Welcome LANers!!

At last!

Thx god our pray was heard!

PD. May I suggest to change the name for "Languages forum" ?
That's 'cause there are some people interested in other languages than English... I'm positive!...
(Of course I aknowledge english is way more useful than any others :nervios: )

Well, Thx again! =) (A year late but... :D )

What a cool forum!

I am not that good in English, but I will try.
I will practice here jijiji If I say something stupid, please TELL ME!! :p
Luis(tm) dijo:
At last!

Thx god our pray was heard!

PD. May I suggest to change the name for "Languages forum" ?
That's 'cause there are some people interested in other languages than English... I'm positive!...
(Of course I aknowledge english is way more useful than any others :nervios: )

Well, Thx again! =) (A year late but... :D )


Mmm, that might be a good idea=) ...

Thanks to JulianD who finally made this new space possible=)
HIADA dijo:
What a cool forum!

I am not that good in English, but I will try.
I will practice here jijiji If I say something stupid, please TELL ME!! :p
Don't worry my pretty girl you english is ok:p and where the other girls? and Julian, a great idea ,here we could practice other languajes a cool idea:cool:
this forum is a good place for practice english, for example, i don´t practice since two years......, i´m very excite for talk with all yours....excuse me if i do some mistakes......ok see you later...........
well let's start how can i see with knoppix a windows network?..and other question Julian, can you create a forum of solaris? bye see you later Vvitor
Luis(tm) dijo:
At last!

Thx god our pray was heard!

PD. May I suggest to change the name for "Languages forum" ?
That's 'cause there are some people interested in other languages than English... I'm positive!...
(Of course I aknowledge english is way more useful than any others :nervios: )

Well, Thx again! =) (A year late but... :D )

That would be a problem Luis... The rules on this site says the allowed languages on LANeros.com are only spanish and english... That's because most of the moderators only knows these two languages... If someone comes here speaking in japanese insulting and blaming everyone, no one would notice...
JulianD dijo:
That would be a problem Luis... The rules on this site says the allowed languages on LANeros.com are only spanish and english... That's because most of the moderators only knows these two languages... If someone comes here speaking in japanese insulting and blaming everyone, no one would notice...
Well... That's no big deal...

GuMaN and I can moderate Japanese Thread, Krieg can moderate German thread, Tifa^ can moderate the French Thread, Aldias75 can moderate Portuguese thread and so on...

All these people (wonder if I can be included :blush: ) are well known users w/ at least 1 year in the community, well established reputation, lots of participation (measured in post number) and etc, etc, etc.

Just Think about it :\

People have signed the same petition a lot of times already... And Laneros.com deserves a Languages forum indeed.

Luis(tm) dijo:
Well... That's no big deal...

GuMaN and I can moderate Japanese Thread, Krieg can moderate German thread, Tifa^ can moderate the French Thread, Aldias75 can moderate Portuguese thread and so on...

All these people (wonder if I can be included :blush: ) are well known users w/ at least 1 year in the community, well established reputation, lots of participation (measured in post number) and etc, etc, etc.

Just Think about it :\

People have signed the same petition a lot of times already... And Laneros.com deserves a Languages forum indeed.


Yep there are many people here who knows other languages besides english and moderators too, besides if someone said something in a foreign language and no one understands, is not a problem :p
It would get very complicated though, and a lot of time would be spent on understanding the message, rather than solving the problem.

Within the limits, bounds, or area of: was hit in the face; born in the spring; a chair in the garden.
From the outside to a point within; into: threw the letter in the wastebasket.
To or at a situation or condition of: was split in two; in debt; a woman in love.

Having the activity, occupation, or function of: a life in politics; the officer in command.
During the act or process of: tripped in racing for the bus.

With the arrangement or order of: fabric that fell in luxuriant folds; arranged to purchase the car in equal payments.
After the style or form of: a poem in iambic pentameter.
With the characteristic, attribute, or property of: a tall man in an overcoat.

By means of: paid in cash.
Made with or through the medium of: a statue in bronze; a note written in German.
With the aim or purpose of: followed in pursuit.
With reference to: six inches in depth; has faith in your judgment.
Used to indicate the second and larger term of a ratio or proportion: saved only one in ten.

To or toward the inside: opened the door and stepped in.
To or toward a destination or goal: The mob closed in.
Sports. So as to score, as by crossing home plate in baseball: singled the runner in.
Within a place, as of business or residence: The manager is in before anyone else.
So as to be available or under one's control: We can proceed when all the evidence is in.
So as to include or incorporate: Fold in the egg whites.
So as to occupy a position of success or favor: campaigned hard and was voted in.
In a particular relationship: got in bad with their supervisor.


Located inside; inner.
Incoming; inward: took the in bus.
Holding office; having power: the in party.
Currently fashionable: the in thing to wear this season.
Concerned with or attuned to the latest fashions: the in crowd. See Synonyms at fashionable.
Relating to, understandable to, or coming from an exclusive group: an in reference.

One that has position, influence, or power: the ins against the outs.
Informal. Influence; power: had an in with the authorities.

Most common usages in bold, stay tuned for 'On'
1) Regarding Luis(tm)'s idea of a Languages forum, I think maybe we should set up a poll or something, to see how many LANeros can actually communicate/would like to try to communicate in languages different from those allowed in this site as far as the rules are concerned. I'd love to practice my basic German and I'd sure be the only one writing in Danish but anyway, the point is that we should have a poll.
2) Thx EnempE for your help with the prepositions. Please pay attention to the expressions people, sometimes you might find idiomatic expressions that use a certain preposition even though we would prefer another one if we abide by those general rules. But by following those you'll be 97% right all the time... do you agree EnempE?
'In' is commonly used in the basic ways highlighted. But it is a very common word and you will hear it in a variety of ways very often. If you think 'within/inside/enclosed' or 'associated with' you will have got it most of the time (bout 80%). The other one's noted above are another 17% percent of the time, and the last 3% are strange. Just nod your head and try to go with context on the others, you should be fine as the 'in' is largely redundant when used idiomatically.
Luis(tm) dijo:
Krieg can moderate German thread

People have signed the same petition a lot of times already... And Laneros.com deserves a Languages forum indeed.

Excellent idea, i´m interested in learning German and if you could create a language section it would be very useful for me and for other LANers that are looking for a place to practice a 2nd or 3rd, even 4th language.
|Nc| Lmsilva dijo:
...1) Regarding Luis(tm)'s idea of a Languages forum, I think maybe we should set up a poll or something...
That thing was done some time ago... The results were overwhelming: "99 to 1 " or so, giving support for the idea... At that time, sadly there were no positive answer from Laneros' staff (I reckon JulianD was interested but a few others weren't moved by the petition)... Let me search the link... Finally, it was inevitable to fall in discussion and the thread was closed by S@ja.

But well... That's ancient history. Hope JulianD agree now to rename the forum allowing other languages than English.

EnemP dijo:
Krieg can speak German?!?!
Of course
He lives there :nervios:
And GuMaN lives in Japan...

They can help others just like YOU are doing here in English forum.
BTW - I was late to give u my most sincere Thx :D! Ur doing great "moderating" and correcting all this english chatter between us... Arigato Pal =)

This is a great idea, because a lot of laners can practice your knowledge about this language, like me more and more people like understand this language y and learn to speak very nice, good, congratulations JulianD, this idea open a space in this community to learn more about other thing that isnt computers and games... ah remeber for some games the English is necesary...

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