Mozilla Firefox - Tema Oficial

Actualizado como siempre (ahora toca hacerle trampa al canal release pa poder bajar el update ya que si uno se mete como siempre le aparece el mensaje de que espere... xD...)... esperar a ver como se comporta a ver si carga mas rapido... tengo pestañas fijas (incluyendo el Battlelog) y a veces se queda pegado cuando carga por primera vez...
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Actualizado como siempre (ahora toca hacerle trampa al canal release pa poder bajar el update ya que si uno se mete como siempre le aparece el mensaje de que espere... xD...)... esperar a ver como se comporta a ver si carga mas rapido... tengo pestañas fijas (incluyendo el Battlelog) y a veces se queda pegado cuando carga por primera vez...

Cual es el truco para que actualice el canal release?

Cual es el truco para que actualice el canal release?


Nope... toca desde el ftp de mozilla coger la dirección de descarga de una versión beta... modificarle algunas partes de esa dirección (idioma y nombre de archivo)... y ya... porque sino le aparece el mensaje pecueco de que espere a que lanzen la versión... :/
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Pero yo no uso el firebug :\

Bueno al parecer dejó de crashear tanto, ahora el problema es que no puedo mantener activado el Anti-aliasing Morfológico (MLAA) en el Catalyst Control Center para aprovechar esa tecnología:

Por que si lo dejo activado entonces el Firefox se pone borroso por todo lado: :enojado:

Y que jarterá estar entrando a configurar eso cada rato dependiendo de si voy a jugar o usar el Firefox. :cansado:
Llevo rato siendo fiel a este navegador pero ya me está empezando a aburrir tantos resabios que están apareciendole.

con el firefox solo se pone borrosa, peor ha visto lo que le pasa al msn cuando tiene eso activado???
Firefox 10 now available for download

It's been nine months since Mozilla announced that Firefox would be moving to a rapid release cycle, and since then the browser has moved from version 4 to 10. According to the beta changelog, the latest release brings the kind of life-changing features you'd expect from a six-week update cycle, with some extension management improvements, a forward button that hides itself until it has a function, the inclusion of APIs for full-screen web apps, and anti-aliasing for WebGL. Firefox 10 also marks the debut of the "Extended Support Release," intended for enterprises that don't want to deal with the hassle of supporting a new browser every six weeks. ESR releases receive no updates apart from necessary security fixes, and will change versions once every seven releases, making the next release due around November.

If you find Firefox's frantic product cycle a bit over the top, it's worth noting that Google, Mozilla's closest competitor, is also on a six-week cycle, and recently went a full 19 days between releasing Chrome 17 beta and 18 dev earlier this month. Both browsers are rapidly developing and have relatively similar marketshare figures, but the momentum has been in Chrome's favor. Statisticians earlier this month announced Chrome was now the world's second most popular browser, knocking Firefox from a spot it had held for many years. It remains to be seen if small iterative updates are the way back into the game for Mozilla, but this update does bring Firefox a little step closer to its rivals' feature sets. Firefox 10 comes as a silent update for those of you that already have Firefox, or is available for direct download at the PC and Mac source links below.
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Firefox 10 now available for download

It's been nine months since Mozilla announced that Firefox would be moving to a rapid release cycle, and since then the browser has moved from version 4 to 10. According to the beta changelog, the latest release brings the kind of life-changing features you'd expect from a six-week update cycle, with some extension management improvements, a forward button that hides itself until it has a function, the inclusion of APIs for full-screen web apps, and anti-aliasing for WebGL. Firefox 10 also marks the debut of the "Extended Support Release," intended for enterprises that don't want to deal with the hassle of supporting a new browser every six weeks. ESR releases receive no updates apart from necessary security fixes, and will change versions once every seven releases, making the next release due around November.

If you find Firefox's frantic product cycle a bit over the top, it's worth noting that Google, Mozilla's closest competitor, is also on a six-week cycle, and recently went a full 19 days between releasing Chrome 17 beta and 18 dev earlier this month. Both browsers are rapidly developing and have relatively similar marketshare figures, but the momentum has been in Chrome's favor. Statisticians earlier this month announced Chrome was now the world's second most popular browser, knocking Firefox from a spot it had held for many years. It remains to be seen if small iterative updates are the way back into the game for Mozilla, but this update does bring Firefox a little step closer to its rivals' feature sets. Firefox 10 comes as a silent update for those of you that already have Firefox, or is available for direct download at the PC and Mac source links below.

Descargando de una vez a ver que mejoras de estabilidad/rendimiento trae...
A mí no me funcionaba bien el complemento de firebug+Developer companion en el 9.0.1 pero en este me está funcionando correctamente, gracias por el post informando de la actualización

  • Experimenta las innovaciones más recientes en un ambiente inestable que no es apto para cardiacos

...No gracias! :p