GMAIL por Aniversario aumentara a 2 Gigas

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De mejora en mejora...excelente!!!! Al menos aquì si invierten.. Como avanza la tecnologìa..jaja
Muy buena noticia, excleentes beneficios.
Pero paremos los offtopics diciendo en cuanto va el contador POR FAVOR.
sL-Oesoto dijo:
You are currently using 18 MB (1%) of your 1441 MB. ojala que no sea una broma.

Gmail Rulz :D
Bueno no faltaba más.... jaja... Hoy es el día de los inocentes en USA!!!

Pos si que le han tirado ingeniería a la vaina....

Estos gráficos de última generación no los entiendo mucho, pero bueno....


Juasss ... graficos de ultima generacion :D

gK-||sico|| dijo:
You are currently using 79 MB (6%) of your 1391 MB.

y yo que pense que era noticia de "April's Fool" :p

No habia pensado en eso, pero segun creo Gmail fue lanzado el 1 de abril del anno pasado y este incremento es por el primer aniversario.
como nuevas características presentan edición de correo con formato de texto enriquecido. parece que estan teniendo en cuenta las sugerencias que les hemos hecho.

sobre el tamaño habrá que esperar por lo de 2gb and beyond.

especulando, tal vez el contador no se detenga al llegar a los 2Gb :p vaya uno a saber que se traen entre manos
uhm.... ni me había percatado q tenía mas capacidad .. genial
jaja ese gráfico parece a los dibujos de mis sobrinos :p
pero se le perdona... gmail puede hacer lo q kiera.... mientras sea el mejor :)
Gmail Forever...

Hasta ahorita que abri mi correo me di cuenta de la sorpresa.... Buena esa la de Google :p :p .... es la unica empresa que medio se ha interesado por sus clientes.... ojala las demas compañias aprendan de este suceso.....
Visiten el home de gmail, se ve super bacano como cada segundo la capacidad de almacenamiento de nuestros correos aumenta. Rulz!!!! ahora si me pueden mandar todo el nopor que tengan!! :p

No creo que sea por April Fools, si lo anuncian como nueva "Feature" debe ser algo serio. IMHO por supuesto.
Please, no hay necesidad de llevar la cuenta de MBs en los posts.
En la tarde .. lo revise en la casa de un amigo y nos reimos de las cosistas que salian en la pagina de inicio.. ahora ni diea que taban subiendo la capacidad
revisare mi gmail....
You are currently using 69 MB (4%) of your 1722 MB.
What's new on Gmail?
Just Launched!

G is for growth
Storage is an important part of email, but that doesn't mean you should have to worry about it. To celebrate our one-year birthday, we're giving everyone one more gigabyte. But why stop the party there? Our plan is to continue growing your storage beyond 2GBs by giving you more space as we are able. We know that email will only become more important in people's lives, and we want Gmail to keep up with our users and their needs. From Gmail, you can expect more.

We're not in the plains anymore
Fonts, bullets and highlighting, oh my! Gmail now offers rich text formatting. And over 60 colors of the rainbow. Discover a land of more than just black and white. Learn more

What's been keeping us busy

Ever since we began Gmail's limited test, we've been working hard to make it better. Here are a few of the features we've added:

* An easier way to send up to 10MB of photos
Gmail now works with Picasa, Google's free photo organizer. Use Picasa to easily find, edit and preview your photos. Log in to Gmail directly from Picasa and send the photos from your Gmail account. Picasa even automatically resizes your photos so they're easier to receive and open. Your friends without such large email accounts will thank you. Learn more

* Support for more browsers
Basic HTML view lets you access your Gmail messages from almost any computer running almost any web browser, even old ones (not just IE5.5+, Mozilla, and Safari). Especially great for traveling, since you never know what kind of browser that internet café in Siberia is going to have.

* Free POP access and automatic forwarding
Access your mail the way you want to. Download your messages. Read them offline. Use your Blackberry or Outlook or just the good ol' web. Or forward new messages to an email account you specify. You can even switch to other email services without having to worry about losing access to your messages. Think of it as email portability.

* Import Contacts
You've made a list. You've checked it twice. Now you never have to check it again. Move all your contacts from Yahoo! Mail, Outlook, and others to Gmail in just a few clicks. Then simply rely on our auto-complete feature to fill in your addresses as you're typing. Keep all your contacts in one place and keep in touch with all of them using Gmail.

* Gmail Notifier
Want to know if you've got new mail? Let us do the checking so you don't have to. Find out when new messages arrive, and even see their subjects, senders and snippets, all without having to open a web browser.

* Search your contacts
With the new and improved Contacts list, search for a contact as easily as you would a message in Gmail. Add notes and phone numbers. View messages directly from the Contacts list.

* Signature options
From the settings page, create a signature that's automatically added to the end of all your outgoing messages. Change it as often as you like, but always get the last word.

* Thumbnails for image attachments
It's like seeing the trailer before you see the movie. Now you can get a sneak preview of your attachments.

* And last but not least...Save Drafts!

Las nuevas caracteristicas de Gmail :D
estoy milveces seguro que es una broma de april fool

Gmail turns 1 today. And we've always loved a good joke. We know we won't reach infinity,

es una broma estoy seguro
Dopon dijo:
estoy milveces seguro que es una broma de april fool

Gmail turns 1 today. And we've always loved a good joke. We know we won't reach infinity,

es una broma estoy seguro

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