What English Accent Do You Prefer?

No matter how hard I try.... I can not get back my British accent. It is so lovely!!! My first words in English had that accent, because my English teacher was from England and so many others.
I've never been to an English spoken country; however, people often tell me about my American accent :cansado: and American people tell me the one I have is from Queens... OH REALLY??? LOL can't believe you!!!! Maybe cause mom and my sister live there and we speak on the phone so often???
I rather the British one=)
I had posted here once in the past, and it seems is one of the most attractive topics ever created.
Somehow, for me is hard to decide, since I think british accent is lovely and pretty understandable, but we should not forget, that even there, coexist many accents as well.
Speaking of american, is rather difficult, hence there is not a universal accent, as in Spain there are so many accents and dialects, however i feel now that i had become pretty familiar with american.

perhaps, due to so many influence in the whole world's media.
Lol is funny read many post with several orthographic errors!! I'm thinking about the people are using online translatators
By the way the english accent here in the u.s is cool! The newyorkers speak a good understandable english

I been in many places around the united states but i like new york and the ny accent

Ohh the niggers speak terrible!! Yoooyoo my brodaaa is a kind of words used in brooklyn
Escrito desde www.LANeros.mobi (BlackBerry8900/ Profile/MIDP-2.0 Configuration/CLDC-1.1 VendorID/100)
Hey! I don't need much language to say this but ...the "nigger" word is just discrimination, and you know what? not here! not in this forum ok? all people needs to be treated with respect and tolerance not matter the status, color or age. And I don't know where you from sr but here don't like this kind of words.....
I don't care what you think!! This is a public forum to explain about the accents
If u feel bad about my comment i don't care too!! Keep with ur poor english
Escrito desde www.LANeros.mobi (BlackBerry8900/ Profile/MIDP-2.0 Configuration/CLDC-1.1 VendorID/100)
I don't care what you think!! This is a public forum to explain about the accents
If u feel bad about my comment i don't care too!! Keep with ur poor english
Escrito desde www.LANeros.mobi (BlackBerry8900/ Profile/MIDP-2.0 Configuration/CLDC-1.1 VendorID/100)

Ohhh man and there comes the TROLL, just when the forum is peaceful you have to come and create a bad mood and I'm sorry man but even though it is a public forum that doesn't mean there are no rules and why to be a troll when someone just tell to be respectful? is that a hard thing to do? I don't think so.

Also you have no reason to criticize someone's lack of English skills, we are here to learn not to be trolled by people who still have BIG grammar FAILS and yet comes to criticize others who only ask for respect.

I don't care what you think!! This is a public forum to explain about the accents
If u feel bad about my comment i don't care too!! Keep with ur poor english
Escrito desde www.LANeros.mobi (BlackBerry8900/ Profile/MIDP-2.0 Configuration/CLDC-1.1 VendorID/100)

ok Sr, nobody call you to stay here, right? We don't need an intolerant and racist professor.... No pedimos que viniera un tipo racista a enseñarnos inglés y a decirnos cosas en tono negativo!
Heyyyyyyyy!!! I heard the Dallas-USA english accent... and this is the worst thing the world have ever creteeeed!!! They speak like dummps!!! Sorry but that's the true!
Heyyyyyyyy!!! I heard the Dallas-USA english accent... and this is the worst thing the world have ever creteeeed!!! They speak like dummps!!! Sorry but that's the true!

Well is in Texas and being a southern state they tend to have a redneck accent which is kind of funny but not as badass as the alabama one, here is a little video of a texan boy ranting on people who says he sounds like forrest gump (who is actually from alabama)

Última edición por un moderador:
Ohhh man and there comes the TROLL, just when the forum is peaceful you have to come and create a bad mood and I'm sorry man but even though it is a public forum that doesn't mean there are no rules and why to be a troll when someone just tell to be respectful? is that a hard thing to do? I don't think so.

Also you have no reason to criticize someone's lack of English skills, we are here to learn not to be trolled by people who still have BIG grammar FAILS and yet comes to criticize others who only ask for respect.


I totally agree!!! The one who comes here bragging about his "perfect English" has a poor grammar!:cansado:

ok Sr, nobody call you to stay here, right? We don't need an intolerant and racist professor.... No pedimos que viniera un tipo racista a enseñarnos inglés y a decirnos cosas en tono negativo!

TEACH us? with that grammar???8| Yeah sure!!! The fact is that we do not come here to criticise other people, we come here to practice and share our knowlegde in a polite way.... as it should be! Manners please... Manners!!!:cansado:
Who cares if your spelling, punctuation or even grammar is perfect. You don't even pay attention to that when writing in your mother tongue. Keep communication going...
I think the American accent is better, because is easier to understand, the British accent some times is hard to understand, seems like they have something in their mouth. But the real reason is because that was the first accent I heard and in Colombia most of the people learn that accent.
Actually, i don´t think any accent is "better" than the other one, it is just a matter of taste and subjective feelings. Personally, I feel more comfortable with people speaking with british accent, and moreover, english spoken by european, non-native english speaking people, specially Scandinavian. It seems as if i were reading a book.

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