Foro oficial de Winamp

Cuando usaba wmp, podía ver las carátulas de los álbumes de la música que escuchaba.... es posible hacer lo mismo con winamp?
Cuando usaba wmp, podía ver las carátulas de los álbumes de la música que escuchaba.... es posible hacer lo mismo con winamp?
Si se puede ver la caratula del album:
En skin moderno clic derecho tal y como esta en la imagen, luego seleccionar Album Art (alt+a) ;)

***** EDIT: 13-07-2009 *****

Winamp 5.56.2512
Changes in Winamp 5.56.2512 :
- New: Winamp Orgler plugin - Let's you track, chart & share your listening history
- Improved: [jnetlib] New SSL support for playback of https:// streams
- Improved: [ml_autotag] Fuzzy matches now unchecked by default & marked 'Unsure'
- Improved: [ml_local] New background scanner
- Improved: [ml_online] Various tweaks, fixes & enhancements
- Improved: [ml_pmp] Added support for drag+drop from Explorer to device playlists
- Fixed: iexplore process not ending when browser closed after opened via Winamp
- Fixed: Save EQ preset name duplication bug
- Fixed: [Bento skin] SHOUTcast homepage url's redirecting to Winamp search
- Fixed: [gen_jumpex] Up/down buttons reversed, 'stop after current' & other issues
- Fixed: [in_mod] Crash on some .s3m modules (w.i.p.)
- Fixed: [in_mod] Playback glitch during background transcoding
- Fixed: [in_wm] Decimal point issues in Alt+3 format info
- Fixed: [in_wm] Embedded IE browser for DRM license acquisition
- Fixed: [in_wm] Loading of URLs in WPL playlist files
- Fixed: [in_mp4/libmp4v2] Integer overflow bug with MP4 sample size
- Fixed: [libsndfile] VOC buffer overflow vulnerability
- Fixed: [ml_impex] Read "has video" field from iTunes XML (and write on export)
- Fixed: [tagz.w5s] Hang with $right function in ATF when specified field is empty
- Fixed: [vis_avs] msvcp71.dll dependency
- Misc: Added front.jpg/gif/etc to album art criteria
- Misc: More miscellaneous general tweaks, improvements, fixes and optimizations
- Misc: New omBrowser.w5s shared component for ml_nowplaying, wire & online
- Misc: Removed dashboard (ml_dash) from distribution
- Misc: ml_orb now only installed as part of separate Winamp Remote package
- Updated: [gen_jumpex] JTFE v1.0.5
- Updated: libsndfile 1.0.20


Winamp Essentials Pack 5.55
Winamp Essentials Pack 5.55 contains :
- FLAC Decoder
- FLAC Encoder
- Apple Lossless (alac) Decoder
- Waveform Wrapper
- Transcoder
- Lite-n Winamp Preferences
- ML Lite-n
- Skins in submenu
- Playlist Undo
- Find file on disk
- Predixis Removal tool
Changes in Winamp Essentials Pack 5.55 :
- New: [ml_enqplay] 'ML Enqueue and Play' plug-in for media library
- New: [in_wv] WavPack decoder, a free lossless codec
- New: [f263.wbm] As part of new 5.55 WBM system for lazy-loading of *.w5s files
- Updated: [alac.w5s] ALAC Decoder (now with ReplayGain support)
- Updated: [in_wav] Nullsoft Waveform Wrapper to v1.0.3 (adds localization support)
- Removed: ML Database Import/Export plugin (now bundled with Winamp 5.55)
- Misc: Various UI tweaks & translation updates


Al instalar el pack vi algo interesante, para ver la caratula de los album:
Se mucho mejor asi, que la opcion que trae por defecto.

yo tengo instalada la 5.56

una pregunta q plugin tengo q instalar para el efecto ese q comienza una canción antes de terminar la q esta sonando.


ningun plugin compañero... simplemente en el equalizador hay una opcion que en español se llama fundido de canciones al lado del balance creo que en ingles se llama crossfading... ahi le colocas los segundos para que se entremezclen y listo
Winamp 5.57.2789 [17-12-2009]
Changes in Winamp 5.57.2789 :
- New: MPEG-4 video support for in_mp4 & in_flv (Winamp Pro only)
- New: [in_avi] Native AVI video support (MPEG-4 = Winamp Pro only)
- New: [in_mkv] Matroska MKV video support (MPEG-4 = Winamp Pro only)
- New: [ml_addons] Browser for discovering new skins & plugins
- New: Winamp detection browser plugins for IE & Firefox
- Improved: Direct3D video rendering
- Improved: Filetype association handling on Vista & Windows 7
- Improved: New fullscreen video OSD
- Improved: Added ReplayGain Preamp control to Prefs (previously .ini only)
- Improved: VU meter (beat vis) optimizations
- Improved: [gen_ff] Multithreaded object
- Improved: [in_flac/in_vorbis] Tag support for Organization field as Publisher
- Improved: [in_flv] AAC, aacPlus & ADPCM audio support in FLV files
- Improved: [in_mp4] Support for aacPlus parametric stereo in mp4 container
- Improved: [in_nsv] Native h.264 decoding (Winamp Pro only)
- Improved: [in_wave] Unicode filename handling
- Improved: [ml_history] Play Offset feature for resuming playback of podcasts
- Improved: [ml_local] Director & Producer fields & columns for videos
- Improved: [ml_local] Row cache for NDE to vastly speed up queries
- Improved: [ml_online] Right-click option to open service in new window
- Improved: [ml_wire] feed:// pcast:// and winamp:// protocol support
- Improved: [ml_wire] Option to automatically download 'x' most recent episodes
- Improved: [ml_wire] Redesigned Podcast Directory view
- Improved: [pmp_usb] Option to set paths in saved playlists
- Improved: [vis_milk2] Milkdrop2 updated to use ns-eel2 (thanks Justin)
- Fixed: Custom mldb info reverts to filename on Alt+3 for in_dshow, flv & swf
- Fixed: HeapSetInformation not located in kernel32 error under Win2k
- Fixed: Shuffle feature broken under limited user profiles
- Fixed: [gen_ml] Bold text in Local Media views on some systems
- Fixed: [gen_tray] Compact mode not working on 64-bit OS
- Fixed: [in_flac] Playback freezing before end of some corrupted files
- Fixed: [in_flv] Sync issue where video lags behind audio on some flv files
- Fixed: [in_flv] Various h.263-related crash issues
- Fixed: [in_mod] Heap overflow security vulnerability (thanks Dyon Balding, Secunia)
- Fixed: [in_mod] Some s3m files crashing on load
- Fixed: [in_mp4] Various transcoding issues
- Fixed: [in_wm] Main window & taskbar menu blocked after closing DRM browser
- Fixed: [jpeg.w5s/png.w5s] Security vulnerability fixes (thanks Nicolas Joly, VUPEN)
- Fixed: [ml_local] Remove missing files broken in full rescan
- Fixed: [ml_wire] feeds.xml sometimes being destroyed
- Fixed: [pmp_p4s] Crashing with certain devices
- Fixed: [vis_avs] Compile issues causing some presets to not load properly or crash
- Misc: Improved Windows 7 compatibility, incl. aero thumbnail & taskbar integration
- Misc: More general tweaks, improvements, fixes and optimizations
- Misc: New info page for lang pack developers in About Winamp dialog
- Misc: New MPEG-4 video support adds h264.w5s & mp4v.w5s
- Misc: Renamed nsvdec_vp6.dll to vp6.w5s
- Misc: Removed gen_dropbox from the installer, for now...
- Misc: Right-click to close Notifier in Bento skin
- Misc: Some keyboard accelerator fixes (new Ctrl+Alt+B for Add current to bookmarks)
- Misc: Various installer improvements (including new DirectX version checker)
- Updated: aacPlus decoder 8.2.2, encoder 8.2.0
- Updated: Gracenote CDDB/MusicID v2.6.101
- Updated: libpng 1.2.40
- Updated: [gen_jumpex] JTFE v1.0.7
- Updated: [in_vorbis] libvorbis 1.2.3 & libogg 1.1.4

Winamp 5.572.2830 [13-01-2010]

Nuevo Build con muchas correcciones.
Changes in Winamp 5.572.2830 :

- Improved: [h264.w5s] H.264 decoder optimizations
- Improved: [in_avi/bmp.w5s] Support for RGB bitmap AVI
- Improved: [ml_disc] Support for Disc# in CD Ripping naming convention
- Fixed: Crash when using Alt+3 editor during mldb background scan
- Fixed: EasyMove for classic video window
- Fixed: Spectrum analyzer and beat vis for 32bit PCM files
- Fixed: [bmp.w5s] Memory leaks with BMP AVI codecs (tscc, rle, yuv, rgb)
- Fixed: [D3D] Crash when changing height but not width on back-to-back videos
- Fixed: [gen_tray] Compact mode in Win7 popout tray
- Fixed: [in_avi] Crash on files with missing RIFF header (including 0-byte files)
- Fixed: [in_avi] Crash when ix## seektables aren't where they are supposed to be...
- Fixed: [in_mod] Out of memory error with some older .mod files
- Fixed: [in_mp3] ADTS header unicode/ansi issues (for .aac files)
- Fixed: [ml_impex] UTF-8 writing
- Fixed: [ml_local] Info editor erasing mldb fields not supported by input plugin
- Misc: Further attempts to fix reported elevation/registration issues on Vista & Win7
- Misc: Installer: Only install Gracenote alongside dependent components
- Misc: More general tweaks, improvements, fixes and optimizations
- Misc: Various translation updates (note: French lang pack now updated to 5.57x)
- Updated: [gen_jumpex] JTFE v1.0.7.3
- Updated: libpng 1.4.0
- Updated: libsndfile 1.0.21
- Fixed elevation/uac issues for standard users on win7 & vista
- Fixed not being able to unassociate extensions in Prefs -> File Types
- Fixed ghost 'Jump to File' dialog appearing when starting Winamp minimized
- Fixed all known installer issues (old files not being deleted when item unchecked causing nscrt.dll errors, etc)
- Changed minimum requirement for D3D video renderer from d3dx9_32.dll to d3dx9_42.dll
- Added 'Category' to ml_impex import/export functions (still need to add Director & Producer)
- Changed "bps" (bits per sample) to "bit" in in_dshow & in_midi file info areas
- All copyright notices updated to 2010 (with the exception of vis_avs)

Tengo la version 5/572 y wlm 14 0 8089 726 y no encuentro un plugin de what im listening to que me funcione... alguna ayuda?

Tengo la version 5/572 y wlm 14 0 8089 726 y no encuentro un plugin de what im listening to que me funcione... alguna ayuda?
Respuesta luego de 3 meses.... xD

Winamp 5.57.2933 (19-05-2010)

- New: [ml_downloads] Improved download manager for Podcasts and Online Services
- Improved: New Previous/Play/Pause/Stop/Next toolbar buttons for Win7 taskbar
- Improved: New 'Vertically flip videos' option for compatibility with old drivers
- Improved: [D3D video renderer] Overlay support for Win7 (w.i.p.)
- Improved: [in_flv] StreamTitle metadata support (untested)
- Improved: [in_avi/in_mp3] Support for MPEG Layer 2 (mp2) audio in AVI
- Improved: [ml_bookmarks] Unicode bookmarks support (winamp.bm8)
- Improved: [ml_history] Added option for resume playback position of podcasts
- Improved: [ml_impex] Import/Export 'Publisher', 'Producer' & 'Director' fields
- Improved: [ml_local/in_mp3] Write ratings to POPM frame in id3v2 tags (w.i.p.)
- Fixed: Handling of global keyboard accelerator table (fixes: Ctrl+Alt+N, Ctrl+T, etc)
- Fixed: Scrolling issues with high resolution mice
- Fixed: Stackoverflow issue when loading a malformed whatsnew.txt
- Fixed: [enc_flac] Compression Factor config setting (always outputting at level 5)
- Fixed: [gen_ff] Default fallback font always same as TTF replacement font in Prefs
- Fixed: [gen_ml] Tree not focused when opening ML in modern skins
- Fixed: [in_mp4] Integer type coersion bug which caused certain MP4 files to crash
- Fixed: [in_mp4] Playback of video-only files
- Fixed: [in_mp4] Some vis plugins/presets not working with mp4
- Fixed: [libmp4v2] Lockup when attempting to play malformed iTMS M4V videos
- Fixed: [ml_local] Rating lost when updating mp3 file info (5.57-specific)
- Fixed: [ml_pmp] pmp_*.dll plugins not being removed via: Prefs -> Uninstall
- Fixed: [pmp_usb] xml cache losing metadata (now using NDE instead)
- Fixed: [vis_milk2] Some presets not loading under locales other than English
- Misc: Added more genres to File Info dialog
- Misc: More general tweaks, improvements, fixes and optimizations
- Misc: More translation fixes, localization updates & unicode support improvements
- Misc: Moved ml_rg config settings to Prefs -> Playback -> Replay Gain
- Misc: Improved uninstaller with options to remove bundled apps and user settings
- Misc: Redesigned "Winamp Pro" prefs page
- Updated: Gracenote CDDB/MusicID v2.6.205
- Updated: [gen_jumpex] JTFE v1.1
- Updated: [lame_enc] LAME 3.98.4

Winamp Essentials Pack 5.57.2 [19-05-2010]
Contains :
- Ogg Vorbis Encoder
- Apple Lossless (alac) Decoder
- WavPack Decoder
- Waveform Wrapper,
- Lite-n Winamp Preferences
- ML Enqueue & Play
- Time Restore & Autoplay
- Skins in Submenu, Playlist Undo
- Find File On Disk
- Predixis Removal tool
- Playlist Sidecar for Modern Skin
• Please note you must have Winamp version 5.57.1 or above to use this plug-in pack
* Updated: French installer translation to 1.14
• Winamp Essentials Pack 5.57.1:
* Updated: [in_wv] WavPack Decoder to v2.8a
- fixes a potential crash bug, if Genre tag is present (thanks David)
* Updated: [gen_ffod] Find File on Disk to v2.1 (thanks DrO)
- fixes shell32.dll error on Win2000


  • Me gusta
Reacciones: 2 personas
BUENAS.... hey estoy transmitiendo vídeo por tv por medio de winamp, quiero colocarle una marca de agua existe un pluying o algo para eso , si necesidad de editar el vídeo..

gracias de antemano.
Oigan, instale Lyrics para winamp, resulta que desinstale unos programas que no utlizaba y lyrics dejo de funcionar, lo reinstale y sigue sin funcionar, reinstale winamp y lo mismo, no se abre ni se muestra en el menu, alguien sabe que puede ser?

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