FORO OFICIAL: Battlefield 2142

zoo dijo:
Señores, para los que tienen tarjetas de video nVidia. Prueben los nuevos drivers 158.18 a mi me han dado mejor rendimiento dentro del Titan.


Funcionan tambien con la serie 7xx? los voy a probar aver..
Boricua dijo:
Funcionan tambien con la serie 7xx? los voy a probar aver..
los probe y me dio error q no eran para mi hardware so para mi video card ZOO me podrias dar el link de donde lo bajastes el q yo baje fue en GURU y son para las serie 8xx no para la 7xx...

Boricua dijo:
los probe y me dio error q no eran para mi hardware so para mi video card ZOO me podrias dar el link de donde lo bajastes el q yo baje fue en GURU y son para las serie 8xx no para la 7xx...

Originalmente son para la serie 8xxx, pero modificándole el .inf agregando el modelo de su tarjeta se hacen compatibles. El Procedimiento de cómo hacerlo puede encontrarlo en el foro de Driver nVidia Forcewares en

***EDIT: Para no crear post seguido edito este mismo y agrego un SS que por error tomé hoy, jeje.

=[SUC]= joarangoe dijo:
Por aki encontré los Xtreme-G 158.16 modificados para trabajar también con otras series de Nvidia. Segun dicen en los foros la calidad de imagen mejora bastante.

Xtreme-G 158.16 xp 32bit (todas las gforce).

Pero esos son viejitos de los que estamos hablando son de los 158.19 y aun no los han publicado en XtremeG...

Yo ya los tengo modificados si alguno los quiere que me diga y los subo a RS para que los descargana otra cosa no se si fue solo a mi o le pasa a la serie 6 pero esos ultimos driver al intalarlos te piden un archivo .dll que no recuerdo el nombre para poder instalarlos, por lo q lo puden sacar de la carpeta del drivers q tengan instalado igual que el .inf

Pd: eso fue lo que yo hize


se que muchos de ustedes no juegan en SinglePleyer pero si alguien sabe como se desbloquean las armas y como se puede jugar titan en ese modo le agradezco me pase el dato... :p

Gracias y buenas noches..... :barba:
InGuerra dijo:
Que pena, esos drivers son pa nvidia o ati?
Los Catalys son para ATI los ForceWere son para nVidia. Ambas casas han publicado nuevos drivers para sus tarjetas de video.

InGuerra dijo:
Te refieres a este:
Catalyst 7.4 Display Driver Windows XP x64
Si esa es la versiòn nueva de los Catalyst 64 bit para tarjetas ATI. Tambièn salieron en su versiòn de 32 bit.

Me encontre con noticia

Battlefield 2142 v1.25 Patch

•Fixed PAC Titan geometry exploit: Players may no longer sink into the hull of the PAC titan to freely attack defenders, consoles and the core.

• Fixed EU Titan geometry exploit: Players may no longer sink into the hull of the EU Titan to freely attack defenders, consoles and the core.

•Fixed Squad Leader Drone bug: The spawn placement of the SL drone has been raised to prevent instances where the drone would kill the Squad Leader.

•APM Tuning: The detection radius for Anti-Personnel Mines has been reduced. Players will need to walk much closer to APMs in order to set them off. The blast radius of the APM has also been decreased.

•Fixed radar grenade bug: The bug which caused the radar grenade to sometimes not appear on players’ mini-map has been fixed.

•Fixed Bridge at Remagen Exploit: Players will no longer be able to move inside the west facing slope on the bridge.

•Moding addition: Editing for ‘Physics. AirDensityZeroAtHeight’ has been added.

•Moding addition: The command ‘object. listObjectsofTemplate’ has been re-added to the rcon_invoke command list.

•Improved SAAW missile tracking: The SAAW will now consistently track all airborne targets. The missiles still require visual lock to be maintained in order to seek targets.

•Improved Gunship missile tracking: The Gunship missiles will now correctly track all other airborne targets. Please note that the missile behavior when fired at ground targets is unchanged

•Improved Gunship Gunner Cannon: The projectile speed and damage for the gunner position cannon has been increased for both gunships.

•Static AA missile tracking improvement: The EMP missiles fired from the static AA has been improved to properly track when locked on to enemy ships.

•Static AA Missile lock on range decreased: The range which static AA may lock onto ships has been reduced to allow ships ‘spaces of safety’ around the maps.

•Fixed Gunship and Transport Ship Active Defense: A tail section for each of these ships was not properly covered by active defense. This has been corrected to fully protect all ships. Please note that the visual effect for active defense has not changed.

•Gunship TV Missile Adjustment: Damage for Gunship TV guided missiles has been slightly increased

•Fixed fence exploit: Bullet deviation has been added to all fences to prevent a game play exploit. Please note that players behind fences will be more difficult to hit at medium-long ranges due to this change

•Duplicate CD- Key issue: Changes to the CD key check to help prevent issues where players receive a duplicate cd-key error when joining servers.

•LMG Adjustments: The Bianchi and Shuko have been normalized in their settling rates to correct a minor imbalance.

•Automatic Drone adjustment: Health points for the Sentry Gun, Accipiter and Otus drones have been reduced.

•Sentry Gun targeting adjustment: Sentry guns will now take slightly longer to fire on their targets. The sight range for the sentry has also been slightly reduced.

•Fixed Medic Hub bug: Fixed a bug where players would occasionally receive a new medical hub immediately after it was deployed
hola a todos... aqui les pongo unas fotos las cuales me sale un mesaje todo raro...cuando alguien mata o yo mato con la 3arma de sniper..depronto alguien sepa algo...:alien:

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