What English Accent Do You Prefer?

Dudes, not problem it all about bostonian accent because differrent states has a lot of variations about the ways to say the same words even with the guetto speak thing, so, at last there is nobody with the better way only states with differences in the way of speaking.
I like the accent from french people that speak english,
I also like the Australian accent, I think it's cool.
and the worst goes to indian accent ... sorry indian pals but its true!! yes I said it!
I like the British accent, I think it's more easy to understand (to me). I had to deal with a man from Germany who speaks to quickly and I made him repeat everything about 2 or 3 times to catch it all xD
Be careful, because the American English is also understandable, I've been in a conference with an American speaker and I could understand everything (exept some technical words).
But in day to day language I don't know what accent had spreaded the most :/
I prefere American English.

Simply because U.S.A is the first power nation on the world.
United Kingdom is a great nation, but nobody can deny that all the big industry, big bussines, the best universities and generrally all the big oportunities are there(USA).

Some people say that american accent is very entangled, but USA is a country with more than 300.000.000 people, there are MANY kind of accents.

Say that is like saying that colombian spanish is very hard and fast because the form that people from the atlantic coast talk´s it xD.
What do you mean about american accent? is just like here in Colombia... a loooooot of different accents.

By the way... texan's accent is so freakin' funny!
What do you mean about american accent? is just like here in Colombia... a loooooot of different accents.

By the way... texan's accent is so freakin' funny!

Yeah, in general most southern satates on the USA has as you say a freaking hilarious "redneck" accent, it's like a peasant kind of accent, funny to hear but ugly to talk, so that said i think the best accents for my taste are in the UK, the England one is elegant and refined and the Irish/Scotch is like really cool young people accent.
What accent do you rather?

I suppose people that is not a native speaker can't have a perfect pronunciation, but
they should have a good management of grammar, that shows you really had studied the language and denote intelligence. As second tongue we will always have "our characteristic accent" depending what is the mother tongue.
Otherwise, I rather by all means british accent, for the elegance and because it is the original one.
well i kinda like the Brooklyn-type-accent, prob cuz i reside here, but ive been in Canada and i liked it, not so much as the british but it was amazing. Love italian girls who are learning... they sound so sexy; overides the french and their bonjour.... f that!
The only one i hate is the southern american english... it really sucks...

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