::: Lo que nos viene :::

no confunda a los laneros con su experiencia turbia..

me llama mentiroso y nisiquiera puede comprobar mis experiencias..... esta bien que juzgue las cosas CUANDO LAS CONOCE, pero juzgar mis experiencias cuando siquiera me conoce...... en donde esta la objetividad con la que "siempre" escribe?? yo no voy a pelear con usted ISA, pero si le digo una cosa, no existe ni existira nunca una prueba de que mis experiencias son falsas por parte suya porque usted NO ME CONOCE. asi que no juzgue lo que no sabe, si tuviera los links de las paginas y foros de noticias y denuncias que lei cuando estaba buscando fuente se las dejaria aca con todo gusto, pero usted sabe que yo escribi aca hace mucho tiempo que se me jodio la fuente, ya paso mucho tiempo como pa ponerme a buscarle a usted articulos de tanto tiempo atraz solo para callar su comentario..... no voy a pelear con usted y creo que ya esta bien de offtopic.
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Reacciones: 2 personas
Y hablando de placas, la tuya q ya llego?

Si afortunadamente ya llego la board increiblemente llegaron primero las memos que las pedi después, me falta es proc I7-950 ó 930 si salen economicos :p y listo el case lo compro luego lo que mas me interesa es poner a funcionar la máquina ya tengo de todo pero me falta eso no mas XD!!.

Se me vino...........




Para los que han comprado recientemente en Newegg placas Sandy:

Dear Julian Arango,

Thank you for giving us the opportunity to serve you. Newegg has recently become aware of a design issue that is affecting recent models of Intel Sandy Bridge platform motherboards. We are working with Intel to identify the exact nature of this problem.

As always, Newegg remains 100% committed to our customers' total satisfaction. In keeping with our commitment to our customers, we are extending the return period for your motherboard by 90 days or until replacements become available from the manufacturer, whichever is greater. Intel expects to have a new revision of the P67 & H67 chipsets out around April, at which point first-run motherboards with this issue will need to be physically replaced in affected systems.

From a technical standpoint, the design issue can be bypassed fairly simply by not using the Serial ATA (SATA) ports that are affected. Your motherboard’s manual should identify your SATA ports by number, and at a minimum you should see ports 0-5 (6 ports in total) listed. Ports 0 and 1 are Sata Rev. III (6Gbps), and do not appear to be affected by this problem. Ports 2-5 are SATA Rev. II (3Gbps) and should not be used. For a thorough explanation of this hardware work-around, please refer to our video on YouTube:

If you choose to use the hardware work-around option, there is no need to contact us at this time. We have your information on record and will email you as soon as the replacements become available. If you would like to discuss this with our tech community or read up on the latest updates, please visit our EggXpert forum:

If none of the above options are suitable to your needs and you wish to return the board at this time for a full refund, please email us at intelsandybridge@newegg.com and include your sales order number so we can help you out with your return.

If you have any concerns, please contact Newegg Customer Service for further information and assistance.

Thank you for your support!


Your Newegg.com Customer Service Team
Última edición por un moderador:
ya llegó la fuente!

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