...:::Foro Oficial Crysis:::...

"sys_physics_CPU 0

Supposedly this calculates physics interactions on the GPU but what it does for rendering is limits the framerate to the physics framerate, which is really handy for rendering a video of lots of objects colliding and such, as seen in the comparison at the start of the video."

No quita el calculo, simplemente modifica el framerate para garantizar fluidez
No, no, no, o sea me refería a que el que tomaba gran parte del procesamiento de las físicas era la GPU cuando ese comando era sys_physics_CPU 0, no que el CPU ya no tomara el rol de procesar el renderizado, en este caso en VirtualDUB.

Y yo nunca dije que el sys_physics_CPU 0 no garantizara que los FPS fueran más fluidos que teniendolo en 1.

Un Saludo
que paso con ese maldito parche ---.. cambien de procesador uy de motherboard haber si cambiaba en algo y mas o menos me subio 5 fps esta entre 20 y 22 con todo en hight menos los shaders y shadows

Lots of questions from the community regarding Crysis Patches, the SDK and the Linux Dedicated Server have been asked, and we wanted to get all of them answered right before Christmas and right before we have our holiday break.

So let's get started...

Patch #1 Delayed - The Reason

In an interview around the street date of Crysis we have mentioned to release the first patch within the next two weeks. Till then we already made quite a good progress on the patch itself and it was close to being shipped. Unfortunately due to heavy technical issues that appeared right before the patch was declared final we could not release it in time.

Patch #1 - Current Status

Thus we fully concentrated on the issues to get them addressed and resolved. So far the progress on the patch is quite satisfying since everything seems to be working as intended. Currently the patch is being reviewed by Crytek's and EA's QA departments and we expect to get the final feedback submitted in the first week of January.

Patch #1 - Scheduled Release

Based on this feedback we will be able to set a release date for the long awaited Patch #1 for Crysis. If no major problems occur we expect to have it available for public download within January 2008. This is of course related to the reports from the QA departments, but we are confident to match the schedule.

Patch #1 - Content

The last time we have provided you with a rough list of fixes the patch will include. Today we would like to go a bit more into detail and mention the major changes/bug fixes. Patch #1 is still meant to be a performance patch and does not include major gameplay changes or new features. These are being addressed in Patch #2, but more about that further below.

So here is the major change log for Patch #1: (the complete change log will be announced once the patch ships)


Damage dealt to vehicles when shot by LAW has been made consistent
F12 (screenshot) now works in restricted mode as well
When player melees during gun raise animation, their gun will not be in a permanently raised position anymore
Memory leaks and potential crashes

Improved SLI / Crossfire support and performance
Improved overall rendering performance (DX9 and DX10)
Enabled VSync functionality in D3D10

Reduced grenade explosion radius in multiplayer
Clamped water tessellation to avoid cheating in MP
Reduced LAW splash damage vs. infantry in PowerStruggle mode
Slowed Rocket projectile speed down in MP slightly

FUENTE: http://www.ea.com/crysis/news.jsp?newsId=xmasupdate
Ontopic: Bueno que esto quede de experiencia para que no lo vuelvan a repetir, a nadie le gusta que le cuenten como va a ser un final. Por cierto estoy en la parte del portaaviones donde esos bichos se le vienen a uno encima, esa parte se me ve horrible, bajaron considerablemente los fps y me toco bajar todo a medium:(:(.

Offtopic: Victor, la nota de tu firma esta EXCELENTE:p:p.......SALUD!!
Ahi no contaron nada del final solo que quedaba en continuara, eso ya lo sabiamos hace rato no se quejen, nadie sabesi con los ultimos drivers certificados de nvidia si subio el rendimiento?'
si tanta vaina y solo dijeron que continua el juego nadie ha contado el fina!!... heggg es q tambien joden por todo aqui....
lo esube probando con una 7300 gt y me va regularsongo en 800x 600 algunas cosas en medio y una que otra en bajo y al principio pinta muy bien hasta que entra ala selva y pailas.nada v card nueva.
Ahi no contaron nada del final solo que quedaba en continuara, eso ya lo sabiamos hace rato no se quejen, nadie sabesi con los ultimos drivers certificados de nvidia si subió el rendimiento?'

Pues a mi me anda igual, de pronto a los que tengan 8800 o sli si les haya cambiado un poco.
que paso con ese maldito parche ---.. cambien de procesador uy de motherboard haber si cambiaba en algo y mas o menos me subio 5 fps esta entre 20 y 22 con todo en hight menos los shaders y shadows
el parche se atraso para principios del 2008

Esto es lo que traera principalmente el parche, aqui lo que dice Crytek:

1. Damage dealt to vehicles when shot by LAW has been made consistent
2. F12 (screenshot) now works in restricted mode as well
3. When player melees during gun raise animation, their gun will not be in a permanently raised position anymore
4. Memory leaks and potential crashes

1. Improved SLI/Crossfire support and performance
2. Improved overall rendering performance (DX9 and DX10)
3. Enabled VSync functionality in D3D10

1. Reduced grenade explosion radius in multiplayer
2. Clamped water tessellation to avoid cheating in MP
3. Reduced LAW splash damage vs. infantry in Power Struggle mode
4. Slowed Rocket projectile speed down in MP slightly

The word from Crytek:
If no major problems occur we expect to have it available for public download within January 2008.

Ya falta poco.....
yo lo desistale mientras sale el parche ya ke kiero jugarlo en high y por ahora es jugable en high solo en el principio del juego, despues de una hora de emocion jugando empezo a laguearse y cuando le baje a medium ya no me gusto como se ve....

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