Welcome LANers!!

Well... JulianD... Are u going to let us wait for another year before permitting threads in other languages than English :'(

Yes, i want a japanese and german languages thread, i don't know that languages but might be for learning too, maybe asking words, phrases.
I want to share with you this lesson. For more information clic here


The word "dream" has more than one meaning. You can dream at night, but you can also have dreams for the future. What do you want to do in the future? Do you want a lot of money? Do you want a family? Do you want happiness?

To talk about the future, use the simple future. Use the modal verb "will" with the base form of the main verb. For example, I will go, You will eat, She will run, We will be, They will jump
Use the simple future to describe your dreams for the future. Where will you be in one year?
Where will you be in 5 years? Where will you be in 10 years?
What will you do? What will you have? Question for the week: Have you ever had an interesting dream?

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elluisro dijo:
I don´t know if all of you agree with me but as JulianD stated in his first post, this forum accepts all levels of english knowledge but maybe we could have a separate forum for diferent levels as advance, intermediate, beginner, that way the people who speaks very good englich can look the advance forum and correct any type of mistake they have, but this one could be a llitle to far for beginners so they´ll have their own forum and the advanced people can correct or help them with all type of things..

I don´t know that´s only my opinion...
Naw, this isnt school, we can use this forum to usefull stuff like bittorrents xD j/k

Like some1 said, if any1 wants to learn english, they r in the wrong place xD

Now.... can some1 plz tell me, what kind of topics can be posted here?

Cell phones related topics are allowed?
Game Servers topics are allowed?
Illegal topics are allowed? (i just said this cuz there r no forums rules)

btw, thnx ^^
Juan - My interpretation of your intent follows:

This is a great idea, because a lot of laners can practice their knowledge of this language, like me. More and more people would like to understand this language and learn to speak english well. Congratulations JulianD, good idea to open a space in this community to learn more about something that isn't computers and games.
... remember that for some games, English is necessary...
Here there are another copy & paste:

Here are some more meanings of the word 'dream'. Match the idiom to its definition. Guessing is fine!
  1. He's so dreamy.
  2. I wouldn't dream of it.
  3. It's a pipe dream.
  4. Sweet dreams!
  5. She's a dream.
a. It's a crazy idea. It will never happen.
b. She's great. c. He's wonderful.
d. I would never do that. e. Have a nice sleep and happy dreams!
ANSWERS: 1.c 2.d 3.a 4.e 5.b
Copyright (c) 2003 Englishtown, Inc. All rights reserved.
Englishtown and Englishtown.com are trademarks owned by Englishtown, Inc.
oh my god....I havent see this forum:D , thanks Juliand. I just always say one thing: i dont know if i can't live with out laneros:D ejejjeje
mmm, the only greates thing, its that we r not going to see newbs askin "Mi cellphone doesnt work, i dun know why, i just washed it cuz it was dirty, what can i do? if i put it into the dryer can this be fixed? help!"


Shouldn't that say:
"This is the English Forum at LANeros.com. Please enjoy it and keep every conversation in english."


Tifa^ dijo:
JULIAN !! this thread is an excellent oportunity to improve our knowdeges..

but i have a question... What's is the TOPIC finaly ??, i think a lot of LANers speak english to a medium level, but writting??.. there's the goal.. ! nice space Julian, thanks, i'd like to start: Francais forum :p hehehe,

XXX, Tifa^
the topic is about your phone number for example jaaa:p
The Music dijo:

Shouldn't that say:
"This is the English Forum at LANeros.com. Please enjoy it and keep every conversation in english."



I totally agree. Forum AT LANeros.com

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