English Thread!!!

hey people

its good to have an english forum.. but to make it interesting and cool... we have to talk about a some topic.... i propose to use the forum for speak about new technologies.

'cause that's the reason why laneros is alive after so long time! :)
hi people!!!! I am very interesting in learn english, and I need all help that you can give me.

please, excuse me for mi mistakes, I am principiant, I am going to learn english the next year beacouse I need win the TOELF!!!! please, any recomendation is welcome.

I think thah real topic to this forum should be "help to learn and practis english and how Win test such as TOELF or other".

tanks for your recommendation and suggest!!!
You learn a lot watching DVD movies. If your understanding is not very good what you can do is you watch the movie with english subtitles and when you dont get what they say you read the titles. Television in english with closed caption would help in the same way.
does this forum has subtitles in spanish ´cause I dont understand a piece of shit.

My english is th worst but I defend myself :p
Hey nice thread! Like Krieg says, one learns a lot of english watching TV programs and movies with Close Captions or English subtitles.

Texto Originalmente Escrito por ViperuX
hey people

its good to have an english forum.. but to make it interesting and cool... we have to talk about a some topic.... i propose to use the forum for speak about new technologies.

'cause that's the reason why laneros is alive after so long time! :)

Yeah we need a topic! :p
Stop saying we need a topic!!!!! there are like 10 to 15 post about the same thing without giving any ideas. I dont mean to be rough but, it will be better if we contribute more with ideas than with critics...:(

I repeat my topic, what is the best performance computer you've worked at? and why?


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Ok, i readed a lot of pages and i was thinking that at least on the last page there would be a topic.
OK, like ralphy, i think that saying "Please put a topic" it's worthless, simply start to talk, there are some topics that other propose.

Yeap, my grammar is also a shame :( all beacause i'm learning from the life, the movies, the music, etc.
No formal English education...

The most powerfull Computer?....
Maybe one of the newest Servers that come to the University, a SUN with 2 procs of 1.5Ghz (RISC!!), 2 GB RAM, 4 SCSI 120GB on RAID.
The SunOS simply fly there.
And other, a DELL with 4 PIV 3Ghz, 8GB RAM, on that system, the FreeBSD kernel compilation take like 25sgs :perro:

That's all, please correctme like others :muerto: :p

The past tense of read is read (say red). In the instance you have used it, it would be "have read", so that the reader knows that you are referring to the past.

The most powerful computer I ever sat in front of was an apple IIe. It was powerful because it made me want to learn about computers.
Texto Originalmente Escrito por EnempE
The most powerful computer I ever sat in front of was an apple IIe. It was powerful because it made me want to learn about computers.

Good one!!

And thks for the corrections, i was thinking on that part and kew that i have an error there....
= )
i honestly can't remember which is the best cmoputer i've ever used...

but i can for sure tell you which is the oldest...

my old Tandy 1000 !!!

it had a dazzling Intel 8088 and 128 K RAM... I used to play frogger in it.. fun times..

One of the best machines i've put my hands on is an Apple PowerMac G5 dual..

where did I have this close encounter with such a beauty... in the Apple Store in the mall :p

bah.. enough english for today...
The oldest I played with was a Texas instruments TI99/4
CPU: TI TMS9900, 3.3 MHz, 16-bit
Memory: 16K, expandable to 52K
Video: TI TMS9918A VDP.
Text resolution: 32x24
Graphics resolution: 256x192
16 colors
16 sprites
Sound: TI TMS9919
3 voices.


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