What English Accent Do You Prefer?

have you gauys noitice that north american pepople have a wide variety of american accents as well? I really dig in to the NY accent and the california one..greetings!

Australian english is the worst one! the speak so fast omg.

Northamerican english is tah best, its very simple, but the british uses more vocabulary :)
All the regions, and countries har a wide variety of accent, so, saying, that we like north american accent, australian, o british accent is not gona be a big deal....maybe we have to star specifying....
Wel, actually you could argue that the australian accent is the older accent. As it has been affected by other languages the least. We have been isolated for 200 years with little outside interaction.

We sure aren't trying to work out who we want to copy. thats like saying Colombians cant work out if they want to speak like Chileans or Mexicans...
mistigo vargoth dijo:
ta Paisan english SUCKS! je je Alvaro uribe :S that's crap!

the better accent is el costeño!! :p

jajaja...i dont think so..i mean i have known a lot of paisas who talk english perfectly..so it deppends on the practice...costeños have great accent....in fact, colombians accent rocks..
If u wanna understand any accent around the world, u better learn the "RAP ACCENT", thats very hard to understand everythin they say... even when they speak normally... anyway, u get that, u get everything.. thats all... :p:p:p
I've been teaching English for 6 years now and I think accents just can't be better one from another. Their validity can't be judged by their own characteristics. All this stuff about accents is a bias people try to spread, just by saying: i.e "British English is for educated people, american english sucks". I'm a bachelor in Modern Languages and I had both English and AMerican teachers. I took the most of both and I learned useful things to communicate at any level. my accent is quite american since I spent long hours with american people, but it doesn't make me a "better" speaker.

PS: Spanish from Bogota rulz!!!! LOL, LOL!
The Truth about Accents

Greetings to everyone.

I totally agree with joyo22. We just shouldn't say that one accent is better that other. Doing so, we would be saying then that some people are better that others. If you're a Colombian, and suddenly someone tells you that the best spanish is the original from Spain, what would you say to that? They have their accents as well as we do have ours.

In my case, I speak better American than I do British, due to the fact that I've been exposed to more American accent than British one. Don't get me wrong, I like British a lot. But it's better if you stick to the accent that you prefer.

Himmelsstümmer dijo:
I prefer british, becuause it sounds better and elegant, the americans speak as they have a potatoe in mouth, die amerikaner sprechen sehr schlimm

I prefer NYC English slang from the gutter. The british speak as if the potatoe is up their Ass.

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