A quien le ha llegado el CD de Ubuntu tras pedirlo gratuitamente?

Yo siempre que pido uno distinto a ubuntu (kubuntu, edubuntu) me cancela :( solo alcance a pedir 2 ubuntu y no me deja pedir mas
A mi ya me llegó... pero esto:


Unfortunateley we can't process your request. Some of the reasons which might
apply to your request:

- We can't send out single DVDs for personal use. The intention of the
PromoDVD is to spread it on events or in schools etc. It was mentionend that
way on the order page, sorry if other sites told something different.

- It's not for your personal or company evaluation/tests.

- You didn't used latin characters. I'm sorry but we just can't process orders
with non latin characters.

- The request was not filled out properly

We can't awnser every request with a separate mail, most likely it's reason 1
or 2.

But there are other options to get openSUSE:

- Download it at http://software.opensuse.org
(We also offer a CD Version with a complete Desktop System!)
- Look out for magazines which have the DVD included
- There are companies which are sending DVDs for little money, worldwide, just
use google to find them (because we are not affiliated or know them at all,
we don't make any recommendations).

I hope you understand our decision. If you think it's not fair (or you are
sure we made an error), please send an email to marketing@opensuse.org

with kind regards,

Martin Lasarsch, Core Services
SUSE LINUX Products GmbH, Maxfeldstr. 5 90409 Nürnberg
GF: Markus Rex, HRB 16746 (AG Nürnberg)
martin.lasarsch@suse.de - http://www.opensuse.org

jejeje, tocó bajarlo mejor
bueno como puedo ver no fui el unico que le mandaron ese msn va tocar descagarlo mejor...


de todas formas es grais y a cannonicals le cuesta mucho eso, creo que se trata sde que hagamso copias y lo distribuyamos nosotros , vale la pena
yo pedi y me llegaron hace un mes el cd de Ubuntu 8.04 Kubuntu 8.04 y Edubuntu... no se por que motivo a la semana me llego uno mas de Ubuntu.. igual ya se lo di a una persona que estaba interesada...

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