak Spanish and not many persons get out of a jam themselves with the English, at the time language a lot of protagonism is not given him to forums written in English... XD
..ohhh man! you wrote "persons", no way! The correct way is PEOPLE!...but whatever..

... continuing with the thread I absolutely think this is the useless forum 'couse this is the last one in the list, no?:s
well, in my personal opinion i don't think it is useless, why? oh well because we don't know if a person that doesn't know spanish want to comunicate with us.
Yes this is a colombian forum, but as a recommendation you should bring help to american people, british, etc, obviously if they need it, don't you think ?
angel_uro dijo:
well, in my personal opinion i don't think it is useless, why? oh well because we don't know if a person that doesn't know spanish want to communicate with us.
Yes this is a Colombian forum, but as a recommendation you should bring help to american people, British, etc, obviously if they need it, don't you think ?
...really not, because 4 example I'm not an english native speaker, but I enter to this forum just for enjoy and improve my level...:cool:

Obviously, we're here to help the other one!:)
well.... there are not a lot of people who speak english and who know a little doesn't came here to practice because many peolpe just thing english is not important, but, no matter were you are or who you are, if you use internet service in anyplace around the world you have to know english. The world is to big and the only way to know it without speaking all languages is speaking english, this is a fact, but, first that all you must open your world and see how big is it,this is not only spanish speakers, is so many people and so many cultures, who know that have studied english or have a idea to do it in a future.(I guess so)
And us native english speakers lurk around here, making sure that you can al at least be understood.

English, love it or hate it is a fairly universal language. All of your command level instructions are based on english and if you really want to find something on the internet, you had better not just be searching for it in spanish.

The english language is an escential thing in the today's world, if don't speak english, you have a lot of doors closed, BUT, if you do, you can open your action way ;) I love speak english, is one of the greatest things that've happened to me...
We are lazy people when it comes to write in another language on a website built mostly (99.99%) for spanish speakers.

I think that's part of our education, culture as Colombians!

Proud to be Colombian! :D:D:D
<font color="Navy">... but, I would know what do u think about the Colombian pronunciation... I don't know, but it'll be fine to know which mistakes, weaknesses or qualities do we have as Colombian english Speakers... I hope your quick response, bye 'n enjoy!
Hardly half of the forum members write Spanish correctly... this place is flooded with awful Spanish grammar and orthography, also English is not very popular in this country and even if there are a lot of people from other Latin-American countries on this site: Lots of Latin-Americans HATE USA, therefore they have very harsh feelings for the English language and use it (if they know it) as their last resort... is it smart?


In this age, global communication is a given and English is the only true way to convey a full message to the biggest crowd, laziness it's not an excuse... at least most of the people that enter this section of LANeros are willing to write correctly and more important: LEARN and hone their skills. That sets apart this place from full-fledged English forums plagued with sucky grammar and AOLese on every thread.

I hope that this section stays that way: a haven for people that like or love the Enlgish language.
Who cares about english? I learn it just for work and technical use, I think EEUU citizens have to learn spanish, spanish is a deeper languaje than english.
leviatan182 dijo:
Who cares about english? I learn it just for work and technical use, I think EEUU citizens have to learn spanish, spanish is a deeper languaje than english.

XD... You forgot your sarcasm tags. So United States citizens HAVE to learn spanish because you say do... nevermind the economical superpower, you as a forum poster ORDER them to learn spanish and they HAVE to...
Mmmm....... they don't have to learn Spanish but they should. Inmigrants go to USA and learn English so they know at least two languages which is an important advantage in order to get a job and be competitive in an american environment. Americans should care about that.

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