What English Accent Do You Prefer?

I'm used to the American accent and is hard for me to undestand others like British or Australian, however I do hate one, the South African!
I really like the british accent, it's so refined and it gives you so much presence and confidence...

I speak with an american accent tough, cos that's the one I learned while I was watching tv and movies and stuff...but sometimes I try to keep up with the bristish accent, I'd like to speak with it clearly.

The accent I dislike the most is the australian accent...never understand a word they're saying :S

See ya!

Totally agree with you. For me it sounds much better than american accent
I love South African, well, specifically, the South African accent of the people whose mother tongue is Xhosa. It is really clear, sounds funny and they have the most weird slang I have ever heard- for instance, "robots" means "traffic lights"
I love South African, well, specifically, the South African accent of the people whose mother tongue is Xhosa. It is really clear, sounds funny and they have the most weird slang I have ever heard- for instance, "robots" means "traffic lights"

OMG, that was too funny, "Robots" = "Traffic Lights"..? ha ha ha
Yeah well, it was quite confusing at first! Like, when I got lost and asked for directions, they said things like "go past the robots and then..." and I was like: "what????".
Another word I found funny is "dassie", it's a little animal very common around there... like a hairy ball with barely no legs, so fat and cute!
But in Boston they have a lot of slang terms!!! and also sometimes the pronunciation is weird.. the same Boston tourism guide advice about that... :p
his instead of him... and there's no need for that "I"

Ohh man I can't believe it :p:p:p just like Kaliche correcting Kyntero's grammar, anyways I can't believe a guy some posts above liked the "redneck" accent, I find it kind of funny but never a good accent to speak like

And coming back to it, I like all of the UK accent's and australian, the american is just sort of "generic" but ok.:cool:
But in Boston they have a lot of slang terms!!! and also sometimes the pronunciation is weird.. the same Boston tourism guide advice about that... :p

No, but im not talking about kids on the street destroying the language because of the hype.

Im talking about seniors knowing how to use their language (as in lenguaje no idioma)
Just a little story:

The last year in a conference on AI in Chicago, I did hear the speech of an Indian researcher and it sounded a lot like Apu...

Pretty amusing!
No, but im not talking about kids on the street destroying the language because of the hype.

Im talking about seniors knowing how to use their language (as in lenguaje no idioma)

Who said something about the kids??

Everyone in Boston talk like that... like I said... even the tourism guide advice about that. And you can see in all the american media, they make fun about Boston accent... so honeslty dude, I don't know what ya say that Bostonian accent is good... they don't know the letter R???????? :p

My first month over there was difficult to understand the people... and actually I have a little bit of that accent mixed with russian accent and dominican accent :p so my accent is the best XD bostonianrussiandominicancolombian accent :)

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