A quien le ha llegado el CD de Ubuntu tras pedirlo gratuitamente?

Yo también lo pedí hace como dos meses y nada, aun no llega, solo queda esperar. ¿Será que me llega el 7.10 Gutsy Gibbon que era el que había en ese entonces o será el 8.04 Hardy Heron?.
Las siguen mandando, lo unico barro es que no mandan las de Kubuntu :p.
aqui les dejo mi historial, todos me han llegado exepto las que han cancelado
25 CDs requested on 2005-10-03. 25 CDs were approved and sent to the shipping company on 2005-10-07. Please note requests usually take from 4 to 6 weeks to deliver, depending on the country of shipping.
55 CDs requested on 2005-10-12. 55 CDs were approved and sent to the shipping company on 2005-10-13. Please note requests usually take from 4 to 6 weeks to deliver, depending on the country of shipping.
3 CDs requested on 2007-02-10. 3 CDs were approved and sent to the shipping company on 2007-02-13. Please note requests usually take from 4 to 6 weeks to deliver, depending on the country of shipping.
10 CDs requested on 2007-02-22. 10 CDs were approved and sent to the shipping company on 2007-02-27. Please note requests usually take from 4 to 6 weeks to deliver, depending on the country of shipping.
10 CDs requested on 2007-02-28. This request was not approved, so no CDs were shipped.
5 CDs requested on 2007-03-01. 5 CDs were approved and sent to the shipping company on 2007-03-06. Please note requests usually take from 4 to 6 weeks to deliver, depending on the country of shipping.
1 CDs requested on 2007-03-28. This request was not approved, so no CDs were shipped.
1 CDs requested on 2007-05-31. 1 CDs were approved and sent to the shipping company on 2007-06-04. Please note requests usually take from 4 to 6 weeks to deliver, depending on the country of shipping.
1 CDs requested on 2007-07-08. 1 CDs were approved and sent to the shipping company on 2007-07-09. Please note requests usually take from 4 to 6 weeks to deliver, depending on the country of shipping.
2 CDs requested on 2007-10-29. 2 CDs were approved and sent to the shipping company on 2007-10-30. Please note requests usually take from 4 to 6 weeks to deliver, depending on the country of shipping.
2 CDs requested on 2007-11-13. 2 CDs were approved and sent to the shipping company on 2007-11-20. Please note requests usually take from 4 to 6 weeks to deliver, depending on the country of shipping.
2 CDs requested on 2008-03-05. This request was not approved, so no CDs were shipped.
2 CDs requested on 2008-04-22. 2 CDs were approved and sent to the shipping company on 2008-04-22. Please note requests usually take from 4 to 6 weeks to deliver, depending on the country of shipping.
2 CDs requested on 2008-05-09. 2 CDs were approved and sent to the shipping company on 2008-05-18. Please note requests usually take from 4 to 6 weeks to deliver, depending on the country of shipping.
PD. Ya entendi lo de la filosofia y el trabajo humanitario.:-p
Weno señores, despues de 5 semanas de espera a mi me llego, Hoy en la mañana llego la transportadora y me los Entrego...
Si no les ha llegado esperen... :)
Weno señores, despues de 5 semanas de espera a mi me llego, Hoy en la mañana llego la transportadora y me los Entrego...
Si no les ha llegado esperen... :)

que fecha lo pidio ud, porque si lo pidió en los mismos dias y te llego hoy y sos de medellin demás que hoy me llegan o esta semana
buenas!!! XD a mi me llegaron ayer en la tarde 10 cds de ubuntu 8.04!!! los pedi hace como 2 semanas!!!

lo raro es que me habia pedido hace como 1 mes unos cuantos de la version 7.10 y esos hasta la fecha que no me llegan!!! y puse la direccion exactamente iwal en los 2 pedidos!!! x(
si demasiado raro, sera que descontinuaron la mandada de 7.10 por mandar 8.04

demás que la demanda es mucha

pero la verdad llegar eso en 2 semanas fue muy rápido, en que ciudad te encuentras?
6 CDs requested on 2008-04-23. 6 CDs were approved and sent to the shipping company on 2008-04-27. Please note requests usually take from 4 to 6 weeks to deliver, depending on the country of shipping.

yo seguire esperando... :S:S
a chile llega como en 4 semanas justas, de todos modos dese una buelta por el sitio y revise su direccion, por si las moscas digo y aproveche y pide el 8.04.
P.D. si lo descargas y lo quemas en un dvd enda de pelos!! y trae lo mismo...o no?