United States vs. Ilegal Immigration

If you had written in Spanish maybe you'd have gotten a reply...
As for me, illegals know they're illegal... and know they can be deported
SicIturAdAstra dijo:
If you had written in Spanish maybe you'd have gotten a reply...
As for me, illegals know they're illegal... and know they can be deported

This forum is in english, maybe for you my english is bad,,?

I'am from paisas , at that time we never see this kind of problemas in immigration, the question is the U.S are doing the right thing?
SicIturAdAstra dijo:
If you had written in Spanish maybe you'd have gotten a reply...
As for me, illegals know they're illegal... and know they can be deported

This forum is in english, maybe for you my english is bad,,?

I'am from paisas , at that time we never see this kind of problemas in immigration, the question is the U.S are doing the right thing?
No, nothing to do with the quality of your English but with the quantity of people willing to discuss such a topic that have knowledge of English here.

I don't know if the US is doing the right thing... It's a quite broad subject to discuss. The fact is, they have to right to harden the immigration laws if they think their country needs such a measure, even though it could be REALLY unfair to lots of hard working foreigners that haven't been able to normalize their situation for one reason or other.
i whis to migrate of my conuntry, far from chavez but i dont know where yet,
and what do you think about the latin people in US that are against inmigration?????
IMHO There are lots of "Americans" that ridiculously play to be Uncle's Sam friends, but forget their roots in Central American countries.

I just saw the other day, some guy that was born near the border with Mexico, that clearly shows that his native tongue was Spanish for the accent when he answered the interview. I couldn't believe what my eyes were watching, since this guy, with spanish accent, and mexican look, was saying that inmigration law should be even more drastic, and that he was one of the men that call themselves "Minuteman", that guard the border on their own, armed with sniper rifles, authorized by the US goverment to protect the border, even at cost of inmigrants lifes.

I was amazed how poeple don't recognize their roots... at some point that guy's family should have crossed the border, or at least were part of the people caught in, when US took over New Mexico and all domain up north of Rio Grande. He once was mexican too, or t least his predecesors were. THAT WAS A MEXICAN IN "GRINGO'S" DISGUISE SHOOTING AT HIS OWN PEOPLE, BUT HE WAS CONVINCED HE WAS A TRUE AMERICAN, ARMED AND PROTECTING THE BORDER.

Putting that issue aside, I believe that US goverment is being hipocrat, since if they could execute (and I´m sure they can) all actions tendent to erradicate illegal's from their grounds, they would be totally ruined. They know that most of the jobs taken by inmigrants, legal o illegal, wouldn't be performed by their own.

So, the only thing inmigration law is intended for, is to be a weapon to gain electoral power in america's mind, because they are entering a phase of unemployement, that hasn't been controlled, and people on the streets are blaming inmigrants for takig jobs that should be for americans... but what they don't think is that inmigrants are so succesfull because they do things that no american would do, and the only thng that would happen if all inmigrants were sent away, is that american economý would collapse, since all those task illegals do, wouldn't be fulfilled by americans, leading to an economical crash that few consider when blaming those who do them.

EfL-cAr!cUl0 dijo:
You even have better english that me, I agree 110% with your point of view. We call this type of mexicans "CHICANOS" and it's true that some of them act wrong , and they dont recall were there root's came from.
About the U.S Inmigration Government , it's true that they dont care to do efective the laws in this issue, It's funny how some person's in tjhe congress always bring this situation in the coming elections, People talk that in the U.S is around 8 millions ilegal's inmigrant , in my personal opinion I think is more than that.
The U.S economy is not that strong as in the past , the war in Iraq is a blood-sucker for the American tax-payers, we are paying more tax that 10 years ago, everthing goes up each year in some states we talking of 10 - 25 % of raised tax.

You're very welcome to share your opinion @ Thank you for your wonderful participation.

Good Luck,

Juan Carlos

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