Test para comprobar si estamos preparados para IPv6

  • Iniciador del tema ZAMURAY
  • Fecha de inicio

Recordaran que fue anunciado el agotamiento de direcciones IP existentes, y la necesidad de pasar al protocolo IPv6 para disponer de más direcciones, dado que el creciente número de dispositivos las estaba agotando. La pregunta es, ¿estamos preparados para ello?

La Internet Society, compendio de las grandes empresas de la Red, ha fijado el 8 de junio de 2011 como el World IPv6. En ese día, y durante 24 horas, probarán todos sus sistemas con IPv6, pero podemos adelantarnos a ese día y comprobar de primera mano si nosotros estamos preparados o no.

Se ha puesto en marcha un test para saber si el 8 de junio tendremos un día tranquilo o nos tendremos que lamentar por la falta de actualización. Según Google, en el 99,95% de los casos los usuarios podremos pasar la prueba sin problemas. Si deseáis hacer el test, podéis acceder directamente

haciendo click aquí.


Fuente Noticias3d

Your IPv4 address on the public internet appears to be xx.xxx.xx.xxx

You have no IPv6 address.

World IPv6 day is June 8th, 2011. No problems are anticipated for you with this browser, at this location.

You appear to be able to browse the IPv4 internet only. You will not be able to reach IPv6-only sites.

Your readiness scores
7/10 for your IPv4 stability and readiness, when publishers offer both IPv4 and IPv6
0/10 for your IPv6 stability and readiness, when publishers are forced to go IPv6 only
Estoy listo para IPv6 solamente mi ISP (telmex) no esta preparado.

Test with IPv4 DNS record ok (1.246s) using ipv4
Test with IPv6 DNS record ok (1.280s) using ipv6 6to4
Test if your ISP's DNS server uses IPv6 bad (0.254s)
Test with Dual Stack DNS record ok (0.921s) using ipv4
Test IPv4 without DNS ok (0.848s) using ipv4
Test IPv6 without DNS ok (0.432s) using ipv6 6to4
Test IPv6 large packet ok (0.419s) using ipv6 6to4

Weno yo entiendo asi

Your IPv4 address on the public internet appears to be 186.xx.xx.xx (o sea que tengo bien asignada una IP tipo IPv4)

You have no IPv6 address. (ps q no tengo IP de version IPv6 esto es porq mi ROUTER no tiene como solicitar IPv6 porq es viejito, en resumen me TOCA comprar router que soporte IPv6

World IPv6 day is June 8th, 2011. No problems are anticipated for you with this browser, at this location. (o sea que por parte del operador ya esta listo :) )

You appear to be able to browse the IPv4 internet only. You will not be able to reach IPv6-only sites.
(que podre seguir navegando pero no podre ingresar a sitios que tengan asignadas IPv6)

creo q asi es mas claro :) ya estoy ahorrando desde ya pa un nuevo Routersito :)

y creo que MUCHOS de nosotros tendremos que comprar ROUTER :p

Your IPv4 address on the public internet appears to be
You have no IPv6 address.
World IPv6 day is June 8th, 2011. No problems are anticipated for you with this browser, at this location.
You appear to be able to browse the IPv4 internet only. You will not be able to reach IPv6-only sites.Your readiness scores7/10 for your IPv4 stability and readiness, when publishers offer both IPv4 and IPv60/10 for your IPv6 stability and readiness, when publishers are forced to go IPv6 only

Your IPv4 address on the public internet appears to be

Your IPv6 address on the public internet appears to be 2002:bef8:31d5::bef8:31d5
Your IPv6 service appears to be: 6to4

World IPv6 day is June 8th, 2011. No problems are anticipated for you with this browser, at this location.

Congratulations! You appear to have both IPv4 and IPv6 internet working. If a publisher publishes to IPv6, your browser will connect using IPv6. Note: Your browser appears to prefer IPv4 over IPv6 when given the choice. This may in the future affect the accuracy of sites who guess at your location.

You appear to be using a public 6to4 gateway; your router may be providing this to you automatically. Such public gateways have no service level agreements; you may see performance problems using such. Better would be to get a native IPv6 address from your ISP.

Attempts to use an IPv6-only DNS server failed; possibly, your ISP's DNS servers are not yet on IPv6. This will impact your ability to browse an IPv6-only site. If you are knowingly using OpenDNS, note they also cause this test to fail. If you are technically capable, consider running your own resolver (not forwarder!) on one of your IPv6 enabled hosts.

Test with IPv4 DNS record
ok (2.916s) using ipv4
Test with IPv6 DNS record
ok (2.983s) using ipv6 6to4
Test if your ISP's DNS server uses IPv6
bad (3.836s)
Test with Dual Stack DNS record
ok (2.890s) using ipv4
Test IPv4 without DNS
ok (1.999s) using ipv4
Test IPv6 without DNS
ok (2.084s) using ipv6 6to4
Test IPv6 large packet
ok (3.093s) using ipv6 6to4

tengo internet movil de une pero le tengo los dns configurados en OPENDNS
El de mi vecino Telmex de mexico... ya nos fregamos jajaja

Your IPv4 address on the public internet appears to be

Your IPv6 address on the public internet appears to be
Your IPv6 service appears to be: Teredo
We don't quite understand these results. Please hit reload on your browser once and retest. If the results are the same, please share your results with me to improve this test.

Result code: obtt:eek:obb

World IPv6 day is June 8th, 2011. You are expected to have problems connecting this day to web sites participating in IPv6 day. Consider disabling your IPv6 configuration; or ask for ISP for help.
Test results inconclusive; they were not consistent with expectations. Please rerun the test, and if the results are the same, please fill out the contact form.

Your IPv6 connection appears to be using Teredo, a type of IPv4/IPv6 gateway; currently it connects only to direct IP's. Your browser will not be able to go to IPv6 sites by name. This means the current configuration is not useful for browsing IPv6 web sites.
Your readiness scores
0/10 for your IPv4 stability and readiness, when publishers offer both IPv4 and IPv6
0/10 for your IPv6 stability and readiness, when publishers are forced to go IPv6 only
Click to see test data

I am most interested in discussing your setup with you, because it was been determined that your IPv6 connectivity is broken. This is not normal; would you be willing to share your results?

Your IPv4 address on the public internet appears to be 201.XXX.XXX.XXX
You have no IPv6 address.
World IPv6 day is June 8th, 2011. No problems are anticipated for you with this browser, at this location.
You appear to be able to browse the IPv4 internet only. You will not be able to reach IPv6-only sites.Your readiness scores7/10 for your IPv4 stability and readiness, when publishers offer both IPv4 and IPv60/10 for your IPv6 stability and readiness, when publishers are forced to go IPv6 only

Test with IPv4 DNS record ok (0.510s) using ipv4
Test with IPv6 DNS record bad (0.288s)
Test if your ISP's DNS server uses IPv6 bad (1.374s)
Test with Dual Stack DNS record ok (0.515s) using ipv4
Test IPv4 without DNS ok (0.328s) using ipv4
Test IPv6 without DNS timeout (15.076s)
Test IPv6 large packet bad (0.020s)
Metrotel Barranquilla


Your IPv4 address on the public internet appears to be XXX.XXX.XX.XXX

You have no IPv6 address.

World IPv6 day is June 8th, 2011. No problems are anticipated for you with this browser, at this location.

You appear to be able to browse the IPv4 internet only. You will not be able to reach IPv6-only sites.
Your readiness scores
7/10 for your IPv4 stability and readiness, when publishers offer both IPv4 and IPv6
0/10 for your IPv6 stability and readiness, when publishers are forced to go IPv6 only

Tests Ran
Test with IPv4 DNS record ok (0.621s) using ipv4
Test with IPv6 DNS record bad (0.263s)
Test if your ISP's DNS server uses IPv6 bad (0.201s)
Test with Dual Stack DNS record ok (0.586s) using ipv4
Test IPv4 without DNS ok (0.475s) using ipv4
Test IPv6 without DNS bad (0.117s)
Test IPv6 large packet bad (0.165s)

Al parecer mi ISP no está preparado, pero tomarán medidas...... eso espero...... ¬¬
Your IPv4 address on the public internet appears to be xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx

Your IPv6 address on the public internet appears to be xxx:xxx:xxx:xxx:xxx:xxx
Your IPv6 service appears to be: 6to4

World IPv6 day is June 8th, 2011. No problems are anticipated for you with this browser, at this location.

Congratulations! You appear to have both IPv4 and IPv6 internet working. If a publisher publishes to IPv6, your browser will connect using IPv6. Note: Your browser appears to prefer IPv4 over IPv6 when given the choice. This may in the future affect the accuracy of sites who guess at your location.

You appear to be using a public 6to4 gateway; your router may be providing this to you automatically. Such public gateways have no service level agreements; you may see performance problems using such. Better would be to get a native IPv6 address from your ISP.

Attempts to use an IPv6-only DNS server failed; possibly, your ISP's DNS servers are not yet on IPv6. This will impact your ability to browse an IPv6-only site. If you are knowingly using OpenDNS, note they also cause this test to fail. If you are technically capable, consider running your own resolver (not forwarder!) on one of your IPv6 enabled hosts.

Test with IPv4 DNS record
ok (0.401s) using ipv4
Test with IPv6 DNS record
ok (0.309s) using ipv6 6to4
Test if your ISP's DNS server uses IPv6
bad (0.023s)
Test with Dual Stack DNS record
ok (0.217s) using ipv4
Test IPv4 without DNS
ok (0.352s) using ipv4
Test IPv6 without DNS
ok (3.373s) using ipv6 6to4
Test IPv6 large packet
ok (0.330s) using ipv6 6to4

isp ETB
Your IPv4 address on the public internet appears to be xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx

Your IPv6 address on the public internet appears to be xxx:xxx:xxx:xxx:xxx:xxx
Your IPv6 service appears to be: 6to4

World IPv6 day is June 8th, 2011. No problems are anticipated for you with this browser, at this location.

Congratulations! You appear to have both IPv4 and IPv6 internet working. If a publisher publishes to IPv6, your browser will connect using IPv6. Note: Your browser appears to prefer IPv4 over IPv6 when given the choice. This may in the future affect the accuracy of sites who guess at your location.

You appear to be using a public 6to4 gateway; your router may be providing this to you automatically. Such public gateways have no service level agreements; you may see performance problems using such. Better would be to get a native IPv6 address from your ISP.

Attempts to use an IPv6-only DNS server failed; possibly, your ISP's DNS servers are not yet on IPv6. This will impact your ability to browse an IPv6-only site. If you are knowingly using OpenDNS, note they also cause this test to fail. If you are technically capable, consider running your own resolver (not forwarder!) on one of your IPv6 enabled hosts.

Test with IPv4 DNS record
ok (0.401s) using ipv4
Test with IPv6 DNS record
ok (0.309s) using ipv6 6to4
Test if your ISP's DNS server uses IPv6
bad (0.023s)
Test with Dual Stack DNS record
ok (0.217s) using ipv4
Test IPv4 without DNS
ok (0.352s) using ipv4
Test IPv6 without DNS
ok (3.373s) using ipv6 6to4
Test IPv6 large packet
ok (0.330s) using ipv6 6to4

isp ETB

Usted puede hacer lo mismo que yo, tener IPv6 por tunnel gracias al 6to4 xd
No problems are anticipated for you

Pues eso no es bueno, ami igual me sale pero:

Your IPv4 address on the public internet appears to be

You have no IPv6 address.

World IPv6 day is June 8th, 2011. No problems are anticipated for you with this browser, at this location.

You appear to be able to browse the IPv4 internet only. You will not be able to reach IPv6-only sites.
Your readiness scores
7/10 for your IPv4 stability and readiness, when publishers offer both IPv4 and IPv6
0/10 for your IPv6 stability and readiness, when publishers are forced to go IPv6 only

Your IPv4 address on the public internet appears to be

You have no IPv6 address.

World IPv6 day is June 8th, 2011. No problems are anticipated for you with this browser, at this location.

You appear to be able to browse the IPv4 internet only. You will not be able to reach IPv6-only sites.
Your readiness scores
7/10 for your IPv4 stability and readiness, when publishers offer both IPv4 and IPv6
0/10 for your IPv6 stability and readiness, when publishers are forced to go IPv6 only

Este test lo hice con mi proveedor de Internet UNE, lo que no se es si esta bien o mal alguien que me saque de la duda...
Protip para todos (ya lo habia comentado Ryosuke post atras)...

La prueba no sirve en XP... el IPv6 que viene por defecto en ese sistema no sirve para nada (antes me dejo sin inet)

La prueba toca hacerla con Vista/7 que si soportan IPv6 a full (o bueno... casi full)...
Your IPv4 address on the public internet appears to be

Your IPv6 address on the public internet appears to be 2001:0:4137:9e76:345c:d7b:45ae:acac
Your IPv6 service appears to be: Teredo

World IPv6 day is June 8th, 2011. No problems are anticipated for you with this browser, at this location.

You appear to be able to browse the IPv4 internet only. You will not be able to reach IPv6-only sites.

Your IPv6 connection appears to be using Teredo, a type of IPv4/IPv6 gateway; currently it connects only to direct IP's. Your browser will not be able to go to IPv6 sites by name. This means the current configuration is not useful for browsing IPv6 web sites.
Your readiness scores
7/10 for your IPv4 stability and readiness, when publishers offer both IPv4 and IPv6
0/10 for your IPv6 stability and readiness, when publishers are forced to go IPv6 only
Click to see test data

mi ISP es TELMEX :)

Your IPv4 address on the public internet appears to be

Your IPv6 address on the public internet appears to be 2001:0:4137:9e76:4cb:29ad:4161:f60e
Your IPv6 service appears to be: Teredo

World IPv6 day is June 8th, 2011. No problems are anticipated for you with this browser, at this location.

You appear to be able to browse the IPv4 internet only. You will not be able to reach IPv6-only sites.

Your IPv6 connection appears to be using Teredo, a type of IPv4/IPv6 gateway; currently it connects only to direct IP's. Your browser will not be able to go to IPv6 sites by name. This means the current configuration is not useful for browsing IPv6 web sites.
Your readiness scores
7/10 for your IPv4 stability and readiness, when publishers offer both IPv4 and IPv6
0/10 for your IPv6 stability and readiness, when publishers are forced to go IPv6 only
Click to see test data

Test with IPv4 DNS record ok (0.672s) using ipv4
Test with IPv6 DNS record bad (0.278s)
Test if your ISP's DNS server uses IPv6 bad (0.369s)
Test with Dual Stack DNS record ok (0.645s) using ipv4
Test IPv4 without DNS ok (0.769s) using ipv4
Test IPv6 without DNS ok (0.784s) using ipv6 Teredo
Test IPv6 large packet bad (0.250s)

Your readiness scores
7/10 for your IPv4 stability and readiness, when publishers offer both IPv4 and IPv6
0/10 for your IPv6 stability and readiness, when publishers are forced to go IPv6 only

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