What English Accent Do You Prefer?

Spanglish is not an accent, it's just a deformation of the original language.
Canadian accent ;)
At least it's better than Australian one.

Australian it's hard for me... I never get what they say
HIADA, Exactly that's what happened to me with British english, some times I can't understand 'em, they have another accent and speak tooooo fasssst !!! ya'ndsta?:p
jiijijiji you're so funny!!

And you're right, British is hard to understand, but do you want to try something harder?

Try to talk to an Arabic person who lived in England... Arabic people speaking English and british accent sucks!
guajajaj, that is so true hiada, even if they are just learning english, holy cow, it's so hard to understand them.

Also with Chinese people, OMG, I remember that in the writing test they used to get really good marks, but normally I used to think that they didn't know english, cause when they talk, their accent is so fuked up, that you don't know if they are talking in english or in mandarin or else :p.

Holy shit, sorry Hiada :p hahaha I don't know why I wrote tifa :p jajaaj sorry, maybe a mental gap :p

Nice to meet you ;)

Alright problem fixed ;)

I remember when I saw interviews made by American journalists to people from the middle east. Their pronunciation can be anything but something similar to American or British English. I don't know how these journalists get everything that they say, I can barely get one or 2 words of what they say :muerto:
you know Oe, people get use to it, an example is that many people here in the town where I live, understand Latin accent, and we know that this accent is easy to understand, but I have met some people that really, they don't get a F word of what you say because they are not used to this accent, sometimes the same happens to me.

I prefer the british accent 'cause I think it's got style but... I learned the american accent..
Yeah.. the australian accent is sooooo funny but it's almost impossible to understand =P
Hey you guys, look what I found :p, is a really nice video, I really like it...
Believe it or no, Canadians and Americas have some kind of conflict between their cultures... that here is more liberal and there is more this, and that. stuff like that... anyways here is the video ;).


Hey, I'm not a lumberjack, or a fur trader....
I don't live in an igloo or eat blubber, or own a dogsled....
and I don't know Jimmy, Sally or Suzy from Canada,
although I'm certain they're really really nice.

I have a Prime Minister, not a president.
I speak English and French, not American.
And I pronounce it 'about', not 'a boot'.

I can proudly sew my country's flag on my backpack.
I believe in peace keeping, not policing,
diversity, not assimilation,
and that the beaver is a truly proud and noble animal.
A toque is a hat, a chesterfield is a couch,
and it is pronounced 'zed' not 'zee', 'zed' !!!!

Canada is the second largest landmass!
The first nation of hockey!
and the best part of North America

My name is Joe!!
And I am Canadian!!!
No matter what , I still with SpanGlish.

JUANOXX, Hi from thre USA , The country that saw, me birth, and Medelin - Colombia let me grow and learn the hermosas things de este MUNDO.

Juan Carlos
I strongly recommend you guys (at least those of you who are seriously into learning languages)take a look at the "World Englishes" Journal.

ĴũΔήØЖ dijo:
Hey you guys, look what I found :p, is a really nice video, I really like it...
Believe it or no, Canadians and Americas have some kind of conflict between their cultures... that here is more liberal and there is more this, and that. stuff like that... anyways here is the video ;).

In the comments section somebody said:
This is funny.Canadians have no identity of their own except "not being American".
i think brit english is so much better for speaking , it's a litte bit harder to get, but as soon as u get used to it u will like it above the others :p

australian english SUKZ so much, don't ask me why, it just does lol
american :S not that good i guess
but canadian is the freaking worst for me, it even sounds like too "frenchy" for me , but still, at least in medellin, that is the accent a lot of people prefer, and again, i haven't the foggiest idea why :O, it is just strange for me , and don't like it.

well then, no matter what accent do u have , english is english, no problem there, but still some are harder to understand, but it s just a matter of time .

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