English Thread!!!


I hadn't posted here in months, but I'm happy to see how this tread I opened some months ago is helping somehow to get a new use from this site, it'd be great to have a subforum where we could learn Japanese, german, english, portuguese.. So I'm supporting Luis(tm) and I hope you all do it too!!

So, Luis(tm), let me know if there's something new about this , because I'd like to take one of this courses..

Hey, Can somebody explain me how can i win more points in the Karma.... With how many points y get 2 Karmas, actually I have ten....
darkriff dijo:
Hey, Can somebody explain me how can i win more points in the Karma.... With how many points y get 2 Karmas, actually I have ten....

That's a good question, I'd also like to know how this system works, but there's something I've realized: once you become into a LANero Plus, you get your karma increased it doesn't matter if you're a newbie or a known member..

If you want to become a Lanero Plus you'll have to give a fee for this..

see ya
Karma is a reputation that you start to get when you post messages that are good.
Only people can give you more Karma and only if they want, do you see the ying yang symbol next to your avatar?? well, when people think your post is really good they click that symbol and give you "karma", "karma" can be good and bad so if you post bad messages you can also be bad qualified and you can lose reputation.

This link explains you how many points you need to go to the next level.


When you become a LANero Plus you automatically get 100 karma points, click the following link in order to get more information about LANeros Plus


PD: If you have more questions just ask!
PD1: Sorry for the mistakes, my English isn't the best =)
  • Me gusta
Reacciones: 2 personas
That is a good example of an excellent post, Oesoto puts a good answer and add some extra links!!

Personally, i'm giving reputation (karma points) on every GOOOOD post that i see, i think that maybe a little, but people likes to know when they did a god job.

Too bad my english?? :S
whether and if

Both conditional but when to use what. Basically if is the common one, that is used most of the time, whether is usually past tense and generally third person. Use if until you become sure of where whether is appropriate, If will sound right most all of the time.

Stuff is not really a noun in proper english and is used as a verb for filling something with another thing. using it as a noun is something that people so but it is not really formal english. It is not pluralised, and not often used to describe a definate article. I mean it is not used to say " I have two stuffs here" it would be " I have some stuff here" or " I have stuff to do" rather than "Ihave two stuff to do".

Thing how ever is like a retarded version of cosa and can be used for a definate article. " I have two things in my bag" and " I have two things to do" . Personally I prefer the use of thing as opposed to stuff, as it sound more mature and has that specificity should you require it. It also can be used in a general nature, like stuff, If you pluralise the noun but dont define the amount " I have things to do" " I have things in my bag".

I hope that helps, Let me know if that is of benefit.

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Reacciones: 2 personas
This idea is very good, it´s very cool have a forum where you can improve your english level speaking with other people.

I Think that is more important that you try to express your own ideas by all means. My english isn´t good but I think that the people understand me.
Hi, I've came back from vacations, I'm now starting classes at university
This forum will be very important for me this year, because of I have to present a sufficiency exam like TOFL, IELTS of First Certificate Exam
ok ... well I am not going very far so fire away. I will help out wherever I can . I dont have all of the answers, but i do speak the language everyday.
I suggest,

"Ok, but writing with the words: "inglish". Please, don't do that again!!"

(He speaks everyday, not writes)
HELLO everybody, guess you were waiting for an english teacher... I can help you out!!!

Just tell me what kind of help do you need, or how can we use this forum for our benefit!!!

My english is in a high level, however, It will be better if you find any mistake on my grammar, please do correct me, I don´t have any problems learning new stuff from all LANEROS!!!

Any type of questions, please ask me. I will be on top of this forum, so it will grow and any of you looking to learn this language will benefit from it.

For those who have a high level of english, please participate and help me out with this!!!

ok, let's start

SI no entendieron lo que escribí por favor escríbanlo en el foro que lo estoy revisando a cada raton listo!!! y empezemos.

Hey NEOMANDOXS i could help you with the grammar, well i surf way too much around english-based forums about the same topics or alike laneros so i could help you, i can help you with slang too but i'm too lazy to be a teacher, i can be an assistant or something you could need but that's up to you! if you need anything, reply this post or just send me a Private Message.


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