Phrasal Verbs


Lanero Regular
9 Dic 2005
OMFG guys since i got into english classes i've learned a lot of english, i have been in english classes since i was 7 years old...The most dificult thing of the english language are the phrasal verbs for example:

Fu*c off= go to the hell LOL!
look for= search

or the most comons like

turn on
take out

share the phrasal verbs you know here to learn more :p
[ks]Colombiano dijo:
OMFG guys since i got into english classes i've learned a lot of english, i have been in english classes since i had 7 years old...The most dificult thing of the english language are the phrasal verbs for example:

Fu*c off= go to the hell LOL!
look for= search

or the most comons like

turn on
take out

share the phrasal verbs you know here to learn more :p

so is it really hard?????


suck up
get off (work)
get out (of class)
tuck in (your shirt)
piss off (you)
fill in (a form)
fill out (A FORM!!!)
back off (you idiot)
back up (your car)

Jerk off


Sorry 'cuz I can't translate it here (I would be banned :chino: )... Seek for yourselves

tuck in your shirt....
you know... to look decent... shirt inside the trousers (pants)... remember high school?
get away - ???
wake up - ???
hold *** down - ???
Shut up -???

Make yourself the translations, I may not write in spanish here.......
OJ = Orange Juice :D

HOHO: What part of "keep all conversations in English" do you not understand?
jasz dijo:
HOHO: What part of "keep all conversations in English" do you not understand?

Ok, I will NOT write the translations of phrasal verbs, I bet [ks]Colombiano will be so confused with this form of making answers...

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