[Lo que se viene en Cine] Trailers, Noticias y Otros (No Spoilers)

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Deadpool en IMAX

'Glass' Footage Debuts at CinemaCon


Director M. Night Shyamalan gave fans a treat at CinemaCon with the first official image and plot details for the next film in his grounded superhero series.

The first image of Glass shows the titular character played by Samuel L. Jackson, flanked by James McAvoy as the Beast and Bruce Willis as David Dunn. The movie will serve as a sequel to both Unbreakable and Split, putting the two main characters from those films on a collision course.
Última edición:
Según la sinopsis oficial, la película tratará sobre el impacto de los hechos de Civil War en la vida de Scott, Hank y Hope.

Yo especularía que arranca antes pero podría terminar simultánea a Infinity War.
Sera que pasa Antes de lo de IW?? se nota un tono muy relajado en el Trailer.
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