Vendo Vendo iphone 3gs libre barato

aun sigue en venta?
bandas abiertas?
tienpo de uso?

pues si algo mandeme mp para cerrar trato, sobre todo con el dichoso descuento que habla mensajes atras.
parcero cual es y base band? y el ios?, porque me interesa aunque hace dias veo que lo estas ofreciendo y nada que se va
esta 100% funcional?
o le falla algo?
de todas formas me interesaria que me dieres eso detalles y si algo le falla tambien me lo podes decir por mp y llegariamos a algun acuerdo
ultimo upppp hoy gran descuento..pregunte por mp
Mandeme MP con ese gran descuento + envío a Medellín, si es bien bueno le puedo consignar de una (trasnferencia por cajero bancolombia).

PD: Muy importante antes de hacer el negocio, que me digas cuál es la Base Band y el FW actual que tiene. Esta info aparece en esta misma pantalla haciéndole scroll hacia abajo:


PD2: Todo le funcione OK, cierto? GPS, cámara, 3g, wifi, duración de la batería, etc?

PD3: Esas líneas que se ven en esa imagen qué son?

gracias :D
Aun sigo a la confirmación, si realmente es un 3GS, debido a que aun no me aclaras eso, porque no le veo la brújula, ni el game center, ni el auto enfoque en la cámara, quedo a la espera para ver si se hace el negocio. Gracias.
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Si no sabe como verificarlo, la mejor forma es abrir cydia y en la parte de abajo le saldrá el modelo del dispositivo, o con el imei en la pagina de apple
a que se referira, por que no le ve ciertas cosas para saber si es un 3gs?
eso tiene jailbreak?








otra info importante

What are the differences between the iPhone 3GS and the iPhone 3G?
Please note that the iPhone 3G has been discontinued. [COLOR=#330066 !important][COLOR=#330066 !important]Apple[/COLOR][/COLOR] continues to sell a configuration of the iPhone 3GS alongside the iPhone 4.

At first glance, one would be unlikely to notice any difference between the iPhone 3G and the iPhone 3GS. Both are identical from the front and apart from silver "details" text on the back of the iPhone 3GS, have identical black or white plastic backs as well with the exception of model number. Although it requires sharp eyes to spot it down at the bottom of the back of the phone, the iPhone 3G is model number A1241 and the iPhone 3GS is A1303. The China-only iPhone 3G and iPhone 3GS models that do not have wi-fi are model number A1324 and A1325, respectively.

The iPhone 3GS weighs slightly more as well -- 4.8 ounces rather than 4.7 ounces -- but this difference is not noticeable.


Photo Credit: Apple, Inc. (Left - iPhone 3G, Right - iPhone 3GS)
The iPhone 3GS has a new "oleophobic" oil repellent coating over the 3.5" 320x480 display, but otherwise the displays are essentially the same as well except for a slightly "warmer" tint on the iPhone 3GS.

Internally, however, the iPhone 3GS is remarkably different. It has a significantly faster processor (600 MHz up from 412 MHz, with a dramatically improved graphics processor as well), twice the RAM (256 MB up from 128 MB) and support for faster 7.2 Mbps HSDPA. It has an improved 3.0 megapixel camera with VGA video recording at 30 FPS as well as autofocus, macro, and white balance support, a "tap to focus" feature, and new basic "video editing" capabilities (you can cut the beginning and end of a clip "in [COLOR=#330066 !important][COLOR=#330066 !important]camera"). It also has a digital compass which is helpfully integrated with Google Maps to make it easy to tell which direction one is facing. The iPhone 3GS models -- as introduced -- also were packed with 16 GB and 32 GB of storage (up from 8 GB and 16 GB for the iPhone 3G), but on June 7, 2010 alongside the introduction of the iPhone 4, Apple cut the storage of the iPhone 3GS to 8 GB and lowered the price as well.

Despite the increase in hardware performance, battery life has been modestly improved. Apple reports that talk time on a 2G network has been increased to 12 hours from 10, Internet use on wi-fi has been increased to 9 hours from 6, music playback has been increased to 30 hours from 24, and video playback has been increased to 10 hours from 7. Talk time on a 3G network, however, is 5 hours for both models.

In addition to the "twice as fast" performance, better camera, improved battery life, and digital compass, The iPhone 3GS also adds VoiceOver for accessibility, voice control functionality, integrated Nike + iPod support, and an inline remote on the headphone cable (like the iPod shuffle 3rd Gen). After the release of the iPhone 3GS, both it and iPhone 3G shipped with iPhone OS 3.0 with support for cut, copy, and paste, voice memos, search functionality, a landscape [COLOR=#330066 !important][COLOR=#330066 !important]keyboard option, and other features. After June 7, 2010, the iPhone 3GS shipped with iOS 4. iOS 4 fully supports the iPhone 3GS but it is only partially supported on the iPhone 3G.

Pricing in the United States for the iPhone 3GS was the same as it was for the iPhone 3G when it was released -- US$199 for the entry-level model and US$299 for the high-end model, offered with 16 GB and 32 GB of storage, respectively. These prices are only for new AT&T Wireless customers. For non-qualified customers, originally including existing AT&T customers who wanted to upgrade from another phone or replace an iPhone 3G, the standard price with a new two-year agreement was US$599 or US$699.

However, after outrage from consumers, AT&T Wireless relaxed the upgrade requirements for existing iPhone 3G customers a bit extending "standard upgrade" pricing of US$199 and US$299, for 16 GB and 32 GB configuration of the iPhone 3GS, respectively, to those who purchased the iPhone 3G before the end of September 2008.

Apple continued to sell the 8 GB iPhone 3G for US$99 for new AT&T Wireless customers with a two-year contract until the iPhone 4 was introduced on June 7, 2010. Non-qualified/existing customers had to pay US$499. The 8 GB configuration of the iPhone 3GS introduced June 7, 2010 is offered for US$99 for qualfied customers and US$499 for those who do not qualify.

For a nicely prepared rundown of the top five differences between the iPhone 3GS and iPhone 3G, you may also find this video from to be helpful: estuve descansando mucho..vos en donde estas

en bogota, si recibio los mensajes privados? podria cerrar la venta hoy mismo contra entrega?
ya el mismo viernes desde que ud se desconetò y dejo el ultimo mensaje estaba interesado en cerrar esa venta del iphone.

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