Que tan GEEK eres???

You got 7 right!
Good work, but you need to try harder to embrace your inner geek.

Soy un aficionado a la tecnología...pero obviamente no un experto:nervios:
You got 10 right!
Excellent, you have the makings of a proper propeller head.

You answered "yes" to 24 of 129 questions, making you 81.4% geek pure; that is, you are 81.4% pure in the geek domain (you have 18.6% geek in you).
Your Weirdness Factor (AKA Uniqueness Factor) is 9%, based on a comparison of your test results with 191614 other submissions for this test.

The average purity for this test is 80.1%.
You got 7 right!
Good work, but you need to try harder to embrace your inner geek.

No Todos somos Perfectos :p
Mi resultado

You got 8 right!
Excellent, you have the makings of a proper propeller head.

You got 8 right!
Excellent, you have the makings of a proper propeller head.

La embarré en la 5 y en la 8
You got 9 right!
Excellent, you have the makings of a proper propeller head.

Your Geek Purity Test Results

You answered "yes" to 49 of 129 questions, making you 62.0% geek pure; that is, you are 62.0% pure in the geek domain (you have 38.0% geek in you).
Your Weirdness Factor (AKA Uniqueness Factor) is 31%, based on a comparison of your test results with 191614 other submissions for this test.
The average purity for this test is 80.1%.
The first submission for this test was received December 30, 1995.

You got 10 right!
Excellent, you have the makings of a proper propeller head

ta facil y eso que di dos al pinochaso jejej es mas bueno el otro test el de armory pero por ahi hay otro mas cool
wow! que manda de geeks! xDDD ahaahah

esos test no son ciertos, los geeks supuestamente son los que profundizan el tema del PC mucho, y eso cuyalquier pelagato q sepam manejar un PC puede sacarse un 8

depronto el segundo :)

Se les tiene el TEST Versión 2.0

En Microsiervos linkearon ESTE test que está bien jodidito, háganle pues a ver cómo les va.. aquí pongo mi resultado para iniciar


My computer geek score is greater than 70% of all people in the world! How do you compare? Click HERE to find out!"

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