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Google Digital Garage 126 courses some with certification.

Individuals who complete the full learning course (which is free) online will receive a certificate endorsed by Google and the IAB Europe.

Hopefully this is helpful to some



If you are going to buy GTA 5, it is worthwhile holding off for a day.


Epic Games Store regularly serves full versions of games for free. However, their next promotion will top it off. As we've learned from an anonymous, but very well-informed source, we will be able to download Grand Theft Auto V for free on the EGS from tomorrow (May 14) through May 21.

it is a rumor at this moment. Could be GTA or Plague Tale or something else....

URL will be added tomorrow...

Por ahora nada del gta v.
Asi aparece en la store de epic, en 8 horas se sabrá que juego es

  • ¡Vaya!
Reacciones: elas80
  • LOL
Reacciones: Frasier
Asi aparece en la store de epic, en 8 horas se sabrá que juego es

Ver el archivos adjunto 412870
GTA V, a las 10 am es necesario descargar Epic Games e iniciar sesión

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