2015 FIA Formula One Championship

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Bueno, Fernando ya aclaró el incidente... Kimi va muy mal este año... Muchas excusas... Siempre dice lo mismo: "I don't know"... De seguro va para fuera... Lo reemplazarán con Valtteri!!!
Coincido con quienes ven a Kimi fuera de Ferrari. Yo voy más allá, y lo veo afuera de la F1.

Esa vacante sería una de las más codiciadas de los últimos años.
Me gustaría ver a Hamilton en Ferrari junto con Vettel.

En cuanto a Button y Alonso, veo que ya perdieron la paciencia con su equipo. Sólo están devaluándose. Además Alonso es veterano; muy rápido, pero veterano. Si el año entrante ellos no tienen un carro competitivo, van a acompañar a Kimi a la salida de la F1. Sería un amargo final para tan buenos pilotos, especialmente para Alonso.
David Coulthard: Ferrari F1 team should look beyond Kimi Raikkonen
By Mitchell Adam Monday, June 29th 2015, 09:59 GMT


Kimi Raikkonen's former team-mate David Coulthard says it is time Ferrari considered replacing the Finn as he has reached a plateau Coulthard recognises from his own Formula 1 career.

The 2007 world champion's Ferrari contract concludes at the end of the current F1 season and team principal Maurizio Arrivabene said earlier this month that it was "too early" to make a decision on 2016.

Raikkonen endured particularly torrid weekends in Austria and Canada, and has scored just a single podium since rejoining Ferrari last season.

Citing experience from the twilight of his own career, Coulthard feels Ferrari would benefit from fresh blood alongside Sebastian Vettel.

"I think it's time for change," said Coulthard, who was Raikkonen's team-mate at McLaren from 2002-04 (pictured below).

"I'm not anti-Kimi at all, but having lived through that experience myself, there's a point in your career where you just stop getting better.

"It happened to me in my career; I was never the best driver, but there was certainly a point at the end where you just lose the edge.

"Right now, if Kimi goes and wins the next race, we'll all be super-excited, because we need that. But Vettel's come in and immediately established himself.

"When he was there with [Fernando] Alonso, Alonso was better.

"The facts are that whether it's bad luck or something else, he hasn't delivered in the last couple of years at the level he did in his previous career."

Coulthard nominated Force India's Nico Hulkenberg and Williams driver Valtteri Bottas as the best candidates should Ferrari elect to replace his former team-mate, noting Hulkenberg's recent Le Mans 24 Hours victory with Porsche.

"The question is, is Kimi better value for money for Ferrari than say a Hulkenberg or a Bottas? One of these younger guys who are on the rise," he said.

"If I was Ferrari, I would seriously look at who could be the replacement for Kimi. Marketing-wise, it's one aspect of what he brings, but in the end the best marketing is a winner.

Should Hulkenberg ditch F1 for WEC?

"Bottas has a contract at Williams, but of course everything has a price, and Ferrari can afford to pay that option.

"I think Hulkenberg deserves a chance in a top car. He's won everything in his career and, OK, he didn't single-handedly win Le Mans, but it's a nice story to remind us that he's a winning driver.

"I've got to believe he's worth a chance."

Totalmente de acuerdo con DC!!!

Y de otro lado....

Vettel: I want Raikkonen to stay at Ferrari
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By: Jonathan Noble, Formula 1 Editor
4 hours ago
Sebastian Vettel wants Ferrari to retain Kimi Raikkonen next year, as he moved to play down the Finn's recent troubles.
Raikkonen's future at Ferrari has been the subject of intense speculation on the back of qualifying difficulties and incidents in the races in Canada and Austria.

Ferrari has made it clear that it is no rush to make a call yet on who will line up alongside Vettel next year, but the German insists that he sees no reason to change things.

"I am pretty happy with Kimi," said Vettel, during a Ferrari media event at the Hungaroring in Hungary.

"As I said many times, there is tremendous respect between each of us. It is very straightforward: there are no complications whatsoever to work with him as he is very straight.

"Obviously the last couple of races were a little bit up and down for him, and it is normal in F1 that you get criticised immediately.

"I had four phenomenal years and had one year where a lot of things happened, where a lot of things broke down in the car and where I did a lot of mistakes, and I got criticised. Now things are changing again.

"That is why these things are not so important if you know who you are. I think Kimi knows who he is and he knows what he wants. That is why I think we have a good relationship as well."

Closing gap to Mercedes
Vettel believes that he and Raikkonen have worked well together in helping Ferrari get closer to Mercedes, although acknowledges there is still much to be done.

"Obviously the gap to Mercedes is still very big, but we are working very hard to try to close it down," he said.

"Currently [I think] we are doing the best job out of everyone if you look at where we have been last year, where the team is this year, and how competitive we are now compared to the beginning of the season.

"It is not easy. Mercedes is one of the best teams for a reason and being able to close that gap means we are doing currently a better job than them. But in the past they have done better than us so there is still some catching up to do."

Es claro que quiere seguir teniendo como compañero a Kimi "El Pensionado" (como ya le dicen en los Foros)... De ninguna manera le gustaría tener de nuevo por ejemplo a Daniel Ricciardo!!! LOL

Bonitos diseños... Pero no me cuadra lo del protector transparente... ¿En cuál material puediera ser fabricado y que aguante un choque como el de Austria?
Para ese protector transparente puede usarse el vidrio con el que hacen los vasos de los restaurantes donde sirven corrientazo. Esos hijuemadres vasos son muy difíciles de romper. :LOL:
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Y hablando de Daniel Ricciardo... :ROFLMAO:

Interest from Ferrari F1 team is 'nice', says Daniel Ricciardo
By Ian Parkes and Matt Beer Tuesday, June 30th 2015, 12:39 GMT


Daniel Ricciardo has acknowledged the Ferrari Formula 1 team is interested in signing him and that he regards it as "a compliment", but believes it unlikely he could leave Red Bull.

Ferrari is currently considering whether to retain Kimi Raikkonen beyond 2015, while Ricciardo is amid a tough second season with Red Bull Racing and has yet to finish on the podium this year after winning three grands prix in '14.

Asked about rumours of an approach from Ferrari, Ricciardo said he still had faith in Red Bull and his understanding was that he has a binding contract, but also appreciated the interest from Maranello.

"I won't go into too much detail. First and foremost, not talking about contracts or anything, what I want is to win," he said.

"A lot of my frustration this year is because of that.

"We are not in a position to win and as a driver that is the only thing I want, at least in this point of my career when I am still young and hungry, and I feel I have still have a lot of potential in me.

"With contracts, it is not as easy as saying 'yeah I will go to Ferrari and that is that.'

"There are things in place, and right now it would be, from my understanding of contracts, it is not likely that I can get out.

"But at the same time, I really feel that Red Bull can make a change for next year and can get back up the front.

"I still think we have good people in the team. I think we still have the ingredients to do it.

"Going back on the Ferrari thing; it is nice to be recognised by a team like that so I will take it a compliment and see what happens."

Ricciardo described a move to Ferrari as "unlikely" but not impossible - particularly in the context of Red Bull chief Dietrich Mateschitz's threats to quit F1.

"I will probably never rule anything out completely, because I don't have experience with contracts," he said.

"I haven't been in F1 all that long. I am sure things can change; anything can change.

"Dietrich said some things in the press as well, and you never know what is going to happen."

He admitted Red Bull's decline this season had been hard to take.

"It has tested my personality this year," said Ricciardo, who has been increasingly outspoken in his frustration.

"I have never liked losing, as a kid, I got in fights with my best friends even playing a video game or something.

"I have become a better sportsman as I have gone on with age, I have handled losses better.

"But deep down my heart is competitive and I want to win, and proving what I did last year only makes that fire burn more.

"My career was going on a massive rise and now it has plataeued for this year; I accept that."

Ojalá Ferrari bote a Kimi al final del año y contrate a Daniel Ricciardo... JaJa :LOL:
Silverstone, England




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La mejor carrera en lo que va de la temporada! Por fin!

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La mejor carrera en lo que va de la temporada! Por fin!

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En serio que si, la lluvia y los Williams le pusieron picante a esta vaina que estaba muy aburrida, aunque la carrera termino como las demás jajajajaja
Última edición:
Ah que embarrada, al final el golpe fue mortal, para que se pongan las pilas los de la FIA.

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