Call of Duty (post separados, dividiendo el sancocho)

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Los gráficos de este juego son impresionantes. La iluminación y las texturas están muy depuradas al igual que las sombras. Debe pesar una tonelada :\ así que imaginen el PC que hay que tener para mover un juego con esa y a esa calidad gráfica 8|

Según dicen que éstos serán los requerimientos de hardware "tentativos" del juego:

Requerimientos mínimos:
1, 4 GHz Prozessor (Celeron / Duron)
512 MB RAM
ATi Radeon 9200 / GeForce 4

Requerimientos óptimos:
2, 5 GHz Prozessor (Athlon XP / Pentium 4)
ATi Radeon 9800XT / GeForce FX 5900

La verdad es que me parece muy poco para tal calidad gráfica, pero muy bueno que sea así jeje :D


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Uy parce, a comprar memoria se dijo, yo por ahora me estoy desquitando bastante con la 1 en lanes, es bastante entretenido el jueguito :D
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Que bien este juego me gusta pero sigue siendo historia de la WW 2? o Por fin a alguien se le ocurrio sacar el juego bueno de WW 1? no estan cansados de la misma historia de hitler?
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Más Información:

Call of Duty(R) 2 DEMO README
Last Updated: 9-22-2005



1.Minimum System Requirements

1.Multiple Monitors
2.In-game and Desktop resolutions
3.Game performance and Optimal System Settings
4.ZFeather and Model Detail default settings

1.Save System
2.Health System
3.Mantle System
4.Smoke Grenades provide concealment

1.Virtual Memory Warnings in Windows(R) 2000 and Windows(R) XP
2.Shift Key in Windows(R) 2000 and XP Interrupts Game
3.Windows(R) Key Interrupts Game in 2000/XP
4.Support for for the ALT-TAB function
5.International Keyboard Functionality


Refer to this document if you encounter difficulties with one or more aspects
of installation or running the Call of Duty(R) 2 Demo. Many of the most
commonly encountered issues are covered here. Please note the Call Of Duty(R) 2
Demo is unsupported by Activision(R).


1.Minimum System Requirements

- 3D Hardware Accelerator Card Required - 100% DirectX(R) 9.0c compatible 64 MB
Hardware Accelerator video card and the latest drivers
- English version of Microsoft(R) Windows(R) 2000/XP
- Pentium(R) 4 1.4GHz or AMD Athlon(TM) XP 1700+
- 256 MB RAM (512 MB RAM recommended)
- DirectX(R) 9.0c (Not included with Demo)
- 100% DirectX(R) 9.0c compatible 16-bit sound card and latest drivers.
- 100% Windows(R) 2000/XP compatible mouse, keyboard and latest drivers
- 700 MB of uncompressed free hard disk space (plus 800MB for Windows(R)
2000/XP swap file)

Important Note: *Some 3D accelerator cards with the chipset listed here may not
be compatible with the 3D acceleration features utilized by the Call of Duty(R)
2 Demo. Please refer to your hardware manufacturer for 100% DirectX(R) 9.0c

This product does not support Microsoft(R) Windows(R) 95/98/ME or NT.

- ATI(R) Radeon(R) 8500
- ATI(R) Radeon(R) 9000
- ATI(R) Radeon(R) 9200
- ATI(R) Radeon(R) 9500
- ATI(R) Radeon(R) 9600
- ATI(R) Radeon(R) 9700
- ATI(R) Radeon(R) 9800
- ATI(R) Radeon(R) X300
- ATI(R) Radeon(R) X550
- ATI(R) Radeon(R) X600
- ATI(R) Radeon(R) X700
- ATI(R) Radeon(R) X800
- ATI(R) Radeon(R) X850
- NVidia(R) Geforce(tm)2 Ultra
- All NVidia(R) Geforce(tm) 3/Ti Series
- All NVidia(R) Geforce(tm) 4/Ti Series
- All NVidia(R) Geforce(tm) FX Series
- All NVidia(R) Geforce(tm) 6 Series
- All NVidia(R) Geforce(tm) 7 series


Video Cards

The Call of Duty(R) 2 Demo will automatically detect and set your game graphics
to recommended settings for optimal performance. You can customize your settings
by going to the "Options" menu from the main menu.

1. Multiple Monitors
If you are running a machine with multiple monitors and the video card for each
monitor is an OpenGL compliant video card (e.g., GeForce series cards), you may
experience problems running the game, as the game will recognize both video
cards. Simply disable one of the monitors in the Windows(R) Display

2. In-game and Desktop resolutions
Do not choose an in-game resolution that is higher than your desktop
resolution. You may only be able to see as much of the game as is viewable at
your desktop resolution. (For example, if your desktop resolution is set to
1024x768, and you choose an in-game resolution of 1600x1200, the game screen
may stretch beyond the size of your monitor screen). This issue may be more
prevalent in windowed mode.

3. Game performance and Optimal System Settings
The Call Of Duty(R) 2 Demo defaults to settings according to your hardware
These settings are created with visual quality and performance in mind. Users
experiencing poor performance may want to disable Anti-Aliasing in the Graphics
portion of the Options Menu.

4. On some lower-end video cards only the default settings are available for
the Model Detail and ZFeather Smoke settings under Graphic Options.


1. Save System

The Call of Duty(R) 2 Demo autosaves at the beginning of each single player
mission as well as creating checkpoints within the mission as you progress.

2. Health System
The red Damage Direction arrows on your screen are the first indication that
you're taking damage. Further signs that your character is close to death
include heavy breathing, heart palpitations, and blurred vision. The Call Of
Duty(R) 2 Demo will tell you when this occurs the first five times only. Then
it's up to you to find cover as soon as possible if these occur. Doing so will
allow your health to return to normal after a brief rest provided you're not
taking any more damage.

3. Mantle System
When you approach some obstacles, an arrow will appear on your screen
indicating that hitting your Jump key (default: space) will automatically jump
you over the obstacle in front of you.

4. Smoke Grenades provide concealment
You can decide which grenade is best for the current combat situation. Once
obtained, the use of smoke grenades will provide visual cover for you and your
squad, temporarily halting fire in your direction.


1. Virtual Memory Warnings in Windows(R) 2000 and Windows(R) XP:
In order to maximize the performance of the Call of Duty(R) 2 Demo, you must
have at least 800 megabytes (MB) of free hard disk space available for the
Windows(R) virtual memory swap file.

Users playing on machines using the Windows(R) 2000/XP operating systems that
possess less than 800 megabytes (MB) of virtual memory may receive low virtual
memory warnings. To avoid these warnings, please make sure you set your
virtual memory settings to at least 800 megabytes (MB). In addition, the
warning occurs when switching video settings while in the game. If you are in
a game and you want to switch video settings, please exit to the main menu
first and then make the desired changes.

To adjust your virtual memory settings, please do the following:

For Windows(R) XP systems:

-Right click the "My Computer" icon
-Select "Properties"
-Select the "Advanced" tab
-Select "Settings" in the "Performance" section
-Select "Advanced" tab
-Select "Change" in the "Virtual Memory" section

For Windows(R) 2000 systems:

-Right click the "My Computer" icon
-Select "Properties"
-Select the "Advanced" tab
-Select "Performance Options"
-Select "Change"

2. Shift Key in Windows(R) 2000/XP Interrupts Game:

If you press the Shift key 5 times consecutively in Windows(R) 2000 or
Windows(R) XP the following message should appear:

"Pressing the SHIFT key 5 times turns on StickyKeys. StickyKeys lets you use
the SHIFT, CTL, ALT, or Windows Logo keys by pressing one key at a time.

To Keep StickyKeys on, click OK.
To cancel StickyKeys, click Cancel.
To deactivate the key combination for StickyKeys, click Settings."

To avoid this happening in the future, click the settings button on the window
referenced above. When the accessibility options screen appears, click the
"Settings" button in the "Sticky Keys" portion of the window. On the next
window (should be labeled "Settings For Sticky Keys"), uncheck the box that
says "Use shortcut", then click on "ok". Then, click on apply and close the
window. The problem should not occur once the shortcut has been disabled.

3. Windows(R) Key Interrupts Game in 2000/XP:

If the Windows(R) key is pressed during game play, the Start Menu will
interrupt the game. Should this happen, simply press the Escape (Esc) key to
close the menu and return to the game. Unfortunately there is no way to prevent
this from happening again except by being careful not to hit those keys while

4. Support for the ALT-TAB function

Currently the Call Of Duty(R) 2 Demo does not support switching to other
applications while in game. This includes (but is not limited to) the use of
ALT-TAB, or other applications that may take focus such as Instant Messaging,
Anti-Virus, or firewall messages.

5.International Keyboard Functionality

Currently not all International territories are 100% supported with regard to
Keyboard Functionality. Some territories may experience incorrect key binding.

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Call of Duty 2

Por aqui les dejo unos S.S de cod 2 q como ya sabran salio un demo pre release y el juego esta super mega brutal aunque tiene un aspecto a brother in arms en cuestion de gaming y sonidos pero en grafica lo considero mejor q bf2 estare esperando en demo multy ya q este single es muy corto y me dejo con las ganas. :p

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Esta bien la cosa, no sabia que salia el dos por ahi, vamos a esperarlo a ver, el primero es buenisimo solo que un poco corto.
me vino de regalo con la 6800 de nvidia y se veia extraordinario, lastima k sea demo!
Esta super pero necesito saber cuantos recursos de PC necesita. En mi pc no creo ke corra..
huy, se ve bacano de graficas,, lastima q ningun demo me corra bien, solo juegos completos =/
pos de vque se ve bien se ve bien, pero ahora solo falta ver como sera la version final . las graficas si estan bacanas
Me imagino que los requerimientos para jugar aceptablemente van a ser super mega brutales también.
la verdad siempre que sale un juego nuevo, se especula sobre los requerimeintos de sistema, pero que al finaslno son tan brutales , de muestra esta lo que se decia de DOMM, BATTLEFIELD2,FARCRY, este no creo que sea tan tan pesado como para no correr con una mauqina promedio, pero bueno habra que esperar a ver qeu tal.
pues puede ke pa vos no sea mejor ke el BF2 ... pero todo hay ke decirlo ... esos graficos están brutales .... uno por pobre y antojao ... pero pere y verá ... :jaguar:
..:::foro Oficial Cod-2:::..(screens)

Estuve probando la demo pues creanme que con sus maquinas son suficientes, como dije con mi radeon 7000 me va de lujo saco 25FPS-30FPS, aqui les dejo unos SS yo y la THOMSON....



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