What English Accent Do You Prefer?

Well I have an encounter of feelings, my second native language is English (Canadian/American) as my family is american/canadian but many of my teachers were Brittish. Also some other accents like romanian or Spanish(Spain) are really cool to hear!
.. I highly prefer the American pronunciation... You know.. it's easier to listen :p I really sometimes can't understand the british 'n the australian pronunciation... Canadian english is easy listenin' but they speak with a French accent all the time... lol (I've no heard sud-african english and others) ->Can u say if did u?
It's a simple 'Rule of Three', North American English is to Colombian Spanish as Britsh English is to Spanish from Spain!!!

I couldn't explain it better... lol !:p
Yeah it works like that cuz in both cases (UK an Spain) they have the mother language.
I like Scotland English cuz in movies i've seen thats the most clear in UK and the UK style rulez

You say you like English accent (I think you meant UK accent) but at the same time you say that accent is so boring. Sooooo?? :\
American accent is the best, it makes you feel kind of free. By the way, the americans made the english the main language in the world.
I prefer the "Canadian style" 'cause I learned english here, and has a lot of stuff from the British writing and a lot of French expressions, but it has the American accent.

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